Fix remove deprecation warning with matplotlib 3.1

This commit is contained in:
allegroai 2021-04-07 18:38:58 +03:00
parent c07c45d2b3
commit 5ee6425b4f

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@ -8,12 +8,27 @@ import math
import warnings
import matplotlib.dates
from matplotlib import __version__ as matplotlib_version
from matplotlib.patches import FancyBboxPatch
except ImportError:
FancyBboxPatch = None
def check_maplotlib_max_version(ver_maj, ver_min):
return True if check_maplotlib_version is lower than specified version
parts = matplotlib_version.split('.')
if not parts:
return False
if parts[0] < str(ver_maj):
return True
if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1] < str(ver_min):
return True
return False
def check_bar_match(old_bar, new_bar):
"""Check if two bars belong in the same collection (bar chart).
@ -368,7 +383,10 @@ def get_spine_visible(ax, spine_key):
"""Return some spine parameters for the spine, `spine_key`."""
spine = ax.spines[spine_key]
ax_frame_on = ax.get_frame_on()
spine_frame_like = spine.is_frame_like() if hasattr(spine, 'is_frame_like') else True
if check_maplotlib_max_version('3', '1'):
spine_frame_like = spine.is_frame_like() if hasattr(spine, 'is_frame_like') else True
spine_frame_like = True
if not spine.get_visible():
return False
elif not spine._edgecolor[-1]: # user's may have set edgecolor alpha==0