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synced 2025-03-16 10:29:46 +00:00
376 lines
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376 lines
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import operator
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Optional
import attr
from boltons.iterutils import first
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from jsonmodels.fields import StringField, ListField, IntField, BoolField
from jsonmodels.models import Base
from redis import StrictRedis
from apiserver.apierrors import errors
from apiserver.apimodels import JsonSerializableMixin
from apiserver.bll.event.event_common import (
from apiserver.bll.redis_cache_manager import RedisCacheManager
from apiserver.database.errors import translate_errors_context
from apiserver.timing_context import TimingContext
from apiserver.utilities.dicts import nested_get
class VariantState(Base):
name: str = StringField(required=True)
min_iteration: int = IntField()
max_iteration: int = IntField()
class DebugSampleHistoryState(Base, JsonSerializableMixin):
id: str = StringField(required=True)
iteration: int = IntField()
variant: str = StringField()
task: str = StringField()
metric: str = StringField()
reached_first: bool = BoolField()
reached_last: bool = BoolField()
variant_states: Sequence[VariantState] = ListField([VariantState])
warning: str = StringField()
class DebugSampleHistoryResult(object):
scroll_id: str = None
event: dict = None
min_iteration: int = None
max_iteration: int = None
class DebugSampleHistory:
EVENT_TYPE = EventType.metrics_image
def __init__(self, redis: StrictRedis, es: Elasticsearch):
self.es = es
self.cache_manager = RedisCacheManager(
def get_next_debug_image(
self, company_id: str, task: str, state_id: str, navigate_earlier: bool
) -> DebugSampleHistoryResult:
Get the debug image for next/prev variant on the current iteration
If does not exist then try getting image for the first/last variant from next/prev iteration
res = DebugSampleHistoryResult(scroll_id=state_id)
state = self.cache_manager.get_state(state_id)
if not state or state.task != task:
raise errors.bad_request.InvalidScrollId(scroll_id=state_id)
if check_empty_data(self.es, company_id=company_id, event_type=self.EVENT_TYPE):
return res
image = self._get_next_for_current_iteration(
company_id=company_id, navigate_earlier=navigate_earlier, state=state
) or self._get_next_for_another_iteration(
company_id=company_id, navigate_earlier=navigate_earlier, state=state
if not image:
return res
self._fill_res_and_update_state(image=image, res=res, state=state)
return res
def _fill_res_and_update_state(
self, image: dict, res: DebugSampleHistoryResult, state: DebugSampleHistoryState
state.variant = image["variant"]
state.iteration = image["iter"]
res.event = image
var_state = first(s for s in state.variant_states if s.name == state.variant)
if var_state:
res.min_iteration = var_state.min_iteration
res.max_iteration = var_state.max_iteration
def _get_next_for_current_iteration(
self, company_id: str, navigate_earlier: bool, state: DebugSampleHistoryState
) -> Optional[dict]:
Get the image for next (if navigated earlier is False) or previous variant sorted by name for the same iteration
Only variants for which the iteration falls into their valid range are considered
Return None if no such variant or image is found
cmp = operator.lt if navigate_earlier else operator.gt
variants = [
for var_state in state.variant_states
if cmp(var_state.name, state.variant)
and var_state.min_iteration <= state.iteration
if not variants:
must_conditions = [
{"term": {"task": state.task}},
{"term": {"metric": state.metric}},
{"terms": {"variant": [v.name for v in variants]}},
{"term": {"iter": state.iteration}},
{"exists": {"field": "url"}},
es_req = {
"size": 1,
"sort": {"variant": "desc" if navigate_earlier else "asc"},
"query": {"bool": {"must": must_conditions}},
with translate_errors_context(), TimingContext(
"es", "get_next_for_current_iteration"
es_res = search_company_events(
self.es, company_id=company_id, event_type=self.EVENT_TYPE, body=es_req
hits = nested_get(es_res, ("hits", "hits"))
if not hits:
return hits[0]["_source"]
def _get_next_for_another_iteration(
self, company_id: str, navigate_earlier: bool, state: DebugSampleHistoryState
) -> Optional[dict]:
Get the image for the first variant for the next iteration (if navigate_earlier is set to False)
or from the last variant for the previous iteration (otherwise)
The variants for which the image falls in invalid range are discarded
If no suitable image is found then None is returned
must_conditions = [
{"term": {"task": state.task}},
{"term": {"metric": state.metric}},
{"exists": {"field": "url"}},
