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import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, Any, Callable, List
from attr import attrib, attrs, asdict
from clearml import Task, Model
from clearml.binding.artifacts import Artifacts
from clearml.storage.util import sha256sum
def _engine_validator(inst, attr, value): # noqa
if not BasePreprocessRequest.validate_engine_type(value):
raise TypeError("{} not supported engine type".format(value))
def _matrix_type_validator(inst, attr, value): # noqa
if value and not np.dtype(value):
raise TypeError("{} not supported matrix type".format(value))
class ModelMonitoring(object):
base_serving_url = attrib(type=str) # serving point url prefix (example: "detect_cat")
monitor_project = attrib(type=str) # monitor model project (for model auto update)
monitor_name = attrib(type=str) # monitor model name (for model auto update, regexp selection)
monitor_tags = attrib(type=list) # monitor model tag (for model auto update)
engine_type = attrib(type=str, validator=_engine_validator) # engine type
only_published = attrib(type=bool, default=False) # only select published models
max_versions = attrib(type=int, default=None) # Maximum number of models to keep serving (latest X models)
input_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size
input_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type
input_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to push the input to
output_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size
output_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type
output_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to pull the results from
preprocess_artifact = attrib(
type=str, default=None) # optional artifact name storing the model preprocessing code
auxiliary_cfg = attrib(type=dict, default=None) # Auxiliary configuration (e.g. triton conf), Union[str, dict]
def as_dict(self, remove_null_entries=False):
if not remove_null_entries:
return asdict(self)
return {k: v for k, v in asdict(self).items() if v is not None}
class ModelEndpoint(object):
engine_type = attrib(type=str, validator=_engine_validator) # engine type
serving_url = attrib(type=str) # full serving point url (including version) example: "detect_cat/v1"
model_id = attrib(type=str) # list of model IDs to serve (order implies versions first is v1)
version = attrib(type=str, default="") # key (version string), default no version
preprocess_artifact = attrib(
type=str, default=None) # optional artifact name storing the model preprocessing code
input_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size
input_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type
input_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to push the input to
output_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size
output_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type
output_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to pull the results from
auxiliary_cfg = attrib(type=dict, default=None) # Optional: Auxiliary configuration (e.g. triton conf), [str, dict]
def as_dict(self, remove_null_entries=False):
if not remove_null_entries:
return asdict(self)
return {k: v for k, v in asdict(self).items() if v is not None}
class BasePreprocessRequest(object):
__preprocessing_lookup = {}
__preprocessing_modules = set()
def __init__(
model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint,
task: Task = None,
server_config: dict = None,
Notice this object is not be created per request, but once per Process
Make sure it is always thread-safe
self.model_endpoint = model_endpoint
self._preprocess = None
self._model = None
self._server_config = server_config or {}
# load preprocessing code here
if self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact:
if not task or self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact not in task.artifacts:
print("Warning: could not find preprocessing artifact \'{}\' on Task id={}".format(
self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact, task.id))
path = task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].get_local_copy()
# check file content hash, should only happens once?!
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
file_hash, _ = sha256sum(path, block_size=Artifacts._hash_block_size)
if file_hash != task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].hash:
print("INFO: re-downloading artifact '{}' hash changed".format(
path = task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].get_local_copy(
# extract zip if we need to, otherwise it will be the same
path = task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].get_local_copy(
import importlib.util
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("Preprocess", path)
_preprocess = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
self._preprocess = _preprocess.Preprocess() # noqa
self._preprocess.serving_config = server_config or {}
if callable(getattr(self._preprocess, 'load', None)):
self._model = self._preprocess.load(self._get_local_model_file())
except Exception as ex:
print("Warning: Failed loading preprocess code for \'{}\': {}".format(
self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact, ex))
def preprocess(self, request):
# type: (dict) -> Optional[Any]
Raise exception to report an error
Return value will be passed to serving engine
if self._preprocess is not None:
return self._preprocess.preprocess(request)
return request
def postprocess(self, data):
# type: (Any) -> Optional[dict]
Raise exception to report an error
Return value will be passed to serving engine
if self._preprocess is not None:
return self._preprocess.postprocess(data)
return data
def process(self, data: Any) -> Any:
The actual processing function. Can be send to external service
def _get_local_model_file(self):
model_repo_object = Model(model_id=self.model_endpoint.model_id)
return model_repo_object.get_local_copy()
def validate_engine_type(cls, engine: str) -> bool:
return engine in cls.__preprocessing_lookup
def get_engine_cls(cls, engine: str) -> Callable:
return cls.__preprocessing_lookup.get(engine)
def register_engine(engine_name: str, modules: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Callable:
A decorator to register an annotation type name for classes deriving from Annotation
def wrapper(cls):
cls.__preprocessing_lookup[engine_name] = cls
return cls
if modules:
BasePreprocessRequest.__preprocessing_modules |= set(modules)
return wrapper
def load_modules() -> None:
for m in BasePreprocessRequest.__preprocessing_modules:
# silently fail
import importlib
except (ImportError, TypeError):
@BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("triton", modules=["grpc", "tritonclient"])
class TritonPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest):
_content_lookup = {
np.uint8: 'uint_contents',
np.int8: 'int_contents',
np.int64: 'int64_contents',
np.uint64: 'uint64_contents',
np.int: 'int_contents',
np.uint: 'uint_contents',
np.bool: 'bool_contents',
np.float32: 'fp32_contents',
np.float64: 'fp64_contents',
_ext_grpc = None
_ext_np_to_triton_dtype = None
_ext_service_pb2 = None
_ext_service_pb2_grpc = None
def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None):
super(TritonPreprocessRequest, self).__init__(
model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config)
# load Triton Module
if self._ext_grpc is None:
import grpc
self._ext_grpc = grpc
if self._ext_np_to_triton_dtype is None:
from tritonclient.utils import np_to_triton_dtype
self._ext_np_to_triton_dtype = np_to_triton_dtype
if self._ext_service_pb2 is None:
from tritonclient.grpc import service_pb2, service_pb2_grpc
self._ext_service_pb2 = service_pb2
self._ext_service_pb2_grpc = service_pb2_grpc
def process(self, data: Any) -> Any:
The actual processing function.
