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-# What is TRAINS?
-Behind every great scientist are great repeatable methods. Sadly, this is easier said than done.
-When talented scientists, engineers, or developers work on their own, a mess may be unavoidable.
-Yet, it may still be manageable. However, with time and more people joining your project, managing the clutter takes
-its toll on productivity. As your project moves toward production, visibility and provenance for scaling your
-deep-learning efforts are a must.
-For teams or entire companies, TRAINS logs everything in one central server and takes on the responsibilities for
-visibility and provenance so productivity does not suffer. TRAINS records and manages various deep learning
-research workloads and does so with practically zero integration costs.
-We designed TRAINS specifically to require effortless integration so that teams can preserve their existing methods
-and practices. Use it on a daily basis to boost collaboration and visibility, or use it to automatically collect
-your experimentation logs, outputs, and data to one centralized server.
-## Main Features
-* Integrate with your current work flow with minimal effort
- * Seamless integration with leading frameworks, including: *PyTorch*, *TensorFlow*, *Keras*, *XGBoost*, *SciKit-Learn* and others coming soon
- * Support for *Jupyter Notebook* (see [trains-jupyter-plugin](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-jupyter-plugin))
- and *PyCharm* remote debugging (see [trains-pycharm-plugin](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-pycharm-plugin))
-* Log everything. Experiments become truly repeatable
- * Model logging with **automatic association** of **model + code + parameters + initial weights**
- * Automatically create a copy of models on centralized storage
- ([supports shared folders, S3, GS,](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/docs/faq.md#i-read-there-is-a-feature-for-centralized-model-storage-how-do-i-use-it-) and Azure is coming soon!)
-* Share and collaborate
- * Multi-user process tracking and collaboration
- * Centralized server for aggregating logs, records, and general bookkeeping
-* Increase productivity
- * Comprehensive **experiment comparison**: code commits, initial weights, hyper-parameters and metric results
-* Order & Organization
- * Manage and organize your experiments in projects
- * Query capabilities; sort and filter experiments by results metrics
-* And more
- * Stop an experiment on a remote machine using the web-app
- * A field-tested, feature-rich SDK for your on-the-fly customization needs
-## TRAINS Automatically Logs
-* Git repository, branch, commit id, entry point and local git diff
-* Python packages (including specific version)
-* Hyper-parameters
- * ArgParser for command line parameters with currently used values
- * Explicit parameters dictionary
-* Tensorflow Defines (absl-py)
-* Initial model weights file
-* Model snapshots
-* StdOut and StdErr
-* Tensorboard/TensorboardX scalars, metrics, histograms, images (with audio coming soon)
-* Matplotlib & Seaborn
-## How TRAINS Works
-TRAINS is a two part solution:
-1. TRAINS [python package](https://pypi.org/project/trains/) (auto-magically connects your code, see [Using TRAINS](https://github.com/allegroai/trains#using-trains))
-2. [TRAINS-server](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server) for logging, querying, control and UI ([Web-App](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-web))
-The following diagram illustrates the interaction of the [TRAINS-server](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server)
-and a GPU training machine using the TRAINS python package
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-General Information
-* [How do I know a new version came out?](#new-version-auto-update)
-* [How can I change the location of TRAINS configuration file?](#change-config-path)
-* [How can I override TRAINS credentials from the OS environment?](#credentials-os-env)
-* [How can I track OS environment variables with experiments?](#track-env-vars)
-* [How can I sort models by a certain metric?](#custom-columns)
-* [Can I store more information on the models?](#store-more-model-info)
-* [Can I store the model configuration file as well?](#store-model-configuration)
-* [I am training multiple models at the same time, but I only see one of them. What happened?](#only-last-model-appears)
-* [Can I log input and output models manually?](#manually-log-models)
-* [I noticed I keep getting the message `warning: uncommitted code`. What does it mean?](#uncommitted-code-warning)
-* [I do not use Argparser for hyper-parameters. Do you have a solution?](#dont-want-argparser)
-* [I noticed that all of my experiments appear as `Training`. Are there other options?](#other-experiment-types)
-* [Sometimes I see experiments as running when in fact they are not. What's going on?](#experiment-running-but-stopped)
-* [My code throws an exception, but my experiment status is not "Failed". What happened?](#exception-not-failed)
-* [When I run my experiment, I get an SSL Connection error [CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]. Do you have a solution?](#ssl-connection-error)
-* [How do I modify experiment names once they have been created?](#name-changing)
-Graphs and Logs
-* [The first log lines are missing from the experiment log tab. Where did they go?](#first-log-lines-missing)
-* [Can I create a graph comparing hyper-parameters vs model accuracy?](#compare-graph-parameters)
-* [I want to add more graphs, not just with Tensorboard. Is this supported?](#more-graph-types)
-GIT and Storage
-* [Is there something TRAINS can do about uncommitted code running?](#help-uncommitted-code)
-* [I read there is a feature for centralized model storage. How do I use it?](#centralized-model-storage)
-* [When using PyCharm to remotely debug a machine, the git repo is not detected. Do you have a solution?](#pycharm-remote-debug-detect-git)
-* Also see, [Git and Jupyter](#commit-git-in-jupyter)
-* [I am using Jupyter Notebook. Is this supported?](#jupyter-notebook)
-* [Git is not well supported in Jupyter, so we just gave up on committing our code. Do you have a solution?](#commit-git-in-jupyter)
-* [Can I use TRAINS with scikit-learn?](#use-scikit-learn)
-* [How can I use the TRAINS API to fetch data?](#api)
-## General Information
-### How do I know a new version came out?
