# Trains Webapp ## Building the UI from source ### Prerequisite * a linux machine * Node 12 with latest npm * clone the project to your local machine ### Build * cd to the root of the project * run `npm ci` to install required node modules * (optionally) update src/environment/environment.prod.ts with the API server URL * run `npm run build` ### Serving the web application * the product of the build phase should be located in the build folder. it should be served with a web server (e.g. nginx, httpd) ## Application Structure #### Business Logic module Contains Trains logic. api calls and trains objects (e.g tasks, models) and trains logic function (e.g isTaskHidden) #### Core module Contains only logic. no declarations. no dependency with any other module beside ngrx. * **services** - utilities classes. file name: `.service.ts` #### Feature Modules Application feature modules. each module can contain declarations and providers **specific to the the feature** Depend only on shared module for ui components #####each feature can contain the following: * **module** - the feature module: `.module.ts`. * **component** - the feature main component js file, should contain the feature's containers components only: `.component.ts`. * **component** html - the feature component html: `.component.html`. * **component** style - the feature component style: `.component.scss`. * **utils** - the feature utils, a page with list of pure functions for utils purposes: `.utils.ts`. * **constants** - the feature constants values: `.const.ts`. * **model** - the feature types, interfaces and objects declarations: `.model.ts`. * **actions** - redux action classes - file name: `.actions.ts` * **effects** - ngrx effects classes. manage data flow and side effects - file name: `.effect.ts` * **reducers** - simple functions for state composition. file name: ` .reducer.ts` * **services** - utilities classes with the same responsibility under `services` folder : `.service.ts`. * **container components** - components that will include dumb components and will pass data from the state to the dumb components and dispatch actions of the dumb components, the container components will be under `containers` folder. * **dumb components** - stateless view components that will communicate through inputs and outputs, the dumb components will be under `dumb` folder. #### Shared Module Application shared UI components, directives and pipes. **contain only declarations**. All the components should be **reusable**.