import abc import os import tarfile import zipfile from tempfile import mkdtemp, mkstemp import pyparsing import six from .backend_api import Session from import models from pathlib2 import Path from pyhocon import ConfigFactory, HOCONConverter from .backend_interface.util import validate_dict, get_single_result, mutually_exclusive from .debugging.log import get_logger from .storage import StorageHelper from .utilities.enum import Options from .backend_interface import Task as _Task from .backend_interface.model import create_dummy_model, Model as _Model from .config import running_remotely, get_cache_dir ARCHIVED_TAG = "archived" class Framework(Options): """ Optional frameworks for output model """ tensorflow = 'TensorFlow' tensorflowjs = 'TensorFlow_js' tensorflowlite = 'TensorFlow_Lite' pytorch = 'PyTorch' caffe = 'Caffe' caffe2 = 'Caffe2' onnx = 'ONNX' keras = 'Keras' mknet = 'MXNet' cntk = 'CNTK' torch = 'Torch' darknet = 'Darknet' paddlepaddle = 'PaddlePaddle' scikitlearn = 'ScikitLearn' xgboost = 'XGBoost' __file_extensions_mapping = { '.pb': (tensorflow, tensorflowjs, onnx, ), '.meta': (tensorflow, ), '.pbtxt': (tensorflow, onnx, ), '.zip': (tensorflow, ), '.tgz': (tensorflow, ), '.tar.gz': (tensorflow, ), 'model.json': (tensorflowjs, ), '.tflite': (tensorflowlite, ), '.pth': (pytorch, ), '.caffemodel': (caffe, ), '.prototxt': (caffe, ), 'predict_net.pb': (caffe2, ), 'predict_net.pbtxt': (caffe2, ), '.onnx': (onnx, ), '.h5': (keras, ), '.hdf5': (keras, ), '.keras': (keras, ), '.model': (mknet, cntk, xgboost), '-symbol.json': (mknet, ), '.cntk': (cntk, ), '.t7': (torch, ), '.cfg': (darknet, ), '__model__': (paddlepaddle, ), '.pkl': (scikitlearn, keras, xgboost), } @classmethod def _get_file_ext(cls, framework, filename): mapping = cls.__file_extensions_mapping filename = filename.lower() def find_framework_by_ext(framework_selector): for ext, frameworks in mapping.items(): if frameworks and filename.endswith(ext): fw = framework_selector(frameworks) if fw: return (fw, ext) # If no framework, try finding first framework matching the extension, otherwise (or if no match) try matching # the given extension to the given framework. If no match return an empty extension return ( (not framework and find_framework_by_ext(lambda frameworks_: frameworks_[0])) or find_framework_by_ext(lambda frameworks_: framework if framework in frameworks_ else None) or (framework, filename.split('.')[-1] if '.' in filename else '') ) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseModel(object): _package_tag = "package" @property def id(self): """ return the id of the model (string) :return: model id (string) """ return self._get_model_data().id @property def name(self): """ return the name of the model (string) :return: model name (string) """ return self._get_model_data().name @name.setter def name(self, value): """ Update the model name :param value: model name (string) """ self._get_base_model().update(name=value) @property def comment(self): """ return comment/description of the model (string) :return: model description (string) """ return self._get_model_data().comment @comment.setter def comment(self, value): """ Update the model comment/description of the model (string) :param value: model comment/description (string) """ self._get_base_model().update(comment=value) @property def tags(self): """ Return the list of tags the model has :return: list of strings (tags) """ return self._get_model_data().tags @tags.setter def tags(self, value): """ Update the model list of tags (list of strings) :param value: list of strings as tags """ self._get_base_model().update(tags=value) @property def config_text(self): """ returns a string representing the model configuration (from prototxt to ini file or python code to evaluate) :return: string """ return _Model._unwrap_design(self._get_model_data().design) @property def config_dict(self): """ returns a configuration dictionary parsed from the design text, usually representing the model configuration (from prototxt to ini file or python code to evaluate) :return: Dictionary """ return self._text_to_config_dict(self.config_text) @property def labels(self): """ Return the labels enumerator {str(label): integer(id)} as saved in the model object :return: labels_dict, dictionary with labels (text) keys and values as integers """ return self._get_model_data().labels @property def task(self): return self._task @property def published(self): return self._get_base_model().locked @property def framework(self): return self._get_model_data().framework def __init__(self, task=None): super(BaseModel, self).