-Starting v0.9.3 TRAINS notifies on a new version release.
-For example, when a new client version available the notification is:
-TRAINS new package available: UPGRADE to vX.Y.Z is recommended!
-For example, when new server version available the notification is:
-TRAINS-SERVER new version available: upgrade to vX.Y is recommended!
-## Configuration
-### How can I change the location of TRAINS configuration file?
-Set `TRAINS_CONFIG_FILE` OS environment variable to override the default configuration file location.
-export TRAINS_CONFIG_FILE="/home/user/mytrains.conf"
-### How can I override TRAINS credentials from the OS environment?
-Set the OS environment variables below, in order to override the configuration file / defaults.
-export TRAINS_API_ACCESS_KEY="key_here"
-export TRAINS_API_SECRET_KEY="secret_here"
-export TRAINS_API_HOST="http://localhost:8008"
-### How can I track OS environment variables with experiments?
-​Set the OS environment variable `TRAINS_LOG_ENVIRONMENT` with the variables you need track. See [Specifying Environment Variables to Track](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/docs/logger.md#specifying-environment-variables-to-track).
-## Models
-### How can I sort models by a certain metric?
-Models are associated with the experiments that created them.
-In order to sort experiments by a specific metric, add a custom column in the experiments table,
-### Can I store more information on the models?
-#### For example, can I store enumeration of classes?
-Yes! Use the `Task.set_model_label_enumeration()` method:
-Task.current_task().set_model_label_enumeration( {"label": int(0), } )
-### Can I store the model configuration file as well?
-Yes! Use the `Task.connect_configuration()` method:
-### I am training multiple models at the same time, but I only see one of them. What happened?
-All models can be found under the project's **Models** tab,
-that said, currently in the Experiment's information panel TRAINS shows only the last associated model.
-This will be fixed in a future version.
-### Can I log input and output models manually?
-Yes! For example:
-input_model = InputModel.import_model(link_to_initial_model_file)
-See [InputModel](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/trains/model.py#L319) and [OutputModel](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/trains/model.py#L539) for more information.
-## Experiments
-### I noticed I keep getting the message `warning: uncommitted code`. What does it mean?
-TRAINS not only detects your current repository and git commit,
-but also warns you if you are using uncommitted code. TRAINS does this
-because uncommitted code means this experiment will be difficult to reproduce.
-If you still don't care, just ignore this message - it is merely a warning.
-### I do not use Argparser for hyper-parameters. Do you have a solution?
-Yes! TRAINS supports [logging an experiment parameter dictionary](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/docs/logger.md#logging-an-experiment-parameter-dictionary).
-### I noticed that all of my experiments appear as `Training`. Are there other options?
-Yes! When creating experiments and calling `Task.init`, you can provide an experiment type.
-The currently supported types are `Task.TaskTypes.training` and `Task.TaskTypes.testing`. For example:
-task = Task.init(project_name, task_name, Task.TaskTypes.testing)
-If you feel we should add a few more, let us know in the [issues](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues) section.
-### Sometimes I see experiments as running when in fact they are not. What's going on?
