from __future__ import unicode_literals from collections import OrderedDict import attr import related import six from related import StringField, FloatField, IntegerField, BooleanField @attr.s class AtomicType(object): python = attr.ib() related = attr.ib() ATOMIC_TYPES = { 'integer': AtomicType(int, IntegerField), 'number': AtomicType(float, FloatField), 'string': AtomicType(str, StringField), 'boolean': AtomicType(bool, BooleanField), } def resolve_ref(definitions, value): ref = value.get('$ref') if ref: name = ref.split('/')[-1] return definitions[name] one_of = value.get('oneOf') if one_of: one_of = list(one_of) one_of.remove(dict(type='null')) assert len(one_of) == 1 return dict(value, **resolve_ref(definitions, one_of.pop())) return value def normalize_type(typ): if isinstance(typ, six.string_types): return typ return (set(typ) - {'null'}).pop() @attr.s class RelatedBuilder(object): """ Converts jsonschema to related class or field. :param name: Object name. Will be used as the name of the class and to detect recursive objects, which are not supported. :param schema: jsonschema which is the base of the object :param required: In case of child fields, whether the field is required. Only used in ``to_field``. :param definitions: Dictionary to resolve definitions. Defaults to schema['definitions']. :param default: Default value of field. Only used in ``to_field``. """ name = attr.ib(type=six.text_type) schema = attr.ib(type=dict, repr=False) required = attr.ib(type=bool, default=False) definitions = attr.ib(type=dict, default=None, repr=False) default = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(lambda: attr.NOTHING)) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.schema = resolve_ref(self.definitions, self.schema) self.type = normalize_type(self.schema['type']) self.definitions = self.definitions or self.schema.get('definitions') def to_field(self): """ Creates the appropriate ``related`` field from instance. NOTE: Items and nesting level of nested arrays will not be checked. """ if self.type in ATOMIC_TYPES: field = ATOMIC_TYPES[self.type].related return field(default=self.default, required=self.required) if self.type == 'array': sub_schema = self.schema['items'] builder = RelatedBuilder( '{}_items'.format(, sub_schema, definitions=self.definitions ) return related.SequenceField( list if builder.type == 'array' else builder.to_class(), default=attr.Factory(list), ) if self.schema.get('additionalProperties') is True: return attr.ib(type=dict, default=None) return related.ChildField( self.to_class(), default=self.default, required=self.required ) def to_class(self): """ Creates a related class. """ required = self.schema.get('required', []) if self.type in ATOMIC_TYPES: return ATOMIC_TYPES[self.type].python if self.type == 'array': raise RuntimeError(self, 'Cannot convert array to related class') assert self.type and normalize_type(self.type) == 'object', ( self.type, list(self.schema), ) properties = sorted( tuple( ( inner_name, RelatedBuilder( name=inner_name, schema=value, required=inner_name in required, definitions=definitions, ), ) for inner_name, value in self.schema['properties'].items() if inner_name != ), key=lambda pair: pair[1].required, reverse=True, ) return related.mutable( type(, (object,), OrderedDict([(key, builder.to_field()) for key, builder in properties]), ) ) class Visitor(object): """Base class for visitors.""" def visit(self, node, *args, **kwargs): """Visit a node. Calls ``visit_CLASSNAME`` on itself passing ``node``, where ``CLASSNAME`` is the node's class. If the visitor does not implement an appropriate visitation method, will go up the `MRO `_ until a match is found. If the search exhausts all classes of node, raises a :class:`~exceptions.NotImplementedError`. :param node: The node to visit. :return: The return value of the called visitation function. """ if isinstance(node, type): mro = node.mro() else: mro = type(node).mro() for cls in mro: meth = getattr(self, 'visit_' + cls.__name__, None) if meth is None: continue return meth(node, *args, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError( 'No visitation method visit_{}'.format(node.__class__.__name__) ) class SchemaCleaner(Visitor): def __init__(self, definitions): self.definitions = definitions def visit_dict(self, obj, schema): schema = resolve_ref(self.definitions, schema) if schema.get('additionalProperties') is True: return props = schema['properties'] for key, value in list(obj.items()): if key in props: self.visit(value, props[key]) else: del obj[key] def visit_list(self, obj, schema): for value in obj: self.visit(value, schema['items']) @staticmethod def visit_object(obj, schema): pass