__init__() self._log = get_logger() self._task = None self._set_task(task) def get_weights(self): """ Download the base model and returns a string of locally stored filename :return: string to locally stored file """ # download model (synchronously) and return local file return self._get_base_model().download_model_weights() def get_weights_package(self, return_path=False): """ Download the base model package, extract the files and return list of locally stored filenames :param return_path: if True the model weights are downloaded into a temporary directory and the directory path is returned, instead of list of files :return: string to locally stored file """ # check if model was packaged if self._package_tag not in self._get_model_data().tags: raise ValueError('Model is not packaged') # download packaged model packed_file = self.get_weights() # unpack target_folder = mkdtemp(prefix='model_package_') if not target_folder: raise ValueError('cannot create temporary directory for packed weight files') for func in (zipfile.ZipFile, try: obj = func(packed_file) obj.extractall(path=target_folder) break except (zipfile.BadZipfile, tarfile.ReadError): pass else: raise ValueError('cannot extract files from packaged model at %s', packed_file) if return_path: return target_folder target_files = list(Path(target_folder).glob('*')) return target_files def publish(self): """ Set the model to 'published' and set it for public use. If the model is already published, this method is a no-op. """ if not self.published: self._get_base_model().publish() def _running_remotely(self): return bool(running_remotely() and self._task is not None) def _set_task(self, value): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, _Task): raise ValueError('task argument must be of Task type') self._task = value @abc.abstractmethod def _get_model_data(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _get_base_model(self): pass def _set_package_tag(self): if self._package_tag not in self.tags: self.tags.append(self._package_tag) self._get_base_model().edit(tags=self.tags) @staticmethod def _config_dict_to_text(config): # if already string return as is if isinstance(config, six.string_types): return config if not isinstance(config, dict): raise ValueError("Model configuration only supports dictionary objects") try: # hack, pyhocon is not very good with dict conversion so we pass through json try: import json text = json.dumps(config) text = HOCONConverter.convert(ConfigFactory.parse_string(text), 'hocon') except Exception: # fallback pyhocon text = HOCONConverter.convert(ConfigFactory.from_dict(config), 'hocon') except Exception: raise ValueError("Could not serialize configuration dictionary:\n", config) return text @staticmethod def _text_to_config_dict(text): if not isinstance(text, six.string_types): raise ValueError("Model configuration parsing only supports string") try: return ConfigFactory.parse_string(text).as_plain_ordered_dict() except pyparsing.ParseBaseException as ex: pos = "at char {}, line:{}, col:{}".format(ex.loc, ex.lineno, ex.column) six.raise_from(ValueError("Could not parse configuration text ({}):\n{}".format(pos, text)), None) except Exception: six.raise_from(ValueError("Could not parse configuration text:\n{}".format(text)), None) @staticmethod def _resolve_config(config_text=None, config_dict=None): mutually_exclusive(config_text=config_text, config_dict=config_dict, _require_at_least_one=False) if config_dict: return InputModel._config_dict_to_text(config_dict) return config_text class InputModel(BaseModel): """ Load an existing model in the system, search by model id. The Model will be read-only and can be used to pre initialize a network We can connect the model to a task as input model, then when running remotely override it with the UI. """ _EMPTY_MODEL_ID = _Model._EMPTY_MODEL_ID @classmethod def import_model( cls, weights_url, config_text=None, config_dict=None, label_enumeration=None, name=None, tags=None, comment=None, logger=None, is_package=False, create_as_published=False, framework=None, ): """ Create a model from pre-existing model file (link must be valid), and model configuration. If the url to the weights file already exists, the import process will stop with a warning and automatically it will try to import the model that was found. The Model will be read-only and can be used to pre initialize a network We can connect the model to a task as input model, then when running remotely override it with the UI. Load model based on id, returned object is read-only and can be connected to a task That is, we can override the input model when running remotely :param weights_url: valid url for the weights file (string). examples: "" or "s3://bucket/file.bin" or "file:///home/user/file.bin". NOTE: if a model with the exact same URL exists, it will be used, and all other arguments will be ignored. :param config_text: model configuration (unconstrained text string). usually the content of configuration file. If `config_text` is not None, `config_dict` must not be provided. :param config_dict: model configuration parameters (dict). If `config_dict` is not None, `config_text` must not be provided. :param label_enumeration: dictionary of string to integer, enumerating the model output to labels example: {'background': 0 , 'person': 1} :param name: optional, name for the newly imported model :param tags: optional, list of strings as tags :param comment: optional, string description for the model :param logger: The logger to use. If None, use the default logger :param is_package: Boolean. Indicates that the imported weights file is a package. If True, and a new model was created, a package tag will be added. :param