-TRAINS monitors your Python process. When the process exits in an orderly fashion, TRAINS closes the experiment.
-When the process crashes and terminates abnormally, the stop signal is sometimes missed. In such a case, you can safely right click the experiment in the Web-App and stop it.
-### My code throws an exception, but my experiment status is not "Failed". What happened?
-This issue was resolved in v0.9.2. Upgrade TRAINS:
-```pip install -U trains```
-### When I run my experiment, I get an SSL Connection error [CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]. Do you have a solution?
-Your firewall may be preventing the connection. Try one of the following solutions:
-* Direct python "requests" to use the enterprise certificate file by setting the OS environment variables CURL_CA_BUNDLE or REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE.
- You can see a detailed discussion at [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48391750/disable-python-requests-ssl-validation-for-an-imported-module](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48391750/disable-python-requests-ssl-validation-for-an-imported-module).
-2. Disable certificate verification (for security reasons, this is not recommended):
- 1. Upgrade TRAINS to the current version:
- ```pip install -U trains```
- 1. Create a new **trains.conf** configuration file (sample file [here](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/docs/trains.conf)), containing:
- ```api { verify_certificate = False }```
- 1. Copy the new **trains.conf** file to ~/trains.conf (on Windows: C:\Users\your_username\trains.conf)
-### How do I modify experiment names once they have been created?
-An experiments' name is a user controlled property which can be accessed via the `Task.name` variable.
-This allows you to use meaningful naming schemes for to easily filter and compare different experiments.
-For example, to distinguish between different experiments you can append the task Id to the task name:
-task = Task.init('examples', 'train')
-task.name += ' {}'.format(task.id)
-Or, even for post-execution:
-tasks = Task.get_tasks(project_name='examples', task_name='train')
-for t in tasks:
- t.name += ' {}'.format(task.id)
-Another example - To append a specific hyperparameter and its value to each task's name:
-tasks = Task.get_tasks(project_name='examples', task_name='my_automl_experiment')
-for t in tasks:
- params = t.get_parameters()
- if 'my_secret_parameter' in params:
- t.name += ' my_secret_parameter={}'.format(params['my_secret_parameter'])
-Use it also when creating automation pipelines with a naming convention, see our [random search automation example](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/automl/automl_random_search_example.py).
-## Graphs and Logs
-### The first log lines are missing from the experiment log tab. Where did they go?
-Due to speed/optimization issues, we opted to display only the last several hundred log lines.
-You can always downloaded the full log as a file using the Web-App.
-### Can I create a graph comparing hyper-parameters vs model accuracy?
-Yes, you can manually create a plot with a single point X-axis for the hyper-parameter value,
-and Y-Axis for the accuracy. For example:
-number_layers = 10
-accuracy = 0.95
- "performance", "accuracy", iteration=0,
- mode='markers', scatter=[(number_layers, accuracy)])
-Assuming the hyper-parameter is "number_layers" with current value 10, and the accuracy for the trained model is 0.95.
-Then, the experiment comparison graph shows:
-Another option is a histogram chart:
-number_layers = 10
-accuracy = 0.95
- "performance", "accuracy", iteration=0, labels=['accuracy'],
- values=[accuracy], xlabels=['number_layers %d' % number_layers])
-### I want to add more graphs, not just with Tensorboard. Is this supported?
-Yes! Use the [Logger](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/trains/logger.py) module. For more information, see [TRAINS Explicit Logging](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/docs/logger.md).
-## Git and Storage
-### Is there something TRAINS can do about uncommitted code running?
-Yes! TRAINS currently stores the git diff as part of the experiment's information.
-The Web-App will soon present the git diff as well. This is coming very soon!
-### I read there is a feature for centralized model storage. How do I use it?
-When calling `Task.init()`, providing the `output_uri` parameter allows you to specify the location in which model snapshots will be stored.
-For example, calling:
-task = Task.init(project_name, task_name, output_uri="/mnt/shared/folder")
-Will tell TRAINS to copy all stored snapshots into a sub-folder under `/mnt/shared/folder`.
-The sub-folder's name will contain the experiment's ID.
-Assuming the experiment's ID in this example is `6ea4f0b56d994320a713aeaf13a86d9d`, the following folder will be used:
-TRAINS supports more storage types for `output_uri`:
-# AWS S3 bucket
-task = Task.init(project_name, task_name, output_uri="s3://bucket-name/folder")
-# Google Cloud Storage bucket
-taks = Task.init(project_name, task_name, output_uri="gs://bucket-name/folder")
-**NOTE:** These require configuring the storage credentials in `~/trains.conf`.
