mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:18:09 +00:00
1296 lines
56 KiB
1296 lines
56 KiB
import base64
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType
from functools import reduce
from getpass import getpass
from io import TextIOBase, StringIO
from time import time, sleep
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import msvcrt # noqa
import wexpect_venv as pexpect
import select # noqa
import pexpect # noqa
import psutil
from clearml import Task
from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient, APIError
from clearml.config import config_obj
from clearml.backend_api import Session
from .tcp_proxy import TcpProxy
from .single_thread_proxy import SingleThreadProxy
from .version import __version__
# noinspection PyBroadException
Session.add_client(__package__.partition(".")[0].replace("_", "-"), __version__) # noqa
except Exception:
system_tag = 'interactive'
default_docker_image = 'nvidia/cuda:10.1-runtime-ubuntu18.04'
class NonInteractiveError(Exception):
def _read_std_input(timeout):
# wait for user input with timeout, return None if timeout or user input
if sys.platform == 'win32':
start_time = time()
input_str = ''
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
char = msvcrt.getche()
if ord(char) == 13: # enter_key
return input_str.strip()
input_str += char.decode()
if len(input_str) == 0 and (time() - start_time) > timeout:
return None
i, o, e = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)
if not i:
return None
line = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# flush stdin buffer
while i:
i, o, e = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)
if i:
return line
def _get_config_section_name():
org_path = [p for p in sys.path]
# noinspection PyBroadException
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..',)))
from interactive_session_task import ( # noqa
config_section_name, config_object_section_ssh, config_object_section_bash_init) # noqa
return config_section_name, config_object_section_ssh, config_object_section_bash_init
except Exception:
return None, None, None
sys.path = org_path
def _check_ssh_executable():
# check Windows 32bit version is not supported
if sys.platform == 'win32' and getattr(sys, 'winver', '').endswith('-32'):
raise ValueError("Python 32-bit version detected. Only Python 64-bit is supported!")
# noinspection PyBroadException
if sys.platform == 'win32':
ssh_exec = subprocess.check_output('where ssh.exe'.split()).decode('utf-8').split('\n')[0].strip()
ssh_exec = subprocess.check_output('which ssh'.split()).decode('utf-8').split('\n')[0].strip()
return ssh_exec
except Exception:
return None
def _check_configuration():
from clearml.backend_api import Session
return Session.get_api_server_host() != Session.default_demo_host
def _check_available_port(port, ipv6=True):
""" True -- it's possible to listen on this port for TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6
connections. False -- otherwise.
import socket
# noinspection PyBroadException
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('', port))
if ipv6:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('::1', port))
except Exception:
return False
return True
def _get_available_ports(list_initial_ports):
# noinspection PyBroadException
used_ports = [i.laddr.port for i in psutil.net_connections()]
except Exception:
used_ports = None
available_ports = []
for p in list_initial_ports:
port = next(
i for i in range(p, 65000)
if i not in available_ports and
((used_ports is not None and i not in used_ports) or (used_ports is None and _check_available_port(i)))
return available_ports
def create_base_task(state, project_name=None, task_name=None):
task = Task.create(project_name=project_name or 'DevOps',
task_name=task_name or 'Interactive Session',
task_script = task.data.script.to_dict()
base_script_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', 'tcp_proxy.py'))
with open(base_script_file, 'rt') as f:
task_script['diff'] = f.read()
base_script_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', 'interactive_session_task.py'))
with open(base_script_file, 'rt') as f:
task_script['diff'] += '\n\n' + f.read()
task_script['working_dir'] = '.'
task_script['entry_point'] = '.interactive_session.py'
task_script['requirements'] = {'pip': '\n'.join(
["clearml>=1.1.5"] +
(["jupyter", "jupyterlab", "jupyterlab_git", "traitlets"] if state.get('jupyter_lab') else []) +
(['pylint'] if state.get('vscode_server') else []))}
section, _, _ = _get_config_section_name()
if Session.check_min_api_version('2.13'):
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
_runtime_prop = dict(task._get_runtime_properties())
"_user_key": '',
"_user_secret": '',
"_jupyter_token": '',
"_ssh_password": "training",
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
"{}/user_base_directory".format(section): "~/",
"{}/ssh_server".format(section): True,
"{}/default_docker".format(section): "nvidia/cuda",
"properties/external_address": '',
"properties/internal_ssh_port": '',
"properties/jupyter_port": '',
"{}/user_base_directory".format(section): "~/",
"{}/ssh_server".format(section): True,
"{}/ssh_password".format(section): "training",
"{}/default_docker".format(section): "nvidia/cuda",
"{}/user_key".format(section): '',
"{}/user_secret".format(section): '',
"properties/external_address": '',
"properties/internal_ssh_port": '',
"properties/jupyter_token": '',
"properties/jupyter_port": '',
# if we need to upload data now is the time
if state.get("upload_files"):
print("Uploading local files: {}".format(state.get("upload_files")))
print("Local files upload completed")
# only update the data at the end, so reload requests are smaller
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return task
def create_debugging_task(state, debug_task_id):
debug_task = Task.get_task(task_id=debug_task_id)
# if there is no git repository, we cannot debug it
if not debug_task.data.script.repository:
raise ValueError("Debugging task has no git repository, single script debugging is not supported.")