create_as_published: Boolean. If True, and a new model is created, it will be published. :param framework: optional, string name of the framework of the model or Framework """ config_text = cls._resolve_config(config_text=config_text, config_dict=config_dict) weights_url = StorageHelper.conform_url(weights_url) if not weights_url: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid weights_url parameter") extra = {'system_tags': ["-" + ARCHIVED_TAG]} \ if Session.check_min_api_version('2.3') else {'tags': ["-" + ARCHIVED_TAG]} result = _Model._get_default_session().send(models.GetAllRequest( uri=[weights_url], only_fields=["id", "name"], **extra )) if result.response.models: if not logger: logger = get_logger() logger.debug('A model with uri "{}" already exists. Selecting it'.format(weights_url)) model = get_single_result( entity='model', query=weights_url, results=result.response.models, log=logger, raise_on_error=False, )"Selected model id: {}".format( return InputModel( base_model = _Model( upload_storage_uri=None, cache_dir=get_cache_dir(), ) from .task import Task task = Task.current_task() if task: comment = 'Imported by task id: {}'.format( + ('\n'+comment if comment else '') project_id = task.project task_id = else: project_id = None task_id = None if not framework: framework, file_ext = Framework._get_file_ext( framework=framework, filename=weights_url ) base_model.update( design=config_text, labels=label_enumeration, name=name, comment=comment, tags=tags, uri=weights_url, framework=framework, project_id=project_id, task_id=task_id, ) this_model = InputModel( this_model._base_model = base_model if is_package: this_model._set_package_tag() if create_as_published: this_model.publish() return this_model @classmethod def empty( cls, config_text=None, config_dict=None, label_enumeration=None, ): """ Create an empty model, so that later we can execute the task in remote and replace the empty model with pre-trained model file :param config_text: model configuration (unconstrained text string). usually the content of a config_dict file. If `config_text` is not None, `config_dict` must not be provided. :param config_dict: model configuration parameters (dict). If `config_dict` is not None, `config_text` must not be provided. :param label_enumeration: dictionary of string to integer, enumerating the model output to labels example: {'background': 0 , 'person': 1} """ design = cls._resolve_config(config_text=config_text, config_dict=config_dict) this_model = InputModel(model_id=cls._EMPTY_MODEL_ID) this_model._base_model = m = _Model( cache_dir=None, upload_storage_uri=None, model_id=cls._EMPTY_MODEL_ID, ) = _Model._wrap_design(design) m._data.labels = label_enumeration return this_model def __init__(self, model_id): """ Load model based on id, returned object is read-only and can be connected to a task Notice, we can override the input model when running remotely :param model_id: id (string) """ super(InputModel, self).__init__() self._base_model_id = model_id self._base_model = None @property def id(self): return self._base_model_id def connect(self, task): """ Connect current model with a specific task, only supported for preexisting models, i.e. not supported on objects created with create_and_connect() When running in debug mode (i.e. locally), the task is updated with the model object (i.e. task input model is the load_model_id) When running remotely (i.e. from a daemon) the model is being updated from the task Notice! when running remotely the load_model_id is ignored and loaded from the task object regardless of the code :param task: Task object """ self._set_task(task) if running_remotely() and task.input_model and task.is_main_task(): self._base_model = task.input_model self._base_model_id = else: # we should set the task input model to point to us model = self._get_base_model() # try to store the input model id, if it is not empty if != self._EMPTY_MODEL_ID: task.set_input_model( # only copy the model design if the task has no design to begin with if not self._task.get_model_config_text(): task.set_model_config(config_text=model.model_design) if not self._task.get_labels_enumeration(): task.set_model_label_enumeration( # If there was an output model connected, it may need to be updated by # the newly connected input model self.task._reconnect_output_model() def _get_base_model(self): if self._base_model: return self._base_model if not self._base_model_id: # this shouldn't actually happen raise Exception('Missing model ID, cannot create an empty model') self._base_model = _Model( upload_storage_uri=None, cache_dir=get_cache_dir(), model_id=self._base_model_id, ) return self._base_model def _get_model_data(self): return self._get_base_model().data class OutputModel(BaseModel): """ Create an output model for a task to store the training results in. By definition the Model is always connected to a task, and is automatically registered as its output model. The common use case is reusing the model object, and overriding the weights every stored snapshot. A user can create multiple output models for a task, think a snapshot after a validation test has a new high-score. The