import functools
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Sequence, Optional, Callable, Tuple, Dict, Any, Set

from database.model import AttributedDocument
from database.model.settings import Settings

def extract_properties_to_lists(
    key_names: Sequence[str],
    data: Sequence[dict],
    extract_func: Optional[Callable[[dict], Tuple]] = None,
) -> dict:
    Given a list of dictionaries and names of dictionary keys
    builds a dictionary with the requested keys and values lists
    :param key_names: names of the keys in the resulting dictionary
    :param data: sequence of dictionaries to extract values from
    :param extract_func: the optional callable that extracts properties
    from a dictionary and put them in a tuple in the order corresponding to
    key_names. If not specified then properties are extracted according to key_names
    value_sequences = zip(*map(extract_func or itemgetter(*key_names), data))
    return dict(zip(key_names, map(list, value_sequences)))

class SetFieldsResolver:
    The class receives set fields dictionary
    and for the set fields that require 'min' or 'max'
    operation replace them with a simple set in case the
    DB document does not have these fields set

    SET_MODIFIERS = ("min", "max")

    def __init__(self, set_fields: Dict[str, Any]):
        self.orig_fields = set_fields
        self.fields = {
            f: fname
            for f, modifier, dunder, fname in (
                (f,) + f.partition("__") for f in set_fields.keys()
            if dunder and modifier in self.SET_MODIFIERS

    def _get_updated_name(self, doc: AttributedDocument, name: str) -> str:
        if name in self.fields and doc.get_field_value(self.fields[name]) is None:
            return self.fields[name]
        return name

    def get_fields(self, doc: AttributedDocument):
        For the given document return the set fields instructions
        with min/max operations replaced with a single set in case
        the document does not have the field set
        return {
            self._get_updated_name(doc, name): value
            for name, value in self.orig_fields.items()

    def get_names(self) -> Set[str]:
        Returns the names of the fields that had min/max modifiers
        in the format suitable for projection (dot separated)
        return set(name.replace("__", ".") for name in self.fields.values())

def get_server_uuid() -> Optional[str]:
    return Settings.get_by_key("server.uuid")