task = Task.clone(source_task=debug_task_id, parent=debug_task_id)
task_state = task.export_task()
base_script_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', 'interactive_session_task.py'))
with open(base_script_file, 'rt') as f:
entry_diff = ['+'+line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()]
entry_diff_header = \
"diff --git a/__interactive_session__.py b/__interactive_session__.py\n" \
"--- a/__interactive_session__.py\n" \
"+++ b/__interactive_session__.py\n" \
"@@ -0,0 +1,{} @@\n".format(len(entry_diff))
task_state['script']['diff'] = \
entry_diff_header + '\n'.join(entry_diff) + '\n' + (task_state['script']['diff'] or '')
task_state['script']['working_dir'] = '.'
task_state['script']['entry_point'] = '__interactive_session__.py'
state['packages'] = \
(state.get('packages') or []) + ["clearml"] + \
(["jupyter", "jupyterlab", "jupyterlab_git", "traitlets"] if state.get('jupyter_lab') else []) + \
(['pylint'] if state.get('vscode_server') else [])
section, _, _ = _get_config_section_name()
if Session.check_min_api_version('2.13'):
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
_runtime_prop = dict(task._get_runtime_properties())
"_user_key": '',
"_user_secret": '',
"_jupyter_token": '',
"_ssh_password": "training",
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
"{}/user_base_directory".format(section): "~/",
"{}/ssh_server".format(section): True,
"{}/default_docker".format(section): "nvidia/cuda",
"properties/external_address": '',
"properties/internal_ssh_port": '',
"properties/jupyter_port": '',
"{}/user_base_directory".format(section): "~/",
"{}/ssh_server".format(section): True,
"{}/ssh_password".format(section): "training",
"{}/default_docker".format(section): "nvidia/cuda",
"{}/user_key".format(section): '',
"{}/user_secret".format(section): '',
"properties/external_address": '',
"properties/internal_ssh_port": '',
"properties/jupyter_token": '',
"properties/jupyter_port": '',
return task
def delete_old_tasks(state, client, base_task_id):
print('Removing stale interactive sessions')
current_user_id = _get_user_id(client)
previous_tasks = client.tasks.get_all(**{
'status': ['failed', 'stopped', 'completed'],
'parent': base_task_id or None,
'system_tags': None if base_task_id else [system_tag],
'page_size': 100, 'page': 0,
'user': [current_user_id],
'only_fields': ['id']
for i, t in enumerate(previous_tasks):
if state.get('verbose'):
print('Removing {}/{} stale sessions'.format(i+1, len(previous_tasks)))
Task.get_task(task_id=t.id).delete(delete_artifacts_and_models=True, skip_models_used_by_other_tasks=True, raise_on_error=True)
except Exception as ex:
logging.getLogger().warning('{}\nFailed deleting old session {}'.format(ex, t.id))
client.tasks.delete(task=t.id, force=True)
except Exception as ex:
logging.getLogger().warning('{}\nFailed deleting old session {}'.format(ex, t.id))
def _get_running_tasks(client, prev_task_id):
current_user_id = _get_user_id(client)
previous_tasks = client.tasks.get_all(**{
'status': ['in_progress'],
'system_tags': [system_tag],
'page_size': 10, 'page': 0,
'order_by': ['-last_update'],
'user': [current_user_id], 'only_fields': ['id', 'created', 'parent']
tasks_id_created = [(t.id, t.created, t.parent) for t in previous_tasks]
if prev_task_id and prev_task_id not in (t[0] for t in tasks_id_created):
# manually check the last task.id
prev_tasks = client.tasks.get_all(**{
'status': ['in_progress'],
'id': [prev_task_id],
'page_size': 10, 'page': 0,
'order_by': ['-last_update'],
'only_fields': ['id', 'created', 'parent']
except APIError:
# we could not find previous task, nothing to worry about.
prev_tasks = None
if prev_tasks:
tasks_id_created += [(prev_tasks[0].id, prev_tasks[0].created, prev_tasks[0].parent)]
return tasks_id_created
def _get_user_id(client):
if not client:
client = APIClient()
res = client.session.send_request(service='users', action='get_current_user', async_enable=False)
assert res.ok
current_user_id = res.json()['data']['user']['id']
return current_user_id
def _b64_encode_file(file):
# noinspection PyBroadException
import gzip
with open(file, 'rt') as f:
git_credentials = gzip.compress(f.read().encode('utf8'))
return base64.encodebytes(git_credentials).decode('ascii')
except Exception:
return None
def get_project_id(project_name):
project_id = None
if project_name:
projects = Task.get_projects()
project_id = [p for p in projects if p.name == project_name]
if project_id:
project_id = project_id[0]
logging.getLogger().warning("could not locate project by the named '{}'".format(project_name))
project_id = None
return project_id
def get_user_inputs(args, parser, state, client):
default_needed_args = tuple()
assume_yes = args.yes
user_args = sorted([a for a in args.__dict__ if not a.startswith('_')])
# clear some states if we replace the base_task_id
if 'base_task_id' in user_args and getattr(args, 'base_task_id', None) != state.get('base_task_id'):
print('New base_task_id \'{}\', clearing previous packages & init_script'.format(
getattr(args, 'base_task_id', None)))
state.pop('init_script', None)
state.pop('packages', None)
state.pop('base_task_id', None)
if str(getattr(args, 'base_task_id', '')).lower() == 'none':
args.base_task_id = None
state['base_task_id'] = None
for a in user_args:
v = getattr(args, a, None)
if a in ('requirements', 'packages', 'attach', 'config_file'):
if isinstance(v, TextIOBase):
state[a] = v.read()
elif not v and a == 'init_script':
if v is None:
state[a] = ''
pass # keep as is
elif not v and a == 'remote_gateway':
state.pop(a, None)
elif v is not None:
state[a] = v
if a in default_needed_args and not state.get(a):
if assume_yes:
raise NonInteractiveError(
"Using `--yes` but could not locate previously used value of '{}'".format(a))
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
state[a] = input(
"\nCould not locate previously used value of '{}', please provide it?"
