import re import subprocess from argparse import ArgumentParser from time import time from typing import Optional from pathlib2 import Path from clearml import Task, Logger from clearml.backend_api.utils import get_http_session_with_retry from clearml_serving.serving_service import ServingService class TritonHelper(object): _metric_line_parsing = r"(\w+){(gpu_uuid=\"[\w\W]*\",)?model=\"(\w+)\",\s*version=\"(\d+)\"}\s*([0-9.]*)" _default_metrics_port = 8002 def __init__( self, args, # Any task, # type: Task serving_id, # type: str metric_host=None, # type: Optional[str] metric_port=None, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> None self._http_session = get_http_session_with_retry() self.args = dict(**args.__dict__) if args else {} self.task = task self.serving_id = serving_id self.metric_host = metric_host or '' self.metric_port = metric_port or self._default_metrics_port self._parse_metric = re.compile(self._metric_line_parsing) self._timestamp = time() print('String Triton Helper service\n{}\n'.format(self.args)) def report_metrics(self, remote_logger): # type: (Optional[Logger]) -> bool # iterations are seconds from start iteration = int(time() - self._timestamp) report_msg = "reporting metrics: relative time {} sec".format(iteration) self.task.get_logger().report_text(report_msg) if remote_logger: remote_logger.report_text(report_msg) # noinspection PyBroadException try: request = self._http_session.get('http://{}:{}/metrics'.format( self.metric_host, self.metric_port)) if not request.ok: return False content = request.content.decode().split('\n') except Exception: return False for line in content: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue # noinspection PyBroadException try: metric, gpu_uuid, variant, version, value = self._parse_metric.match(line).groups() value = float(value) except Exception: continue self.task.get_logger().report_scalar( title=metric, series='{}.v{}'.format(variant, version), iteration=iteration, value=value ) # on the remote logger we add our own Task ID (unique ID), # to support multiple servers reporting to the same service controller if remote_logger: remote_logger.report_scalar( title=metric, series='{}.v{}.{}'.format(variant, version,, iteration=iteration, value=value ) def maintenance_daemon( self, local_model_repo='/models', # type: str update_frequency_sec=60.0, # type: float metric_frequency_sec=60.0 # type: float ): # type: (...) -> None Path(local_model_repo).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) a_service = ServingService(task_id=self.serving_id) a_service.triton_model_service_update_step(model_repository_folder=local_model_repo) # noinspection PyProtectedMember remote_logger = a_service._task.get_logger() # todo: log triton server outputs when running locally # we assume we can run the triton server cmd = [ 'tritonserver', '--model-control-mode=poll', '--model-repository={}'.format(local_model_repo), '--repository-poll-secs={}'.format(update_frequency_sec), '--metrics-port={}'.format(self._default_metrics_port), '--allow-metrics=true', '--allow-gpu-metrics=true', ] for k, v in self.args.items(): if not v or not str(k).startswith('t_'): continue cmd.append('--{}={}'.format(k, v)) print('Starting server: {}'.format(cmd)) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError( "Triton Server Engine (tritonserver) could not be found!\n" "Verify you running inside the `` docker container") base_freq = min(update_frequency_sec, metric_frequency_sec) metric_tic = update_tic = time() while True: try: error_code = proc.wait(timeout=base_freq) if error_code == 0: print("triton-server process ended with error code {}".format(error_code)) return raise ValueError("triton-server process ended with error code {}".format(error_code)) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: pass pass # update models if time() - update_tic > update_frequency_sec: a_service.triton_model_service_update_step(model_repository_folder=local_model_repo) update_tic = time() # update stats if time() - metric_tic > metric_frequency_sec: metric_tic = time() self.report_metrics(remote_logger) def main(): title = 'clearml-serving - Nvidia Triton Engine Helper' print(title) parser = ArgumentParser(prog='clearml-serving', description=title) parser.add_argument( '--serving-id', default=None, type=str, required=True, help='Specify main serving service Task ID') parser.add_argument( '--project', default='serving', type=str, help='Optional specify project for the serving engine Task') parser.add_argument( '--name', default='nvidia-triton', type=str, help='Optional specify task name for the serving engine Task') parser.add_argument( '--update-frequency', default=10, type=float, help='Model update frequency in minutes') parser.add_argument( '--metric-frequency', default=1, type=float, help='Metric reporting update frequency in minutes') parser.add_argument( '--t-http-port', type=str, help=' The port for the server to listen on for HTTP requests') parser.add_argument( '--t-http-thread-count', type=str, help=' Number of threads handling HTTP requests') parser.add_argument( '--t-allow-grpc', type=str, help=' Allow the server to listen for GRPC requests') parser.add_argument( '--t-grpc-port', type=str, help=' The port for the server to listen on for GRPC requests') parser.add_argument( '--t-grpc-infer-allocation-pool-size', type=str, help=' The maximum number of inference request/response objects that remain ' 'allocated for reuse. As long as the number of in-flight requests doesn\'t exceed ' 'this value there will be no allocation/deallocation of request/response objects') parser.add_argument( '--t-pinned-memory-pool-byte-size', type=str, help=' The total byte size that can be allocated as pinned system ' 'memory. If GPU support is enabled, the server will allocate pinned ' 'system memory to accelerate data transfer between host and devices ' 'until it exceeds the specified byte size. This option will not affect ' 'the allocation conducted by the backend frameworks. Default is 256 MB') parser.add_argument( '--t-cuda-memory-pool-byte-size', type=str, help='<:> The total byte size that can be allocated as CUDA memory for ' 'the GPU device. If GPU support is enabled, the server will allocate ' 'CUDA memory to minimize data transfer between host and devices ' 'until it exceeds the specified byte size. This option will not affect ' 'the allocation conducted by the backend frameworks. The argument ' 'should be 2 integers separated by colons in the format :. This option can be used multiple times, but only ' 'once per GPU device. Subsequent uses will overwrite previous uses for ' 'the same GPU device. Default is 64 MB') parser.add_argument( '--t-min-supported-compute-capability', type=str, help=' The minimum supported CUDA compute capability. GPUs that ' 'don\'t support this compute capability will not be used by the server') parser.add_argument( '--t-buffer-manager-thread-count', type=str, help=' The number of threads used to accelerate copies and other' 'operations required to manage input and output tensor contents.' 'Default is 0') args = parser.parse_args() task = Task.init(project_name=args.project,, task_type=Task.TaskTypes.inference) helper = TritonHelper(args, task, serving_id=args.serving_id) # this function will never end helper.maintenance_daemon( local_model_repo='/models', update_frequency_sec=args.update_frequency*60.0, metric_frequency_sec=args.metric_frequency*60.0, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()