Model will be read-write and if config/label-enumeration are None, their values will be initialized from the task input model. """ @property def published(self): if not return False return self._get_base_model().locked @property def config_text(self): """ returns a string representing the model configuration (from prototxt to ini file or python code to evaluate) :return: string """ return _Model._unwrap_design(self._get_model_data().design) @config_text.setter def config_text(self, value): """ Update the model configuration, store a blob of text for custom usage """ self.update_design(config_text=value) @property def config_dict(self): """ returns a configuration dictionary parsed from the config_text text, usually representing the model configuration (from prototxt to ini file or python code to evaluate) :return: Dictionary """ return self._text_to_config_dict(self.config_text) @config_dict.setter def config_dict(self, value): """ Update the model configuration: model configuration parameters (dict). """ self.update_design(config_dict=value) @property def labels(self): """ Return the labels enumerator {str(label): integer(id)} as saved in the model object :return: labels_dict, dictionary with labels (text) keys and values as integers """ return self._get_model_data().labels @labels.setter def labels(self, value): """ update the labels enumerator {str(label): integer(id)} as saved in the model object """ self.update_labels(labels=value) @property def upload_storage_uri(self): return self._get_base_model().upload_storage_uri def __init__( self, task, config_text=None, config_dict=None, label_enumeration=None, name=None, tags=None, comment=None, framework=None, ): """ Create a new model and immediately connect it to a task. We do not allow for Model creation without a task, so we always keep track on how we created the models In remote execution, Model parameters can be overridden by the Task (such as model configuration & label enumerator) :param task: Task object :type task: Task :param config_text: model configuration (unconstrained text string). usually the content of a config_dict file. If `config_text` is not None, `config_dict` must not be provided. :param config_dict: model configuration parameters (dict). If `config_dict` is not None, `config_text` must not be provided. :param label_enumeration: dictionary of string to integer, enumerating the model output to labels example: {'background': 0 , 'person': 1} :type label_enumeration: dict[str: int] or None :param name: optional, name for the newly created model :param tags: optional, list of strings as tags :param comment: optional, string description for the model :param framework: optional, string name of the framework of the model or Framework """ super(OutputModel, self).__init__(task=task) config_text = self._resolve_config(config_text=config_text, config_dict=config_dict) self._model_local_filename = None self._base_model = None self._floating_data = create_dummy_model( design=_Model._wrap_design(config_text), labels=label_enumeration or task.get_labels_enumeration(), name=name, tags=tags, comment='Created by task id: {}'.format( + ('\n' + comment if comment else ''), framework=framework, upload_storage_uri=task.output_uri, ) self.connect(task) def connect(self, task): """ Connect current model with a specific task, only supported for preexisting models, i.e. not supported on objects created with create_and_connect() When running in debug mode (i.e. locally), the task is updated with the model object (i.e. task input model is the load_model_id) When running remotely (i.e. from a daemon) the model is being updated from the task Notice! when running remotely the load_model_id is ignored and loaded from the task object regardless of the code :param task: Task object """ if self._task != task: raise ValueError('Can only connect preexisting model to task, but this is a fresh model') if running_remotely() and task.is_main_task(): = _Model._wrap_design(self._task.get_model_config_text()) self._floating_data.labels = self._task.get_labels_enumeration() elif self._floating_data is not None: # we copy configuration / labels if they exist, obviously someone wants them as the output base model if _Model._unwrap_design( if not task.get_model_config_text(): task.set_model_config( else: = _Model._wrap_design(self._task.get_model_config_text()) if self._floating_data.labels: task.set_model_label_enumeration(self._floating_data.labels) else: self._floating_data.labels = self._task.get_labels_enumeration() self.task._save_output_model(self) def set_upload_destination(self, uri): """ Set the uri to upload all the model weight files to. Files are uploaded separately to the destination storage (e.g. s3,gc,file) and then a link to the uploaded model is stored in the model object Notice: credentials for the upload destination will be pooled from the global configuration file (i.e. ~/trains.conf) :param uri: upload destination (string). example: 's3://bucket/directory/' or 'file:///tmp/debug/' :return: True if destination scheme is supported (i.e. s3:// file:// gc:// etc...) """ if not uri: return # Test if we can update the