"\n Help: {}\n> ".format(
a, parser._option_string_actions['--{}'.format(a.replace('_', '-'))].help))
# if no password was set, create a new random one
if not state.get('password'):
state['password'] = hashlib.sha256("seed me Seymour {}".format(time()).encode()).hexdigest()
# store the requirements from the requirements.txt
# override previous requirements
if args.requirements:
state['packages'] = (args.packages or []) + [
p.strip() for p in args.requirements.readlines() if not p.strip().startswith('#')]
elif args.packages is not None:
state['packages'] = args.packages or []
# allow to select queue
ask_queues = not state.get('queue')
if assume_yes:
if ask_queues:
raise NonInteractiveError("Using `--yes` but no queue provided or previously used")
print("Using previous queue (resource) '{}'".format(state["queue"]))
elif state.get('queue'):
choice = input('Use previous queue (resource) \'{}\' [Y]/n? '.format(state['queue']))
if str(choice).strip().lower() in ('n', 'no'):
ask_queues = True
if ask_queues:
print('Select the queue (resource) you request:')
queues = None
if not state.get('queue_include_tag') and not state.get('queue_excluded_tag'):
# try default queue listing "interactive"
queues = sorted([q.name for q in client.queues.get_all(system_tags=[str(system_tag)])])
# if we have nothing, we just search for everything
if not queues:
queues = sorted([q.name for q in client.queues.get_all(
system_tags=['-{}'.format(t) for t in state.get('queue_excluded_tag', ['internal'])] +
['{}'.format(t) for t in state.get('queue_include_tag', [])])])
queues_list = '\n'.join('{}] {}'.format(i, q) for i, q in enumerate(queues))
while True:
choice = int(input(queues_list+'\nSelect a queue [0-{}]: '.format(len(queues)-1)))
assert 0 <= choice < len(queues)
except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError):
state['queue'] = queues[int(choice)]
print("\nInteractive session config:\n{}\n".format(
json.dumps({k: v for k, v in state.items() if not str(k).startswith('__')}, indent=4, sort_keys=True)))
# no need to ask just return the value
if assume_yes:
return state
choice = input('Launch interactive session [Y]/n? ')
if str(choice).strip().lower() in ('n', 'no'):
print('User aborted')
return state
def save_state(state, state_file):
# if we are running in debugging mode,
# only store the current task (do not change the defaults)
if state.get('debugging_session'):
# noinspection PyBroadException
base_state = load_state(state_file)
base_state['task_id'] = state.get('task_id')
state = base_state
state['__version__'] = get_version()
# save new state
with open(state_file, 'wt') as f:
json.dump(state, f, sort_keys=True)
def load_state(state_file):
# noinspection PyBroadException
with open(state_file, 'rt') as f:
state = json.load(f)
except Exception:
state = {}
# never reload --verbose and --yes states
state.pop('verbose', None)
state.pop('yes', None)
state.pop('shell', None)
state.pop('upload_files', None)
return state
def clone_task(state, project_id=None):
new_task = False
if state.get('debugging_session'):
print('Starting new debugging session to {}'.format(state.get('debugging_session')))
task = create_debugging_task(state, state.get('debugging_session'))
elif state.get('base_task_id'):
print('Cloning base session {}'.format(state['base_task_id']))
project_id = \
project_id or (get_project_id(project_name=state.get('project')) if state.get('project') else None)
task = Task.clone(source_task=state['base_task_id'], project=project_id, parent=state['base_task_id'])
print('Creating new session')
task = create_base_task(state, project_name=state.get('project'))
new_task = True
print('Configuring new session')
runtime_prop_support = Session.check_min_api_version("2.13")
if runtime_prop_support:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
runtime_properties = dict(task._get_runtime_properties() or {})
runtime_properties['_jupyter_token'] = ''
runtime_properties['_ssh_password'] = str(state['password'])
runtime_properties['_user_key'] = str(config_obj.get("api.credentials.access_key"))
runtime_properties['_user_secret'] = (config_obj.get("api.credentials.secret_key"))
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
task_params = task.get_parameters(backwards_compatibility=False)
if 'General/ssh_server' in task_params:
section = 'General'
init_section = 'init_script'
section, _, init_section = _get_config_section_name()
if not runtime_prop_support:
task_params['properties/jupyter_token'] = ''
task_params['{}/ssh_password'.format(section)] = state['password']
task_params['{}/user_key'.format(section)] = config_obj.get("api.credentials.access_key")
task_params['{}/user_secret'.format(section)] = config_obj.get("api.credentials.secret_key")
task_params['properties/jupyter_port'] = ''
if state.get('remote_gateway') is not None:
remote_gateway_parts = str(state.get('remote_gateway')).split(':')
task_params['properties/external_address'] = remote_gateway_parts[0]
if len(remote_gateway_parts) > 1:
task_params['properties/external_ssh_port'] = remote_gateway_parts[1]
task_params['{}/ssh_server'.format(section)] = str(True)
task_params["{}/jupyterlab".format(section)] = bool(state.get('jupyter_lab'))
task_params["{}/vscode_server".format(section)] = bool(state.get('vscode_server'))
task_params["{}/public_ip".format(section)] = bool(state.get('public_ip'))
task_params["{}/ssh_ports".format(section)] = state.get('remote_ssh_port') or ''
task_params["{}/vscode_version".format(section)] = state.get('vscode_version') or ''
task_params["{}/vscode_extensions".format(section)] = state.get('vscode_extensions') or ''