Detect gRPC server and send the request to it
# allow to override bt preprocessing class
if self._preprocess is not None and getattr(self._preprocess, "process", None):
return self._preprocess.process(data)
# Create gRPC stub for communicating with the server
triton_server_address = self._server_config.get("triton_grpc_server")
if not triton_server_address:
raise ValueError("External Triton gRPC server is not configured!")
channel = self._ext_grpc.insecure_channel(triton_server_address)
grpc_stub = self._ext_service_pb2_grpc.GRPCInferenceServiceStub(channel)
except Exception as ex:
raise ValueError("External Triton gRPC server misconfigured [{}]: {}".format(triton_server_address, ex))
# Generate the request
request = self._ext_service_pb2.ModelInferRequest()
request.model_name = "{}/{}".format(self.model_endpoint.serving_url, self.model_endpoint.version).strip("/")
# we do not use the Triton model versions, we just assume a single version per endpoint
request.model_version = "1"
# take the input data
input_data = np.array(data, dtype=self.model_endpoint.input_type)
# Populate the inputs in inference request
input0 = request.InferInputTensor()
input0.name = self.model_endpoint.input_name
input_dtype = np.dtype(self.model_endpoint.input_type).type
input0.datatype = self._ext_np_to_triton_dtype(input_dtype)
# to be inferred
input_func = self._content_lookup.get(input_dtype)
if not input_func:
raise ValueError("Input type nt supported {}".format(input_dtype))
input_func = getattr(input0.contents, input_func)
input_func[:] = input_data.flatten()
# push into request
# Populate the outputs in the inference request
output0 = request.InferRequestedOutputTensor()
output0.name = self.model_endpoint.output_name
response = grpc_stub.ModelInfer(request, compression=self._ext_grpc.Compression.Gzip)
output_results = []
index = 0
for output in response.outputs:
shape = []
for value in output.shape:
np.frombuffer(response.raw_output_contents[index], dtype=self.model_endpoint.output_type))
output_results[-1] = np.resize(output_results[-1], shape)
index += 1
# if we have a single matrix, return it as is
return output_results[0] if index == 1 else output_results
@BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("sklearn", modules=["joblib", "sklearn"])
class SKLearnPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest):
def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None):
super(SKLearnPreprocessRequest, self).__init__(
model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config)
if self._model is None:
# get model
import joblib
self._model = joblib.load(filename=self._get_local_model_file())
def process(self, data: Any) -> Any:
The actual processing function.
We run the model in this context
return self._model.predict(data)
@BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("xgboost", modules=["xgboost"])
class XGBoostPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest):
def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None):
super(XGBoostPreprocessRequest, self).__init__(
model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config)
if self._model is None:
# get model
import xgboost
self._model = xgboost.Booster()
def process(self, data: Any) -> Any:
The actual processing function.
We run the model in this context
return self._model.predict(data)
@BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("lightgbm", modules=["lightgbm"])
class LightGBMPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest):
def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None):
super(LightGBMPreprocessRequest, self).__init__(
model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config)
if self._model is None:
# get model
import lightgbm
self._model = lightgbm.Booster(model_file=self._get_local_model_file())
def process(self, data: Any) -> Any:
The actual processing function.
We run the model in this context
return self._model.predict(data)
class CustomPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest):
def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None):
super(CustomPreprocessRequest, self).__init__(
model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config)
def process(self, data: Any) -> Any:
The actual processing function.
We run the process in this context
if self._preprocess is not None:
return self._preprocess.process(data)
return None