model. self._validate_update() # Create the storage helper storage = StorageHelper.get(uri) # Verify that we can upload to this destination try: uri = storage.verify_upload(folder_uri=uri) except Exception: raise ValueError("Could not set destination uri to: %s [Check write permissions]" % uri) # store default uri self._get_base_model().upload_storage_uri = uri def update_weights(self, weights_filename=None, upload_uri=None, target_filename=None, auto_delete_file=True, register_uri=None, iteration=None, update_comment=True): """ Update the model weights from a locally stored model filename. Uploading the model is a background process, the call returns immediately. :param weights_filename: locally stored filename to be uploaded as is :param upload_uri: destination uri for model weights upload (default: previously used uri) :param target_filename: the newly created filename in the destination uri location (default: weights_filename) :param auto_delete_file: delete temporary file after uploading :param register_uri: register an already uploaded weights file (uri must be valid) :param update_comment: if True, model comment will be updated with local weights file location (provenance) :return: uploaded uri """ def delete_previous_weights_file(filename=weights_filename): try: if filename: os.remove(filename) except OSError: self._log.debug('Failed removing temporary file %s' % filename) # test if we can update the model if and self.published: raise ValueError('Model is published and cannot be changed') if (not weights_filename and not register_uri) or (weights_filename and register_uri): raise ValueError('Model update must have either local weights file to upload, ' 'or pre-uploaded register_uri, never both') # only upload if we are connected to a task if not self._task: raise Exception('Missing a task for this model') if weights_filename is not None: # make sure we delete the previous file, if it exists if self._model_local_filename != weights_filename: delete_previous_weights_file(self._model_local_filename) # store temp filename for deletion next time, if needed if auto_delete_file: self._model_local_filename = weights_filename # make sure the created model is updated: model = self._get_force_base_model() if not model: raise ValueError('Failed creating internal output model') # select the correct file extension based on the framework, or update the framework based on the file extension framework, file_ext = Framework._get_file_ext( framework=self._get_model_data().framework, filename=weights_filename or register_uri ) if weights_filename: target_filename = target_filename or Path(weights_filename).name if not target_filename.lower().endswith(file_ext): target_filename += file_ext # set target uri for upload (if specified) if upload_uri: self.set_upload_destination(upload_uri) # let us know the iteration number, we put it in the comment section for now. if update_comment: comment = self.comment or '' iteration_msg = 'snapshot {} stored'.format(weights_filename or register_uri) if not comment.startswith('\n'): comment = '\n' + comment comment = iteration_msg + comment else: comment = None # if we have no output destination, just register the local model file if weights_filename and not self.upload_storage_uri and not self._task.storage_uri: register_uri = weights_filename weights_filename = None auto_delete_file = False'No output storage destination defined, registering local model %s' % register_uri) # start the upload if weights_filename: if not model.upload_storage_uri: self.set_upload_destination(self.upload_storage_uri or self._task.storage_uri) output_uri = model.update_and_upload( model_file=weights_filename,, async_enable=True, target_filename=target_filename, framework=self.framework or framework, comment=comment, cb=delete_previous_weights_file if auto_delete_file else None, iteration=iteration or self._task.get_last_iteration(), ) elif register_uri: register_uri = StorageHelper.conform_url(register_uri) output_uri = model.update(uri=register_uri,, framework=framework, comment=comment) else: output_uri = None # make sure that if we are in dev move we report that we are training (not debugging) self._task._output_model_updated() return output_uri def update_weights_package(self, weights_filenames=None, weights_path=None, upload_uri=None, target_filename=None, auto_delete_file=True, iteration=None): """ Update the model weights from a locally stored model files (or directory containing multiple files). Uploading the model is a background process, the call returns immediately. :param weights_filenames: list of locally stored filenames (list of strings) :type weights_filenames: list :param weights_path: directory path to package (all the files in the directory will be uploaded) :type weights_path: str :param upload_uri: destination uri for model weights upload (default: previously used uri) :param target_filename: the newly created filename in the destination uri location (default: weights_filename) :param auto_delete_file: delete temporary file after uploading :return: uploaded uri for the weights package """ # create list of files if (not weights_filenames and not weights_path) or (weights_filenames and weights_path): raise ValueError('Model update weights package should get either directory path to pack or a list of files') if not weights_filenames: weights_filenames = list(map(six.text_type, Path(weights_path).glob('*'))) # create packed model from all the files fd, zip_file = mkstemp(prefix='model_package.', suffix='.zip') try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'w', allowZip64=True, compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED) as zf: for filename in weights_filenames: zf.write(filename, arcname=Path(filename).name) finally: os.close(fd) # now we can delete the files (or path if provided) if auto_delete_file: def safe_remove(path, is_dir=False): try: (os.rmdir if is_dir else os.remove)(path) except OSError:'Failed removing temporary {}'.format(path)) for filename in weights_filenames: safe_remove(filename) if weights_path: safe_remove(weights_path, is_dir=True) if target_filename and not target_filename.lower().endswith('.zip'): target_filename += '.zip' # and now we should upload the file, always delete the temporary zip file comment = self.comment or '' iteration_msg = 'snapshot {} stored'.format(str(weights_filenames)) if not comment.startswith('\n'): comment = '\n' + comment comment = iteration_msg + comment self.comment = comment uploaded_uri = self.update_weights(weights_filename=zip_file, auto_delete_file=True, upload_uri=upload_uri, target_filename=target_filename or '', iteration=iteration, update_comment=False) # set the model tag (by now we should have a model object) so we know we have packaged file self._set_package_tag() return uploaded_uri def update_design(self, config_text=None, config_dict=None): """ Update the model configuration, basically store a blob of text for custom usage Notice: this is done in a lazily, only when updating weights we force the update of configuration in the backend :param config_text: model configuration (unconstrained text string). usually the content of a config_dict file. If `config_text` is not None, `config_dict` must not be provided. :param config_dict: model configuration parameters (dict). If `config_dict` is not None, `config_text` must not be provided. :return: True if update was successful """ if not self._validate_update(): return config_text = self._resolve_config(config_text=config_text, config_dict=config_dict) if self._task and not self._task.get_model_config_text(): self._task.set_model_config(config_text=config_text) if # update the model object (this will happen if we resumed a training task) result = self._get_force_base_model().edit(design=config_text) else: = _Model._wrap_design(config_text) result = Waitable() # you can wait on this object return result def update_labels(self, labels): """ Update the model label enumeration {str(label): integer(id)} :param labels: dictionary with labels (text) keys and values as integers example: {'background': 0 , 'person': 1} :return: """ validate_dict(labels, key_types=six.string_types, value_types=six.integer_types, desc='label enumeration') if not self._validate_update(): return if self._task: self._task.set_model_label_enumeration(labels) if # update the model object (this will happen if we resumed a training task) result = self._get_force_base_model().edit(labels=labels) else: self._floating_data.labels = labels result = Waitable() # you can wait on this object return result @classmethod def wait_for_uploads(cls, timeout=None, max_num_uploads=None): """ Wait for any pending/in-progress model uploads. If no uploads are pending or in-progress, returns immediately. :param timeout: If not None, a floating point number specifying a timeout in seconds after which this call will return. :param max_num_uploads: Max number of uploads to wait for. """ _Model.wait_for_results(timeout=timeout, max_num_uploads=max_num_uploads) def _get_force_base_model(self): if self._base_model: return self._base_model # create a new model from the task self._base_model = self._task.create_output_model() # update the model from the task inputs labels = self._task.get_labels_enumeration() config_text = self._task.get_model_config_text() parent = self._task.output_model_id or self._task.input_model_id self._base_model.update( labels=self._floating_data.labels or labels, or config_text,, project_id=self._task.project, parent_id=parent, or, comment=self._floating_data.comment, tags=self._floating_data.tags, framework=self._floating_data.framework, upload_storage_uri=self._floating_data.upload_storage_uri ) # remove model floating change set, by now they should have matched the task. self._floating_data = None # now we have to update the creator task so it points to us self._base_model.update_for_task(, return self._base_model def _get_base_model(self): if self._floating_data: return self._floating_data return self._get_force_base_model() def _get_model_data(self): if self._base_model: return return self._floating_data def _validate_update(self): # test if we can update the model if and self.published: raise ValueError('Model is published and cannot be changed') return True class Waitable(object): def wait(self, *_, **__): return True