task_params["{}/force_dropbear".format(section)] = bool(state.get('force_dropbear'))
task_params["{}/tailscale".format(section)] = bool(state.get('tailscale'))
if state.get('user_folder'):
task_params['{}/user_base_directory'.format(section)] = state.get('user_folder')
docker = state.get('docker') or task.get_base_docker()
if not state.get('skip_docker_network') and not docker:
docker = default_docker_image
if docker:
task_params['{}/default_docker'.format(section)] = docker.replace('--network host', '').strip()
if state.get('docker_args'):
docker += ' {}'.format(state.get('docker_args'))
task.set_base_docker(docker + (
' --network host' if not state.get('skip_docker_network') and '--network host' not in docker else ''))
# set the bash init script
if state.get('init_script') is not None and (not new_task or state.get('init_script').strip()):
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
task._set_configuration(name=init_section, config_type='bash', config_text=state.get('init_script') or '')
# store the .git-credentials
if state.get('git_credentials'):
git_cred_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.git-credentials')
git_conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.gitconfig')
if not os.path.isfile(git_cred_file):
git_cred_file = None
if not os.path.isfile(git_conf_file):
git_conf_file = None
if runtime_prop_support:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
runtime_properties = dict(task._get_runtime_properties() or {})
if git_cred_file:
runtime_properties['_git_credentials'] = _b64_encode_file(git_cred_file)
if git_conf_file:
runtime_properties['_git_config'] = _b64_encode_file(git_conf_file)
# store back
if git_cred_file or git_conf_file:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
if git_cred_file:
configuration=git_cred_file, name='git_credentials', description='git credentials')
if git_conf_file:
configuration=git_conf_file, name='git_config', description='git config')
if state.get('packages'):
requirements = task.data.script.requirements or {}
# notice split order is important!
packages = [p for p in state['packages'] if p.strip() and not p.strip().startswith('#')]
packages_id = set(reduce(lambda a, b: a.split(b)[0], "#;@=~<>", p).strip() for p in packages)
if isinstance(requirements.get('pip'), str):
requirements['pip'] = requirements['pip'].split('\n')
for p in (requirements.get('pip') or []):
if not p.strip() or p.strip().startswith('#'):
p_id = reduce(lambda a, b: a.split(b)[0], "#;@=~<>", p).strip()
if p_id not in packages_id:
packages += [p]
requirements['pip'] = '\n'.join(sorted(packages))
task.update_task({'script': {'requirements': requirements}})
print('New session created [id={}]'.format(task.id))
return task
def wait_for_machine(state, task):
# wait until task is running
print('Waiting for remote machine allocation [id={}]'.format(task.id))
last_status = None
last_message = None
stopped_counter = 0
while last_status != 'in_progress' and last_status in (None, 'created', 'queued', 'unknown', 'stopped'):
print('.', end='', flush=True)
if last_status is not None:
stopped_counter = (stopped_counter+1) if last_status == 'stopped' else 0
if stopped_counter > 5:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
status, message = task.get_status_message() if hasattr(task, "get_status_message") else task._get_status()
status = str(status)
if last_status != status or last_message != message:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
print('Status [{}]{} {}'.format(status, ' - {}'.format(last_status) if last_status else '', message))
last_status = status
last_message = message
print('Remote machine allocated')
print('Setting remote environment [Task id={}]'.format(task.id))
print('Setup process details: {}'.format(task.get_output_log_web_page()))
print('Waiting for environment setup to complete [usually about 20-30 seconds, see last log line/s below]')
# monitor progress, until we get the new jupyter, then we know it is working
section, _, _ = _get_config_section_name()
jupyterlab = \
task.get_parameter("{}/jupyterlab".format(section)) or \
task.get_parameter("General/jupyterlab") or ''
state['jupyter_lab'] = jupyterlab.strip().lower() != 'false'
vscode_server = \
task.get_parameter("{}/vscode_server".format(section)) or \
task.get_parameter("General/vscode_server") or ''
state['vscode_server'] = vscode_server.strip().lower() != 'false'
wait_properties = ['properties/internal_ssh_port']
if state.get('jupyter_lab'):
wait_properties += ['properties/jupyter_port']
if state.get('vscode_server'):
wait_properties += ['properties/vscode_port']
last_lines = []
period_counter = 0
while any(bool(not task.get_parameter(p)) for p in wait_properties) and task.get_status() == 'in_progress':
lines = task.get_reported_console_output(10 if state.get('verbose') else 1)
if last_lines != lines:
# new line if we had '.' counter in the previous run
if period_counter:
if state.get('verbose'):
period_counter = 0
index = next(i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if last_lines and line == last_lines[-1])
print_line = '> ' + ''.join(lines[index+1:]).rstrip().replace('\n', '\n> ')
except StopIteration:
print_line = '> ' + ''.join(lines).rstrip().replace('\n', '\n> ')
if state.get('verbose'):
print_line = [l for l in print_line.split('\n') if l.rstrip()]
if print_line:
print('\r' + print_line[-1], end='', flush=True)
last_lines = lines
period_counter += 1
print(('' if state.get('verbose') else '\r') + '.'*period_counter, end='', flush=True)
# clear the line
if not state.get('verbose'):
