"Hi there! This is the third notebook in the ClearML getting started notebook series, meant to teach you the ropes. In the <a href=\"https://colab.research.google.com/github/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/docs/tutorials/Getting_Started_2_Setting_Up_Agent.ipynb\" target=\"_blank\">last notebook</a> we set up an agent within the Google Colab environment. Now it's time to make that agent run our task! We're going to clone our first, exisiting, experiment, change some parameters and then run the resulting task remotely using our colab agent.\n",
"You can find out more details about the other ClearML modules and the technical specifics of each in <a href=\"https://clear.ml/docs\" target=\"_blank\">our documentation.</a>\n",
"If we want to remotely run a task, we first need to know which one!\n",
"Getting the Task ID from the webUI is quite easy, just navigate to your project, select the task you're interested in and click this button to copy the Task ID to your clipboard:\n",
"However, we can also query ClearML using the Python SDK. Let's search your ClearML history for any task in the project `Getting Started` with the name `XGBoost Training` (both of which we used in tutorial notebook 1). ClearML should then give us a list of Task IDs that could fit the bill."
" print(\"⚠️ WARNING: In order to make this work, you will need the XGBoost Training task from Notebook 1. Make sure to run the cell linked below in the same ClearML account!\")\n",
"Now that we know which task we want to run, we can start by cloning it. Cloning a task makes it editable. Now we can override any of the parameters or runtime configurations. For example, here we can set a different `max_depth` by specifying the parameter name as well as the section.\n",
"When a task is enqueued, it has 4 possible states:\n",
"- Pending (the task is waiting to be pulled by a worker)\n",
"- In Progress (the task is pulled and being executed)\n",
"- Completed\n",
"- Failed\n",
"You can keep track of this status by using the `.status` property of a clearml Task instance. If you only have the Task ID, you can always get the task object by running `task = Task.get_task(task_id=\"your_task_id\")`\n",
"In the webUI the status of a task is pretty visible:\n",
"**NOTE: The first time running a task can take quite a long time because the agent has to install all of the original packages and get the original code. Everything is cached however, so it should be faster next time!**\n",
"If everything went well, you should now see the colab worker start working on the task:\n",
"Now that the task has completed successfully, you can now view its results just like any other experiment in the experiment manager!\n",
"You can of course also select both the original and the cloned experiment and compare them directly in ClearML!\n",
"Remember that the SDK is quite powerful too, so almost any piece of information that you can see in the webUI, you can also get from the SDK to build automations onto.\n",
"For example, we could get the reported scalars right into our python environment with just a single function."
"Now that you know the basics of ClearML, you can get started with running your own experiments!\n",
"## 📺 Check out our [Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@ClearML)!\n",
"It holds [detailed tutorial videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxgfHhPi8Gk&list=PLMdIlCuMqSTnoC45ME5_JnsJX0zWqDdlO), as well as [cool use cases and walkthroughs of real-life projects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quSGXvuK1IM&list=PLMdIlCuMqSTmUfsAWXrK8zibwvxfduFPy)!\n",
"[](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quSGXvuK1IM \"Day in The Life Of\")\n",
"[](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wmwnNnN8ow \"Training a Sarcasm Detector\")\n",
"## 💪 Check out our examples\n",
"We have very [specific feature examples](https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/clearml_sdk/task_sdk) as well as a repo full of [example scripts](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/tree/master/examples)!\n",
"## 📚 Check out our [documentation](https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs)\n",
"## 🔥 Check out our [blog](https://clear.ml/blog/)\n",