-For a more detailed example, see [here](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/docs/trains.conf#L55).
-### When using PyCharm to remotely debug a machine, the git repo is not detected. Do you have a solution?
-Yes! Since this is such a common occurrence, we created a PyCharm plugin that allows a remote debugger to grab your local repository / commit ID. See our [TRAINS PyCharm Plugin](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-pycharm-plugin) repository for instructions and [latest release](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-pycharm-plugin/releases).
-## Jupyter Notebooks
-### I am using Jupyter Notebook. Is this supported?
-Yes! You can run **TRAINS** in Jupyter Notebooks.
-* Option 1: Install **trains** on your Jupyter Notebook host machine
-* Option 2: Install **trains** *in* your Jupyter Notebook and connect using **trains** credentials
-**Option 1: Install trains on your Jupyter host machine**
-1. Connect to your Juypter host machine.
-1. Install the **trains** Python package.
- pip install trains
-1. Run the **trains** initialize wizard.
- trains-init
-1. In your Jupyter Notebook, you can now use **trains**.
-**Option 2: Install trains in your Jupyter Notebook**
-1. In the **trains** Web-App, Profile page, create credentials and copy your access key and secret key. These are required in the Step 3.
-1. Install the **trains** Python package.
- # install trains
- !pip install trains
-1. Use the `Task.set_credentials()` method to specify the host, port, access key and secret key (see step 1).
-Notice: *host* is NOT the web server (default port 8080) but the API server (default port 8008)
- # Set your credentials using the **trains** apiserver URI and port, access_key, and secret_key.
- Task.set_credentials(host='http://localhost:8008',key='', secret='')
-1. You can now use **trains**.
- # create a task and start training
- task = Task.init('jupyer project', 'my notebook')
-### Git is not well supported in Jupyter, so we just gave up on committing our code. Do you have a solution?
-Yes! Check our [TRAINS Jupyter Plugin](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-jupyter-plugin). This plugin allows you to commit your notebook directly from Jupyter. It also saves the Python version of your code and creates an updated `requirements.txt` so you know which packages you were using.
-## scikit-learn
-### Can I use TRAINS with scikit-learn?
-Yes! `scikit-learn` is supported. Everything you do is logged.
-Models are automatically logged when stored using *joblib*.
- # from sklearn.externals import joblib
- import joblib
- joblib.dump(model, 'model.pkl')
- loaded_model = joblib.load('model.pkl')
-### How can I use the TRAINS API to fetch data?
-To fetch data using the **TRAINS** API, create an authenticated session and send requests for data using **TRAINS API** services and methods.
-The responses to the requests contain your data.
-For example, to get the metrics for an experiment and print metrics as a histogram:
-1. start an authenticated session
-1. send a request for all projects named `examples` using the `projects` service `GetAllRequest` method
-1. from the response, get the Ids of all those projects named `examples`
-1. send a request for all experiments (tasks) with those project Ids using the `tasks` service `GetAllRequest` method
-1. from the response, get the data for the experiment (task) Id `11` and print the experiment name
-1. send a request for a metrics histogram for experiment (task) Id `11` using the `events` service `ScalarMetricsIterHistogramRequest` method and print the histogram
-# Import Session from the trains backend_api
-from trains.backend_api import Session
-# Import the services for tasks, events, and projects
-from trains.backend_api.services import tasks, events, projects
-# Create an authenticated session
-session = Session()
-# Get projects matching the project name 'examples'
-res = session.send(projects.GetAllRequest(name='examples'))
-# Get all the project Ids matching the project name 'examples"
-projects_id = [p.id for p in res.response.projects]
-print('project ids: {}'.format(projects_id))
-# Get all the experiments/tasks
-res = session.send(tasks.GetAllRequest(project=projects_id))
-# Do your work
-# For example, get the experiment whose Id is '11'
-task = res.response.tasks[11]
-print('task name: {}'.format(task.name))
-# For example, for experiment Id '11', get the experiment metric values
-res = session.send(events.ScalarMetricsIterHistogramRequest(
- task=task.id,
-scalars = res.response_data
-print('scalars {}'.format(scalars))