print('\r ', end='', flush=True)
if task.get_status() != 'in_progress':
log_lines = task.get_reported_console_output(10)
log_lines = "\n".join("\n".join("> " + l for l in line.split("\n")) for line in log_lines)
raise ValueError("Remote setup failed (status={}) see details: {}".format(
task.get_status(), task.get_output_log_web_page()))
print('\nRemote machine is ready')
return task
def start_ssh_tunnel(username, remote_address, ssh_port, ssh_password, local_remote_pair_list, debug=False):
print('Starting SSH tunnel to {}@{}, port {}'.format(username, remote_address, ssh_port))
child = None
args = ['-C',
'{}@{}'.format(username, remote_address), '-p', '{}'.format(ssh_port),
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null',
'-o', 'Compression=yes',
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=10',
'-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax=10', ]
for local, remote in local_remote_pair_list:
args.extend(['-L', '{}:localhost:{}'.format(local, remote)])
# store SSH output
fd = StringIO() if debug else sys.stdout
# noinspection PyBroadException
child = pexpect.spawn(
logfile=fd, timeout=20, encoding='utf-8')
# Match only "(yes/no" in order to handle both (yes/no) and (yes/no/[fingerprint])
i = child.expect([r'(?i)password:', r'\(yes\/no', r'.*[$#] ', pexpect.EOF])
if i == 0:
child.expect([r'(?i)password:'], timeout=5)
print('{}Error: incorrect password'.format(fd.read() + '\n' if debug else ''))
ssh_password = getpass('Please enter password manually: ')
child.expect([r'(?i)password:'], timeout=5)
print('{}Error: incorrect user input password'.format(fd.read() + '\n' if debug else ''))
raise ValueError('Incorrect password')
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
elif i == 1:
ret1 = child.expect([r"(?i)password:", pexpect.EOF])
if ret1 == 0:
child.expect([r'(?i)password:'], timeout=5)
print('Error: incorrect password')
ssh_password = getpass('Please enter password manually: ')
child.expect([r'(?i)password:'], timeout=5)
print('{}Error: incorrect user input password'.format(fd.read() + '\n' if debug else ''))
raise ValueError('Incorrect password')
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
except Exception:
child = None
if child:
child.logfile = None
return child, ssh_password
def monitor_ssh_tunnel(state, task):
def interactive_ssh(p):
import struct, fcntl, termios, signal, sys # noqa
def sigwinch_passthrough(sig, data):
s = struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0)
a = struct.unpack('hhhh', fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s))
if not p.closed:
p.setwinsize(a[0], a[1])
print("Switching to active SSH session, press ``Ctrl - ]`` to leave")
# Note this 'p' is global and used in sigwinch_passthrough.
signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_passthrough)
print("\nSSH session running in background\n")
print('Setting up connection to remote session')
local_jupyter_port, local_jupyter_port_, local_ssh_port, local_ssh_port_, local_vscode_port, local_vscode_port_ = \
_get_available_ports([8878, 8878+1, 8022, 8022+1, 8898, 8898+1])
ssh_process = None
sleep_period = 3
ssh_port = jupyter_token = jupyter_port = internal_ssh_port = ssh_password = remote_address = None
vscode_port = None
connect_state = {'reconnect': False}
if state.get('keepalive'):
if state.get('jupyter_lab'):
SingleThreadProxy(local_jupyter_port, local_jupyter_port_)
if state.get('vscode_server'):
SingleThreadProxy(local_vscode_port, local_vscode_port_)
TcpProxy(local_ssh_port, local_ssh_port_, connect_state, verbose=False,
keep_connection=True, is_connection_server=False)
local_jupyter_port_ = local_jupyter_port
local_ssh_port_ = local_ssh_port
local_vscode_port_ = local_vscode_port
default_section = _get_config_section_name()[0]
local_remote_pair_list = []
shutdown = False
while task.get_status() == 'in_progress':
if not all([
not state.get('jupyter_lab') or jupyter_token,
not state.get('jupyter_lab') or jupyter_port,
not state.get('vscode_server') or vscode_port,
task_parameters = task.get_parameters()
if Session.check_min_api_version("2.13"):
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
runtime_prop = task._get_runtime_properties()
ssh_password = runtime_prop.get('_ssh_password') or state.get('password', '')
jupyter_token = runtime_prop.get('_jupyter_token')
section = 'General' if 'General/ssh_server' in task_parameters else default_section
ssh_password = task_parameters.get('{}/ssh_password'.format(section)) or state.get('password', '')
jupyter_token = task_parameters.get('properties/jupyter_token')
remote_address = \
task_parameters.get('properties/k8s-gateway-address') or \
internal_ssh_port = task_parameters.get('properties/internal_ssh_port')
jupyter_port = task_parameters.get('properties/jupyter_port')
ssh_port = \
task_parameters.get('properties/k8s-pod-port') or \
task_parameters.get('properties/external_ssh_port') or internal_ssh_port
if state.get('keepalive'):
internal_ssh_port = task_parameters.get('properties/internal_stable_ssh_port') or internal_ssh_port
local_remote_pair_list = [(local_ssh_port_, internal_ssh_port)]
if state.get('jupyter_lab'):
local_remote_pair_list += [(local_jupyter_port_, jupyter_port)]
if state.get('vscode_server'):
vscode_port = task_parameters.get('properties/vscode_port')
if vscode_port and int(vscode_port) <= 0:
vscode_port = None
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if vscode_port:
local_remote_pair_list += [(local_vscode_port_, vscode_port)]
if not jupyter_port and state.get('jupyter_lab'):
print('Waiting for Jupyter server...')
