TRAINS is our solution to a problem we share with countless other researchers and developers in the
machine learning/deep learning universe.
Training production-grade deep learning models is a glorious but messy process.
We built TRAINS to solve that problem. TRAINS tracks and controls the process by associating code version control, research projects, performance metrics, and model provenance.
TRAINS removes the mess but leaves the glory.
Choose TRAINS because...
* Sharing experiments with the team is difficult and gets even more difficult further up the chain.
* Like all of us, you lost a model and are left with no repeatable process.
* You setup up a central location for TensorBoard and it exploded with a gazillion experiments.
* You accidentally threw away important results while trying to manually clean up the clutter.
* You do not associate the train code commit with the model or TensorBoard logs.
* You are storing model parameters in the checkpoint filename.
* You cannot find any other tool for comparing results, hyper-parameters and code commits.
* TRAINS requires **only two-lines of code** for full integration.
* TRAINS is **free**.
## Main Features
* Seamless integration with leading frameworks, including: PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, and others coming soon!
* Track everything with two lines of code.
* Model logging that automatically associates models with code and the parameters used to train them, including initial weights logging.
* Support for Jupyter notebook (see the [trains-jupyter-plugin]( and PyCharm remote debugging (see the [trains-pycharm-plugin](
We have a demo server up and running []( (it resets every 24 hours and all of the data is deleted).
After installing and configuring, your configuration is `~/trains.conf`. View a sample configuration file [here](
We build deep learning pipelines and infrastructure for enterprise companies.
We built TRAINS to track and control the glorious
but messy process of training production-grade deep learning models.
We are committed to vigorously supporting and expanding the capabilities of TRAINS,
because it is not only our beloved creation, we also use it daily.
## Why Are We Releasing TRAINS?
We believe TRAINS is ground-breaking. We wish to establish new standards of experiment management in
machine- and deep-learning.
Only the greater community can help us do that.
We promise to always be backwardly compatible. If you start working with TRAINS today, even though this code is still in the beta stage, your logs and data will always upgrade with you.
## License
Apache License, Version 2.0 (see the [LICENSE]( for more information)