es_index_prefix: "events"

ignore_iteration {
    metrics: [":monitor:machine", ":monitor:gpu"]

events_retrieval {
    state_expiration_sec: 3600

    # max number of concurrent queries to ES when calculating events metrics
    # should not exceed the amount of concurrent connections set in the ES driver
    max_metrics_concurrency: 4

    # the max amount of metrics to aggregate on
    max_metrics_count: 100

    # the max amount of variants to aggregate on
    max_variants_count: 100

# if set then plot str will be checked for the valid json on plot add
# and the result of the check is written to the db
validate_plot_str: false

# If not 0 then the plots equal or greater to the size will be stored compressed in the DB
plot_compression_threshold: 100000