from collections import defaultdict from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from operator import itemgetter from typing import Mapping, Type, Sequence, Optional, Callable from flask import stream_with_context from mongoengine import Q from apiserver.apierrors import errors from apiserver.apimodels.organization import ( TagsRequest, EntitiesCountRequest, DownloadForGetAll, EntityType, PrepareDownloadForGetAll, ) from apiserver.bll.model import Metadata from apiserver.bll.organization import OrgBLL, Tags from apiserver.bll.project import ProjectBLL from apiserver.config_repo import config from apiserver.database.model import User, AttributedDocument, EntityVisibility from apiserver.database.model.model import Model from apiserver.database.model.project import Project from apiserver.database.model.task.task import Task, TaskType from apiserver.redis_manager import redman from apiserver.service_repo import endpoint, APICall from import conform_model_data from import ( escape_execution_parameters, _hidden_query, conform_task_data, ) from import get_tags_filter_dictionary, sort_tags_response from apiserver.utilities import json from apiserver.utilities.dicts import nested_get org_bll = OrgBLL() project_bll = ProjectBLL() redis = redman.connection("apiserver") @endpoint("organization.get_tags", request_data_model=TagsRequest) def get_tags(call: APICall, company, request: TagsRequest): filter_dict = get_tags_filter_dictionary(request.filter) ret = defaultdict(set) for entity in Tags.Model, Tags.Task: tags = org_bll.get_tags( company, entity, include_system=request.include_system, filter_=filter_dict, ) for field, vals in tags.items(): ret[field] |= vals = sort_tags_response(ret) @endpoint("organization.get_user_companies") def get_user_companies(call: APICall, company_id: str, _): users = [ {"id":, "name":, "avatar": u.avatar} for u in User.objects(company=company_id).only("avatar", "name", "company") ] = { "companies": [ { "id": company_id, "name": call.identity.company_name, "allocated": len(users), "owners": sorted(users, key=itemgetter("name")), } ] } @endpoint("organization.get_entities_count") def get_entities_count(call: APICall, company, request: EntitiesCountRequest): entity_classes: Mapping[str, Type[AttributedDocument]] = { "projects": Project, "tasks": Task, "models": Model, "pipelines": Project, "datasets": Project, "reports": Task, } ret = {} for field, entity_cls in entity_classes.items(): data = if data is None: continue if field == "reports": data["type"] = data["include_subprojects"] = True if request.active_users: if entity_cls is Project: requested_ids = data.get("id") if isinstance(requested_ids, str): requested_ids = [requested_ids] ids, _ = project_bll.get_projects_with_selected_children( company=company, users=request.active_users, project_ids=requested_ids, allow_public=request.allow_public, ) if not ids: ret[field] = 0 continue data["id"] = ids elif not data.get("user"): data["user"] = request.active_users query = Q() if ( entity_cls in (Project, Task) and field not in ("reports", "pipelines", "datasets") and not request.search_hidden ): query &= Q(system_tags__ne=EntityVisibility.hidden.value) ret[field] = entity_cls.get_count( company=company, query_dict=data, query=query, allow_public=request.allow_public, ) = ret def _get_download_getter_fn( company: str, call: APICall, call_data: dict, allow_public: bool, entity_type: EntityType, ) -> Optional[Callable[[int, int], Sequence[dict]]]: def get_task_data() -> Sequence[dict]: tasks = Task.get_many_with_join( company=company, query_dict=call_data, query=_hidden_query(call_data), allow_public=allow_public, ) conform_task_data(call, tasks) return tasks def get_model_data() -> Sequence[dict]: models = Model.get_many_with_join( company=company, query_dict=call_data, allow_public=allow_public, ) conform_model_data(call, models) return models if entity_type == EntityType.task: call_data = escape_execution_parameters(call_data) get_fn = get_task_data elif entity_type == EntityType.model: call_data = Metadata.escape_query_parameters(call_data) get_fn = get_model_data else: raise errors.bad_request.ValidationError( f"Unsupported entity type: {str(entity_type)}" ) def getter(page: int, page_size: int) -> Sequence[dict]: call_data.pop("scroll_id", None) call_data["page"] = page call_data["page_size"] = page_size return get_fn() return getter @endpoint("organization.prepare_download_for_get_all") def prepare_download_for_get_all( call: APICall, company: str, request: PrepareDownloadForGetAll ): # validate input params getter = _get_download_getter_fn( company, call,, allow_public=request.allow_public, entity_type=request.entity_type, ) if getter: getter(0, 1) redis.setex( f"get_all_download_{}", int(config.get("", 300)), json.dumps(, ) = dict( @endpoint("organization.download_for_get_all") def download_for_get_all(call: APICall, company, request: DownloadForGetAll): request_data = redis.get(f"get_all_download_{request.prepare_id}") if not request_data: raise errors.bad_request.InvalidId( f"prepare ID not found", prepare_id=request.prepare_id ) try: call_data = json.loads(request_data) request = PrepareDownloadForGetAll(**call_data) except Exception as ex: raise errors.server_error.DataError("failed parsing prepared data", ex=ex) def generate(): projection = call_data.get("only_fields", []) headers = ",".join(projection) get_fn = _get_download_getter_fn( company, call, call_data=call_data, allow_public=request.allow_public, entity_type=request.entity_type, ) if not get_fn: return headers fields = [path.split(".") for path in projection] def get_entity_field_as_str(data: dict, field: Sequence[str]) -> str: val = nested_get(data, field, "") if isinstance(val, dict): val = val.get("id", "") return str(val) def get_string_from_entity_data(data: dict) -> str: return ",".join(get_entity_field_as_str(data, f) for f in fields) with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as pool: page = 0 page_size = int( config.get("", 500) ) future = pool.submit(get_fn, page, page_size) out = [headers] while True: result = future.result() if not result: break page += 1 future = pool.submit(get_fn, page, page_size) out.extend(get_string_from_entity_data(r) for r in result) yield "\n".join(out) + "\n" out = [] if out: yield "\n".join(out) call.result.filename = f"{request.entity_type}_export.{request.download_type}" call.result.content_type = "text/csv" call.result.raw_data = stream_with_context(generate())