if connect_state.get('reconnect'):
# noinspection PyBroadException
ssh_process.close(**({'force': True} if sys.platform != 'win32' else {}))
ssh_process = None
except Exception:
connect_message = (
'\nConnection is up and running\n'
'Enter \"r\" (or \"reconnect\") to reconnect the session (for example after suspend)\n'
'`s` (or "shell") to connect to the SSH session\n'
'`Ctrl-C` (or "quit") to abort (remote session remains active)\n'
'or \"Shutdown\" to shut down remote interactive session'
short_console_msg = \
"Enter \"r\" (\"reconnect\"), `s` (\"shell\"), `Ctrl-C` (\"quit\") or \"Shutdown\""
if not ssh_process or not ssh_process.isalive():
ssh_process, ssh_password = start_ssh_tunnel(
state.get('username') or 'root',
remote_address, ssh_port, ssh_password,
debug=state.get('verbose', False),
if ssh_process and ssh_process.isalive():
msg = \
'Interactive session is running:\n'\
'SSH: ssh {username}@localhost -p {local_ssh_port} [password: {ssh_password}]'.format(
username=state.get('username') or 'root',
local_ssh_port=local_ssh_port, ssh_password=ssh_password)
if jupyter_port:
msg += \
'\nJupyter Lab URL: http://localhost:{local_jupyter_port}/?token={jupyter_token}'.format(
local_jupyter_port=local_jupyter_port, jupyter_token=jupyter_token.rstrip())
if state.get('user_folder'):
msg += "&file-browser-path={}".format(state.get('user_folder'))
if vscode_port:
msg += '\nVSCode server available at http://localhost:{local_vscode_port}/'.format(
if state.get('user_folder'):
msg += "?folder={}".format(state.get('user_folder'))
logging.getLogger().warning('SSH tunneling failed, retrying in {} seconds'.format(3))
connect_state['reconnect'] = False
# if interactive start with SSH interactive
if state.pop('shell', None):
# if we are in --shell, when we leave the session we should leave the process
# wait for user input
user_input = _read_std_input(timeout=sleep_period)
if user_input is None:
# noinspection PyBroadException
# check open connections
proc = psutil.Process(ssh_process.pid)
open_ports = [p.laddr.port for p in proc.connections(kind='tcp4') if p.status == 'LISTEN']
remote_ports = [p.raddr.port for p in proc.connections(kind='tcp4') if p.status == 'ESTABLISHED']
if (state.get('jupyter_lab') and int(local_jupyter_port_) not in open_ports) or \
int(local_ssh_port_) not in open_ports or \
int(ssh_port) not in remote_ports:
connect_state['reconnect'] = True
except Exception:
if not user_input:
elif user_input.lower() in ('s', 'shell',):
elif user_input.lower() == 'shutdown':
print('Shutting down interactive session')
shutdown = True
elif user_input.lower() in ('r', 'reconnect', ):
print('Reconnecting to interactive session')
# noinspection PyBroadException
ssh_process.close(**({'force': True} if sys.platform != 'win32' else {}))
except Exception:
elif user_input.lower() in ('q', 'quit',):
raise KeyboardInterrupt()
print('unknown command: \'{}\''.format(user_input))
print("Remote session shutdown" if shutdown else "Remote session still running!")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nUser aborted')
# kill the ssh process
# noinspection PyBroadException
ssh_process.close(**({'force': True} if sys.platform != 'win32' else {}))
except Exception:
# noinspection PyBroadException
ssh_process.kill(9 if sys.platform != 'win32' else 15)
except Exception:
def setup_parser(parser):
parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', default=None,
help='Display the clearml-session utility version')
parser.add_argument('--attach', default=False, nargs='?',
help='Attach to running interactive session (default: previous session)')
parser.add_argument("--shutdown", "-S", default=None, const="", nargs="?",
help="Shut down an active session (default: previous session)")
parser.add_argument("--shell", action='store_true', default=None,
help="Open the SSH shell session directly, notice quiting the SSH session "
"will Not shutdown the remote session")
parser.add_argument('--debugging-session', type=str, default=None,
help='Pass existing Task id (experiment), create a copy of the experiment on a remote machine, '
'and launch jupyter/ssh for interactive access. Example --debugging-session <task_id>')
parser.add_argument('--queue', type=str, default=None,
