
Webserver (NGINX)


The webserver is the trains-server's component responsible for serving the Trains webapp. For this purpose, we use an NGINX server.


In order to serve the Trains webapp, the following is required:

  • The pre-built Trains webapp should be copied to the NGINX html directory (usually /usr/share/nginx/html)
  • The default NGINX port (usually 80) should be changed to match the trains-server configuration (usually 8080)

NOTE: This configuration may vary in different systems, depending on the NGINX version and distribution used.

Example: Centos 7

The following commands can be used to install and run NGINX in the Centos 7 OS:

yum install nginx
cp -R /path/to/trains-webapp/build/* /var/www/html
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start nginx