import json import os import re from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial from threading import Event, Thread from time import time, sleep from clearml import Task from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, Iterable from prometheus_client import Histogram, Enum, Gauge, Counter, values from kafka import KafkaConsumer from prometheus_client.metrics import MetricWrapperBase, _validate_exemplar from prometheus_client.registry import REGISTRY from prometheus_client.samples import Exemplar, Sample from prometheus_client.context_managers import Timer from prometheus_client.utils import floatToGoString from ..serving.endpoints import EndpointMetricLogging from ..serving.model_request_processor import ModelRequestProcessor class ScalarHistogram(Histogram): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def observe(self, amount, exemplar=None): """Observe the given amount. The amount is usually positive or zero. Negative values are accepted but prevent current versions of Prometheus from properly detecting counter resets in the sum of observations. See for details. """ self._raise_if_not_observable() for i, bound in enumerate(self._upper_bounds): if amount <= bound: self._buckets[i].inc(1) if exemplar: _validate_exemplar(exemplar) self._buckets[i].set_exemplar(Exemplar(exemplar, amount, time())) break def _child_samples(self) -> Iterable[Sample]: samples = [] for i, bound in enumerate(self._upper_bounds): acc = self._buckets[i].get() samples.append( Sample('_bucket', {'le': floatToGoString(bound)}, acc, None, self._buckets[i].get_exemplar()) ) samples.append(Sample('_sum', {'le': floatToGoString(bound)}, self._sum.get(), None, None)) return tuple(samples) class EnumHistogram(MetricWrapperBase): """A Histogram tracks the size and number of events in buckets. You can use Histograms for aggregatable calculation of quantiles. Example use cases: - Response latency - Request size Example for a Histogram: from prometheus_client import Histogram h = Histogram('request_size_bytes', 'Request size (bytes)') h.observe(512) # Observe 512 (bytes) Example for a Histogram using time: from prometheus_client import Histogram REQUEST_TIME = Histogram('response_latency_seconds', 'Response latency (seconds)') @REQUEST_TIME.time() def create_response(request): '''A dummy function''' time.sleep(1) Example of using the same Histogram object as a context manager: with REQUEST_TIME.time(): pass # Logic to be timed The default buckets are intended to cover a typical web/rpc request from milliseconds to seconds. They can be overridden by passing `buckets` keyword argument to `Histogram`. """ _type = 'histogram' def __init__(self, name, documentation, buckets, labelnames=(), namespace='', subsystem='', unit='', registry=REGISTRY, _labelvalues=None, ): self._prepare_buckets(buckets) super().__init__( name=name, documentation=documentation, labelnames=labelnames, namespace=namespace, subsystem=subsystem, unit=unit, registry=registry, _labelvalues=_labelvalues, ) self._kwargs['buckets'] = buckets def _prepare_buckets(self, buckets): buckets = [str(b) for b in buckets] if buckets != sorted(buckets): # This is probably an error on the part of the user, # so raise rather than sorting for them. raise ValueError('Buckets not in sorted order') if len(buckets) < 2: raise ValueError('Must have at least two buckets') self._upper_bounds = buckets def _metric_init(self): self._buckets = {} self._created = time() bucket_labelnames = self._upper_bounds self._sum = values.ValueClass( self._type, self._name, self._name + '_sum', self._labelnames, self._labelvalues) for b in self._upper_bounds: self._buckets[b] = values.ValueClass( self._type, self._name, self._name + '_bucket', bucket_labelnames, self._labelvalues + (b,)) def observe(self, amount, exemplar=None): """Observe the given amount. The amount is usually positive or zero. Negative values are accepted but prevent current versions of Prometheus from properly detecting counter resets in the sum of observations. See for details. """ self._raise_if_not_observable() if not isinstance(amount, (list, tuple)): amount = [amount] for v in amount: self._buckets[v].inc(1) if exemplar: _validate_exemplar(exemplar) self._buckets[v].set_exemplar(Exemplar(exemplar, 1, time())) def time(self): """Time a block of code or function, and observe the duration in seconds. Can be used as a function decorator or context manager. """ return Timer(self, 'observe') def _child_samples(self) -> Iterable[Sample]: samples = [] for i in self._buckets: acc = self._buckets[i].get() samples.append(Sample( '_bucket', {'enum': i}, acc, None, self._buckets[i].get_exemplar())) samples.append(Sample('_sum', {'enum': i}, self._sum.get(), None, None)) return tuple(samples) class StatisticsController(object): _reserved = { '_latency': partial(ScalarHistogram, buckets=(.005, .01, .025, .05, .075, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0)), '_count': Counter } _metric_type_class = {"scalar": ScalarHistogram, "enum": EnumHistogram, "value": Gauge, "counter": Counter} def __init__( self, task: Task, kafka_server_url: str, serving_id: Optional[str], poll_frequency_min: float = 5 ): self.task = task self._serving_service_task_id = serving_id self._poll_frequency_min = float(poll_frequency_min) self._serving_service = None # type: Optional[ModelRequestProcessor] self._current_endpoints = {} # type: Optional[Dict[str, EndpointMetricLogging]] self._prometheus_metrics = {} # type: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, MetricWrapperBase]]] self._timestamp = time() self._sync_thread = None self._last_sync_time = time() self._dirty = False self._sync_event = Event() self._sync_threshold_sec = 30 self._kafka_server = kafka_server_url # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._kafka_topic = ModelRequestProcessor._kafka_topic def start(self): self._serving_service = ModelRequestProcessor(task_id=self._serving_service_task_id) if not self._sync_thread: self._sync_thread = Thread(target=self._sync_daemon, daemon=True) self._sync_thread.start() # noinspection PyProtectedMember kafka_server = \ self._serving_service.get_configuration().get(ModelRequestProcessor._config_key_kafka_stats) or \ self._kafka_server print("Starting Kafka Statistics processing: {}".format(kafka_server)) while True: try: consumer = KafkaConsumer(self._kafka_topic, bootstrap_servers=kafka_server) break except Exception as ex: print("Error: failed opening Kafka consumer [{}]: {}".format(kafka_server, ex)) print("Retrying in 30 seconds") sleep(30) # we will never leave this loop for message in consumer: # noinspection PyBroadException try: data = json.loads(message.value.decode("utf-8")) except Exception: print("Warning: failed to decode kafka stats message") continue try: url = data.pop("_url", None) if not url: # should not happen continue endpoint_metric = self._current_endpoints.get(url) if not endpoint_metric: # add default one, we will just log the reserved valued: endpoint_metric = dict() self._current_endpoints[url] = EndpointMetricLogging(endpoint=url) # we should sync, if time()-self._last_sync_time > self._sync_threshold_sec: self._last_sync_time = time() self._sync_event.set() metric_url_log = self._prometheus_metrics.get(url) if not metric_url_log: # create a new one metric_url_log = dict() self._prometheus_metrics[url] = metric_url_log # check if we have the prometheus_logger for k, v in data.items(): prometheus_logger = metric_url_log.get(k) if not prometheus_logger: prometheus_logger = self._create_prometheus_logger_class(url, k, endpoint_metric) if not prometheus_logger: continue metric_url_log[k] = prometheus_logger self._report_value(prometheus_logger, v) except Exception as ex: print("Warning: failed to report stat to Prometheus: {}".format(ex)) continue @staticmethod def _report_value(prometheus_logger: Optional[MetricWrapperBase], v: Any) -> bool: if not prometheus_logger: # this means no one configured the variable to log return False elif isinstance(prometheus_logger, (Histogram, EnumHistogram)): prometheus_logger.observe(amount=v) elif isinstance(prometheus_logger, Gauge): prometheus_logger.set(value=v) elif isinstance(prometheus_logger, Counter): elif isinstance(prometheus_logger, Enum): prometheus_logger.state(state=v) else: # we should not get here return False return True def _create_prometheus_logger_class( self, url: str, variable_name: str, endpoint_config: EndpointMetricLogging ) -> Optional[MetricWrapperBase]: reserved_cls = self._reserved.get(variable_name) name = "{}:{}".format(url, variable_name) name = re.sub(r"[^(a-zA-Z0-9_:)]", "_", name) if reserved_cls: return reserved_cls(name=name, documentation="Built in {}".format(variable_name)) if not endpoint_config: # we should not end up here return None metric_ = endpoint_config.metrics.get(variable_name) if not metric_: return None metric_cls = self._metric_type_class.get(metric_.type) if not metric_cls: return None if metric_cls in (Histogram, EnumHistogram): return metric_cls( name=name, documentation="User defined metric {}".format(metric_.type), buckets=metric_.buckets ) return metric_cls(name=name, documentation="User defined metric {}".format(metric_.type)) def _sync_daemon(self): self._last_sync_time = time() poll_freq_sec = self._poll_frequency_min*60 print("Instance [{}, pid={}]: Launching - configuration sync every {} sec".format(, os.getpid(), poll_freq_sec)) while True: try: self._serving_service.deserialize() endpoint_metrics = self._serving_service.list_endpoint_logging() self._last_sync_time = time() if self._current_endpoints == endpoint_metrics: self._sync_event.wait(timeout=poll_freq_sec) self._sync_event.clear() continue # update metrics: self._dirty = True self._current_endpoints = deepcopy(endpoint_metrics) print("New configuration synced") except Exception as ex: print("Warning: failed to sync state from serving service Task: {}".format(ex)) continue