help='Select the queue to launch the interactive session on (default: previously used queue)')
parser.add_argument('--docker', type=str, default=None,
help='Select the docker image to use in the interactive session on '
'(default: previously used docker image or `{}`)'.format(default_docker_image))
parser.add_argument('--docker-args', type=str, default=None,
help='Add additional arguments for the docker image to use in the interactive session on '
'(default: previously used docker-args)')
parser.add_argument('--public-ip', default=None, nargs='?', const='true', metavar='true/false',
type=lambda x: (str(x).strip().lower() in ('true', 'yes')),
help='If True register the public IP of the remote machine. Set if running on the cloud. '
'Default: false (use for local / on-premises)')
parser.add_argument('--remote-ssh-port', type=str, default=None,
help='Set the remote ssh server port, running on the agent`s machine. (default: 10022)')
parser.add_argument('--vscode-server', default=True, nargs='?', const='true', metavar='true/false',
type=lambda x: (str(x).strip().lower() in ('true', 'yes')),
help='Install vscode server (code-server) on interactive session (default: true)')
parser.add_argument('--vscode-version', type=str, default=None,
help='Set vscode server (code-server) version, as well as vscode python extension version '
'<vscode:python-ext> (example: "3.7.4:2020.10.332292344")')
parser.add_argument('--vscode-extensions', type=str, default=None,
help='Install additional vscode extensions, as well as vscode python extension '
'(example: "ms-python.python,ms-python.black-formatter,'
parser.add_argument('--jupyter-lab', default=True, nargs='?', const='true', metavar='true/false',
type=lambda x: (str(x).strip().lower() in ('true', 'yes')),
help='Install Jupyter-Lab on interactive session (default: true)')
parser.add_argument('--upload-files', type=str, default=None,
help='Advanced: Upload local files/folders to the remote session. '
'Example: `/my/local/data/` will upload the local folder and extract it '
'into the container in ~/session-files/')
parser.add_argument('--git-credentials', default=False, nargs='?', const='true', metavar='true/false',
type=lambda x: (str(x).strip().lower() in ('true', 'yes')),
help='If true, local .git-credentials file is sent to the interactive session. '
'(default: false)')
parser.add_argument('--user-folder', type=str, default=None,
help='Advanced: Set the remote base folder (default: ~/)')
parser.add_argument('--packages', type=str, nargs='*',
help='Additional packages to add, supports version numbers '
'(default: previously added packages). '
'examples: --packages torch==1.7 tqdm')
parser.add_argument('--requirements', type=FileType('r'), default=None,
help='Specify requirements.txt file to install when setting the interactive session. '
'Requirements file is read and stored in `packages` section as default for '
'the next sessions. Can be overridden by calling `--packages`')
parser.add_argument('--init-script', type=FileType('r'), default=False, nargs='?',
help='Specify BASH init script file to be executed when setting the interactive session. '
'Script content is read and stored as default script for the next sessions. '
'To clear the init-script do not pass a file')
parser.add_argument('--config-file', type=str, default='~/.clearml_session.json',
help='Advanced: Change the configuration file used to store the previous state '
'(default: ~/.clearml_session.json)')
parser.add_argument('--remote-gateway', default=None, nargs='?',
help='Advanced: Specify gateway ip/address:port to be passed to interactive session '
'(for use with k8s ingestion / ELB)')
parser.add_argument('--base-task-id', type=str, default=None,
help='Advanced: Set the base task ID for the interactive session. '
'(default: previously used Task). Use `none` for the default interactive session')
parser.add_argument('--project', type=str, default=None,
help='Advanced: Set the project name for the interactive session Task')
parser.add_argument('--keepalive', default=False, nargs='?', const='true', metavar='true/false',
type=lambda x: (str(x).strip().lower() in ('true', 'yes')),
help='Advanced: If set, enables the transparent proxy always keeping the sockets alive. '
'Default: False, do not use transparent socket for mitigating connection drops.')
