import numpy as np from typing import Optional, Any, Callable, List from attr import attrib, attrs, asdict from clearml import Task, Model from clearml.binding.artifacts import Artifacts from import sha256sum def _engine_validator(inst, attr, value): # noqa if not BasePreprocessRequest.validate_engine_type(value): raise TypeError("{} not supported engine type".format(value)) def _matrix_type_validator(inst, attr, value): # noqa if value and not np.dtype(value): raise TypeError("{} not supported matrix type".format(value)) @attrs class ModelMonitoring(object): base_serving_url = attrib(type=str) # serving point url prefix (example: "detect_cat") monitor_project = attrib(type=str) # monitor model project (for model auto update) monitor_name = attrib(type=str) # monitor model name (for model auto update, regexp selection) monitor_tags = attrib(type=list) # monitor model tag (for model auto update) engine_type = attrib(type=str, validator=_engine_validator) # engine type only_published = attrib(type=bool, default=False) # only select published models max_versions = attrib(type=int, default=None) # Maximum number of models to keep serving (latest X models) input_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size input_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type input_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to push the input to output_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size output_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type output_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to pull the results from preprocess_artifact = attrib( type=str, default=None) # optional artifact name storing the model preprocessing code auxiliary_cfg = attrib(type=dict, default=None) # Auxiliary configuration (e.g. triton conf), Union[str, dict] def as_dict(self, remove_null_entries=False): if not remove_null_entries: return asdict(self) return {k: v for k, v in asdict(self).items() if v is not None} @attrs class ModelEndpoint(object): engine_type = attrib(type=str, validator=_engine_validator) # engine type serving_url = attrib(type=str) # full serving point url (including version) example: "detect_cat/v1" model_id = attrib(type=str) # list of model IDs to serve (order implies versions first is v1) version = attrib(type=str, default="") # key (version string), default no version preprocess_artifact = attrib( type=str, default=None) # optional artifact name storing the model preprocessing code input_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size input_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type input_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to push the input to output_size = attrib(type=list, default=None) # optional, model matrix size output_type = attrib(type=str, default=None, validator=_matrix_type_validator) # optional, model matrix type output_name = attrib(type=str, default=None) # optional, layer name to pull the results from auxiliary_cfg = attrib(type=dict, default=None) # Optional: Auxiliary configuration (e.g. triton conf), [str, dict] def as_dict(self, remove_null_entries=False): if not remove_null_entries: return asdict(self) return {k: v for k, v in asdict(self).items() if v is not None} class BasePreprocessRequest(object): __preprocessing_lookup = {} __preprocessing_modules = set() def __init__( self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None, ): """ Notice this object is not be created per request, but once per Process Make sure it is always thread-safe """ self.model_endpoint = model_endpoint self._preprocess = None self._model = None self._server_config = server_config or {} # load preprocessing code here if self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact: if not task or self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact not in task.artifacts: print("Warning: could not find preprocessing artifact \'{}\' on Task id={}".format( self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact, else: try: path = task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].get_local_copy() # check file content hash, should only happens once?! # noinspection PyProtectedMember file_hash, _ = sha256sum(path, block_size=Artifacts._hash_block_size) if file_hash != task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].hash: print("INFO: re-downloading artifact '{}' hash changed".format( self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact)) path = task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].get_local_copy( extract_archive=True, force_download=True, ) else: # extract zip if we need to, otherwise it will be the same path = task.artifacts[self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact].get_local_copy( extract_archive=True, ) import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("Preprocess", path) _preprocess = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(_preprocess) self._preprocess = _preprocess.Preprocess() # noqa self._preprocess.serving_config = server_config or {} if callable(getattr(self._preprocess, 'load', None)): self._model = self._preprocess.load(self._get_local_model_file()) except Exception as ex: print("Warning: Failed loading preprocess code for \'{}\': {}".format( self.model_endpoint.preprocess_artifact, ex)) def preprocess(self, request): # type: (dict) -> Optional[Any] """ Raise exception to report an error Return value will be passed to serving engine """ if self._preprocess is not None: return self._preprocess.preprocess(request) return request def postprocess(self, data): # type: (Any) -> Optional[dict] """ Raise exception to report an error Return value will be passed to serving engine """ if self._preprocess is not None: return self._preprocess.postprocess(data) return data def process(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ The actual processing function. Can be send to external service """ pass def _get_local_model_file(self): model_repo_object = Model(model_id=self.model_endpoint.model_id) return model_repo_object.get_local_copy() @classmethod def validate_engine_type(cls, engine: str) -> bool: return engine in cls.__preprocessing_lookup @classmethod def get_engine_cls(cls, engine: str) -> Callable: return cls.__preprocessing_lookup.get(engine) @staticmethod def register_engine(engine_name: str, modules: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Callable: """ A decorator to register an annotation type name for classes deriving from Annotation """ def wrapper(cls): cls.