allegroai 6870d8aba9 Refactor service_repo
Code cleanup
2021-01-05 18:50:42 +02:00

177 lines
5.5 KiB

import logging
import logging.config
import os
import platform
from functools import reduce
from os import getenv
from os.path import expandvars
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Any, TypeVar
from pyhocon import ConfigTree, ConfigFactory
from pyparsing import (
from apiserver.utilities import json
EXTRA_CONFIG_PATHS = ("/opt/trains/config",)
EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH_SEP = ":" if platform.system() != "Windows" else ";"
class BasicConfig:
NotSet = object()
extra_config_values_env_key_sep = "__"
default_config_dir = "default"
def __init__(
self, folder: str = None, verbose: bool = True, prefix: str = "trains"
folder = (
if folder
else Path(__file__).with_name(self.default_config_dir)
if not folder.is_dir():
raise ValueError("Invalid configuration folder")
self.verbose = verbose
self.prefix = prefix
self.extra_config_values_env_key_prefix = f"{self.prefix.upper()}__"
self._paths = [folder, *self._get_paths()]
self._config = self._reload()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._config[key]
def get(self, key: str, default: Any = NotSet) -> Any:
value = self._config.get(key, default)
if value is self.NotSet and not default:
raise KeyError(
f"Unable to find value for key '{key}' and default value was not provided."
return value
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
return self._config.as_plain_ordered_dict()
def as_json(self) -> str:
return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2)
def logger(self, name: str) -> logging.Logger:
if Path(name).is_file():
name = Path(name).stem
path = ".".join((self.prefix, name))
return logging.getLogger(path)
def _read_extra_env_config_values(self) -> ConfigTree:
""" Loads extra configuration from environment-injected values """
result = ConfigTree()
prefix = self.extra_config_values_env_key_prefix
keys = sorted(k for k in os.environ if k.startswith(prefix))
for key in keys:
path = (
key[len(prefix) :]
.replace(self.extra_config_values_env_key_sep, ".")
result = ConfigTree.merge_configs(
result, ConfigFactory.parse_string(f"{path}: {os.environ[key]}")
return result
def _get_paths(self) -> List[Path]:
value = getenv(EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH_OVERRIDE_VAR, default_paths)
paths = [
Path(expandvars(v)).expanduser() for v in value.split(EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH_SEP)
if value is not default_paths:
invalid = [path for path in paths if not path.is_dir()]
if invalid:
f"WARNING: Invalid paths in {EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH_OVERRIDE_VAR} env var: {' '.join(map(str, invalid))}"
return [path for path in paths if path.is_dir()]
def reload(self):
self._config = self._reload()
def _reload(self) -> ConfigTree:
extra_config_values = self._read_extra_env_config_values()
configs = [self._read_recursive(path) for path in self._paths]
return reduce(
lambda last, config: ConfigTree.merge_configs(
last, config, copy_trees=True
configs + [extra_config_values],
def _read_recursive(self, conf_root) -> ConfigTree:
conf = ConfigTree()
if not conf_root:
return conf
if not conf_root.is_dir():
if self.verbose:
if not conf_root.exists():
print(f"No config in {conf_root}")
print(f"Not a directory: {conf_root}")
return conf
if self.verbose:
print(f"Loading config from {conf_root}")
for file in conf_root.rglob("*.conf"):
key = ".".join(file.relative_to(conf_root).with_suffix("").parts)
conf.put(key, self._read_single_file(file))
return conf
def _read_single_file(self, file_path):
if self.verbose:
print(f"Loading config from file {file_path}")
return ConfigFactory.parse_file(file_path)
except ParseSyntaxException as ex:
msg = f"Failed parsing {file_path} ({ex.__class__.__name__}): (at char {ex.loc}, line:{ex.lineno}, col:{ex.column})"
raise ConfigurationError(msg, file_path=file_path) from ex
except (ParseException, ParseFatalException, RecursiveGrammarException) as ex:
msg = f"Failed parsing {file_path} ({ex.__class__.__name__}): {ex}"
raise ConfigurationError(msg) from ex
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Failed loading {file_path}: {ex}")
def initialize_logging(self):
logging_config = self.get("logging", None)
if not logging_config:
class ConfigurationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, file_path=None, *args):
super().__init__(msg, *args)
self.file_path = file_path
ConfigType = TypeVar("ConfigType", bound=BasicConfig)