parser.add_argument('--queue-excluded-tag', default=None, nargs='*',
help='Advanced: Excluded queues with this specific tag from the selection')
parser.add_argument('--queue-include-tag', default=None, nargs='*',
help='Advanced: Only include queues with this specific tag from the selection')
parser.add_argument('--skip-docker-network', default=None, nargs='?', const='true', metavar='true/false',
type=lambda x: (str(x).strip().lower() in ('true', 'yes')),
help='Advanced: If set, `--network host` is **not** passed to docker '
'(assumes k8s network ingestion) (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('--password', type=str, default=None,
help='Advanced: Select ssh password for the interactive session '
'(default: `randomly-generated` or previously used one)')
parser.add_argument('--username', type=str, default=None,
help='Advanced: Select ssh username for the interactive session '
'(default: `root` or previously used one)')
parser.add_argument('--force_dropbear', default=None, nargs='?', const='true', metavar='true/false',
type=lambda x: (str(x).strip().lower() in ('true', 'yes')),
help='Force using `dropbear` instead of SSHd')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', default=None,
help='Advanced: If set, print verbose progress information, '
'e.g. the remote machine setup process log')
parser.add_argument('--yes', '-y',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer '
'to all prompts and run non-interactively',)
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Use tailscale to network (host and client need tailscale access)',)
def get_version():
from .version import __version__
return __version__
def cli():
title = 'clearml-session - CLI for launching JupyterLab / VSCode on a remote machine'
parser = ArgumentParser(
prog='clearml-session', description=title,
epilog='Notice! all arguments are stored as new defaults for the next session')
# get the args
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version:
print('Version {}'.format(get_version()))
# check ssh
if not _check_ssh_executable():
raise ValueError("Could not locate SSH executable")
# check clearml.conf
if not _check_configuration():
raise ValueError("ClearML configuration not found. Please run `clearml-init`")
# load previous state
state_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(args.config_file)))
state = load_state(state_file)
if args.verbose:
state['verbose'] = args.verbose
state['shell'] = bool(args.shell)
client = APIClient()
if args.shutdown is not None:
task = _get_previous_session(
client, args, state, task_id=args.shutdown, verb="Shutting down",
question_verb="Shut down", ask_for_explicit_id=True
if not task:
print("No session to shut down, exiting")
return 1
print("Session #{} shut down, goodbye!".format(task.id))
return 0
# check if upload folder/files exist
if args.upload_files:
if not Path(args.upload_files).expanduser().exists():
print("Requested file/folder `{}` does not exist, exiting".format(args.upload_files))
return 1
# get previous session, if it is running
task = _get_previous_session(client, args, state, task_id=args.attach)
if task:
state['task_id'] = task.id
save_state(state, state_file)
if args.username:
state['username'] = args.username
if args.password:
state['password'] = args.password
state.pop('task_id', None)
save_state(state, state_file)
print('Verifying credentials')
# update state with new args
# and make sure we have all the required fields
state = get_user_inputs(args, parser, state, client)
# save state
save_state(state, state_file)
# remove old Tasks created by us.
delete_old_tasks(state, client, state.get('base_task_id'))
# Clone the Task and adjust parameters
task = clone_task(state)
state['task_id'] = task.id
save_state(state, state_file)
# launch
Task.enqueue(task=task, queue_name=state['queue'])
# wait for machine to become available
wait_for_machine(state, task)
except ValueError as ex:
print('\nERROR: {}'.format(ex))
return 1
# launch ssh tunnel
monitor_ssh_tunnel(state, task)
# we are done
def _get_previous_session(
client, args, state, task_id=None, verb="Connecting to", question_verb="Connect to", ask_for_explicit_id=False
assume_yes = args.yes
if task_id:
print('Checking session #{}'.format(task_id))
task = Task.get_task(task_id=task_id)
except ValueError:
task = None
status = task.get_status() if task else None
if status == 'in_progress':
if not args.debugging_session or task.parent == args.debugging_session:
if assume_yes or not ask_for_explicit_id:
print("{} active session id={}".format(verb, task_id))
return task
choice = input("{} active session id={} [Y]/n? ".format(question_verb, task_id))
if str(choice).strip().lower() in ("y", "yes"):
return task
return None
raise ValueError('Could not connect to requested session id={} - status \'{}\''.format(
task_id, status or 'Not Found'))
# let's see if we have any other running sessions
running_task_ids_created = _get_running_tasks(client, state.get('task_id'))
if not running_task_ids_created:
return None
if args.debugging_session:
running_task_ids_created = [t for t in running_task_ids_created if t[2] == args.debugging_session]
if not running_task_ids_created:
print('No active task={} debugging session found'.format(args.debugging_session))
return None
# a single running session
if len(running_task_ids_created) == 1:
task_id = running_task_ids_created[0][0]
if assume_yes:
print("{} active session {}".format(verb, task_id))
choice = input("{} active session id={} [Y]/n? ".format(question_verb, task_id))
if str(choice).strip().lower() in ("", "y", "yes"):
return Task.get_task(task_id=task_id)
# multiple sessions running
print("{} active session:".format(verb))
prev_task_id = state.get('task_id')
default_i = next(i for i, (tid, _, _) in enumerate(running_task_ids_created) if prev_task_id == tid)
except StopIteration:
default_i = None
session_list = "\n".join(
"{}{}] {} id={}".format(i, "*" if i == default_i else "", dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), tid)
for i, (tid, dt, _) in enumerate(running_task_ids_created)
if assume_yes:
choice = 0
while True:
choice = input(
+ "\n{} session [{}] or 'N' to skip: ".format(
"0" if len(running_task_ids_created) <= 1 else "0-{}".format(len(running_task_ids_created) - 1)
if choice.strip().lower().startswith("n"):
choice = None
elif default_i is not None and not choice.strip():
choice = default_i
choice = int(choice)
assert 0 <= choice < len(running_task_ids_created)
except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError):
if choice is None:
return None
return Task.get_task(task_id=running_task_ids_created[choice][0])
def main():
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nUser aborted')
except Exception as ex:
print('\nError: {}'.format(ex))
if __name__ == '__main__':