__preprocessing_lookup[engine_name] = cls return cls if modules: BasePreprocessRequest.__preprocessing_modules |= set(modules) return wrapper @staticmethod def load_modules() -> None: for m in BasePreprocessRequest.__preprocessing_modules: try: # silently fail import importlib importlib.import_module(m) except (ImportError, TypeError): pass @BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("triton", modules=["grpc", "tritonclient"]) class TritonPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest): _content_lookup = { np.uint8: 'uint_contents', np.int8: 'int_contents', np.int64: 'int64_contents', np.uint64: 'uint64_contents', 'int_contents', np.uint: 'uint_contents', np.bool: 'bool_contents', np.float32: 'fp32_contents', np.float64: 'fp64_contents', } _ext_grpc = None _ext_np_to_triton_dtype = None _ext_service_pb2 = None _ext_service_pb2_grpc = None def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None): super(TritonPreprocessRequest, self).__init__( model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config) # load Triton Module if self._ext_grpc is None: import grpc self._ext_grpc = grpc if self._ext_np_to_triton_dtype is None: from tritonclient.utils import np_to_triton_dtype self._ext_np_to_triton_dtype = np_to_triton_dtype if self._ext_service_pb2 is None: from tritonclient.grpc import service_pb2, service_pb2_grpc self._ext_service_pb2 = service_pb2 self._ext_service_pb2_grpc = service_pb2_grpc def process(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ The actual processing function. Detect gRPC server and send the request to it """ # allow to override bt preprocessing class if self._preprocess is not None and getattr(self._preprocess, "process", None): return self._preprocess.process(data) # Create gRPC stub for communicating with the server triton_server_address = self._server_config.get("triton_grpc_server") if not triton_server_address: raise ValueError("External Triton gRPC server is not configured!") try: channel = self._ext_grpc.insecure_channel(triton_server_address) grpc_stub = self._ext_service_pb2_grpc.GRPCInferenceServiceStub(channel) except Exception as ex: raise ValueError("External Triton gRPC server misconfigured [{}]: {}".format(triton_server_address, ex)) # Generate the request request = self._ext_service_pb2.ModelInferRequest() request.model_name = "{}/{}".format(self.model_endpoint.serving_url, self.model_endpoint.version).strip("/") # we do not use the Triton model versions, we just assume a single version per endpoint request.model_version = "1" # take the input data input_data = np.array(data, dtype=self.model_endpoint.input_type) # Populate the inputs in inference request input0 = request.InferInputTensor() = self.model_endpoint.input_name input_dtype = np.dtype(self.model_endpoint.input_type).type input0.datatype = self._ext_np_to_triton_dtype(input_dtype) input0.shape.extend(self.model_endpoint.input_size) # to be inferred input_func = self._content_lookup.get(input_dtype) if not input_func: raise ValueError("Input type nt supported {}".format(input_dtype)) input_func = getattr(input0.contents, input_func) input_func[:] = input_data.flatten() # push into request request.inputs.extend([input0]) # Populate the outputs in the inference request output0 = request.InferRequestedOutputTensor() = self.model_endpoint.output_name request.outputs.extend([output0]) response = grpc_stub.ModelInfer(request, compression=self._ext_grpc.Compression.Gzip) output_results = [] index = 0 for output in response.outputs: shape = [] for value in output.shape: shape.append(value) output_results.append( np.frombuffer(response.raw_output_contents[index], dtype=self.model_endpoint.output_type)) output_results[-1] = np.resize(output_results[-1], shape) index += 1 # if we have a single matrix, return it as is return output_results[0] if index == 1 else output_results @BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("sklearn", modules=["joblib", "sklearn"]) class SKLearnPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest): def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None): super(SKLearnPreprocessRequest, self).__init__( model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config) if self._model is None: # get model import joblib self._model = joblib.load(filename=self._get_local_model_file()) def process(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ The actual processing function. We run the model in this context """ return self._model.predict(data) @BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("xgboost", modules=["xgboost"]) class XGBoostPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest): def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None): super(XGBoostPreprocessRequest, self).__init__( model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config) if self._model is None: # get model import xgboost self._model = xgboost.Booster() self._model.load_model(self._get_local_model_file()) def process(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ The actual processing function. We run the model in this context """ return self._model.predict(data) @BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("lightgbm", modules=["lightgbm"]) class LightGBMPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest): def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None): super(LightGBMPreprocessRequest, self).__init__( model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config) if self._model is None: # get model import lightgbm self._model = lightgbm.Booster(model_file=self._get_local_model_file()) def process(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ The actual processing function. We run the model in this context """ return self._model.predict(data) @BasePreprocessRequest.register_engine("custom") class CustomPreprocessRequest(BasePreprocessRequest): def __init__(self, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, task: Task = None, server_config: dict = None): super(CustomPreprocessRequest, self).__init__( model_endpoint=model_endpoint, task=task, server_config=server_config) def process(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ The actual processing function. We run the process in this context """ if self._preprocess is not None: return self._preprocess.process(data) return None