if navigate_earlier:
range_operator = "lt"
order = "desc"
variants = [
for var_state in state.variant_states
if var_state.min_iteration < state.iteration
range_operator = "gt"
order = "asc"
variants = state.variant_states
if not variants:
variants_conditions = [
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"variant": v.name}},
{"range": {"iter": {"gte": v.min_iteration}}},
for v in variants
must_conditions.append({"bool": {"should": variants_conditions}})
must_conditions.append({"range": {"iter": {range_operator: state.iteration}}},)
es_req = {
"size": 1,
"sort": [{"iter": order}, {"variant": order}],
"query": {"bool": {"must": must_conditions}},
with translate_errors_context(), TimingContext(
"es", "get_next_for_another_iteration"
es_res = search_company_events(
self.es, company_id=company_id, event_type=self.EVENT_TYPE, body=es_req
hits = nested_get(es_res, ("hits", "hits"))
if not hits:
return hits[0]["_source"]
def get_debug_image_for_variant(
company_id: str,
task: str,
metric: str,
variant: str,
iteration: Optional[int] = None,
refresh: bool = False,
state_id: str = None,
) -> DebugSampleHistoryResult:
Get the debug image for the requested iteration or the latest before it
If the iteration is not passed then get the latest event
res = DebugSampleHistoryResult()
if check_empty_data(self.es, company_id=company_id, event_type=self.EVENT_TYPE):
return res
def init_state(state_: DebugSampleHistoryState):
state_.task = task
state_.metric = metric
self._reset_variant_states(company_id=company_id, state=state_)
def validate_state(state_: DebugSampleHistoryState):
if state_.task != task or state_.metric != metric:
raise errors.bad_request.InvalidScrollId(
"Task and metric stored in the state do not match the passed ones",
if refresh:
self._reset_variant_states(company_id=company_id, state=state_)
state: DebugSampleHistoryState
with self.cache_manager.get_or_create_state(
state_id=state_id, init_state=init_state, validate_state=validate_state,
) as state:
res.scroll_id = state.id
var_state = first(s for s in state.variant_states if s.name == variant)
if not var_state:
return res
res.min_iteration = var_state.min_iteration
res.max_iteration = var_state.max_iteration
must_conditions = [
{"term": {"task": task}},
{"term": {"metric": metric}},
{"term": {"variant": variant}},
{"exists": {"field": "url"}},
if iteration is not None:
"range": {
"iter": {"lte": iteration, "gte": var_state.min_iteration}
{"range": {"iter": {"gte": var_state.min_iteration}}}
es_req = {
"size": 1,
"sort": {"iter": "desc"},
"query": {"bool": {"must": must_conditions}},
with translate_errors_context(), TimingContext(
"es", "get_debug_image_for_variant"
es_res = search_company_events(
hits = nested_get(es_res, ("hits", "hits"))
if not hits:
return res
image=hits[0]["_source"], res=res, state=state
return res
def _reset_variant_states(self, company_id: str, state: DebugSampleHistoryState):
variant_iterations = self._get_variant_iterations(
company_id=company_id, task=state.task, metric=state.metric
state.variant_states = [
VariantState(name=var_name, min_iteration=min_iter, max_iteration=max_iter)
for var_name, min_iter, max_iter in variant_iterations
def _get_variant_iterations(
company_id: str,
task: str,
metric: str,
variants: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, int, int]]:
Return valid min and max iterations that the task reported images
The min iteration is the lowest iteration that contains non-recycled image url
must = [
{"term": {"task": task}},
{"term": {"metric": metric}},
{"exists": {"field": "url"}},
if variants:
must.append({"terms": {"variant": variants}})
es_req: dict = {
"size": 0,
"query": {"bool": {"must": must}},
"aggs": {
"variants": {
# all variants that sent debug images
"terms": {
"field": "variant",
"size": EventSettings.max_variants_count,
"order": {"_key": "asc"},
"aggs": {
"last_iter": {"max": {"field": "iter"}},
"urls": {
# group by urls and choose the minimal iteration
# from all the maximal iterations per url
"terms": {
"field": "url",
"order": {"max_iter": "asc"},
"size": 1,
"aggs": {
# find max iteration for each url
"max_iter": {"max": {"field": "iter"}}
with translate_errors_context(), TimingContext(
"es", "get_debug_image_iterations"
es_res = search_company_events(
self.es, company_id=company_id, event_type=self.EVENT_TYPE, body=es_req
def get_variant_data(variant_bucket: dict) -> Tuple[str, int, int]:
variant = variant_bucket["key"]
urls = nested_get(variant_bucket, ("urls", "buckets"))
min_iter = int(urls[0]["max_iter"]["value"])
max_iter = int(variant_bucket["last_iter"]["value"])
return variant, min_iter, max_iter
return [
for variant_bucket in nested_get(
es_res, ("aggregations", "variants", "buckets")