from datetime import datetime import operator from threading import Lock from time import sleep import attr import psutil from apiserver.utilities.threads_manager import ThreadsManager stat_threads = ThreadsManager("Statistics") @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class Sample: cpu_usage: float = 0.0 mem_used_gb: float = 0 mem_free_gb: float = 0 @classmethod def _apply(cls, op, *samples): return cls( **{ field: op(*(getattr(sample, field) for sample in samples)) for field in attr.fields_dict(cls) } ) def min(self, sample): return self._apply(min, self, sample) def max(self, sample): return self._apply(max, self, sample) def avg(self, sample, count): res = self._apply(lambda x: x * count, self) res = self._apply(operator.add, res, sample) res = self._apply(lambda x: x / (count + 1), res) return res @classmethod def get_current_sample(cls) -> "Sample": return cls( cpu_usage=psutil.cpu_percent(), mem_used_gb=psutil.virtual_memory().used / (1024 ** 3), mem_free_gb=psutil.virtual_memory().free / (1024 ** 3), ) class ResourceMonitor: class Accumulator: def __init__(self): sample = Sample.get_current_sample() self.avg = sample self.min = sample self.max = sample self.time = datetime.utcnow() self.count = 1 def add_sample(self, sample: Sample): self.min = self.min.min(sample) self.max = self.max.max(sample) self.avg = self.avg.avg(sample, self.count) self.count += 1 sample_interval_sec = 5 _lock = Lock() accumulator = Accumulator() @classmethod @stat_threads.register("resource_monitor", daemon=True) def start(cls): while not ThreadsManager.terminating: sleep(cls.sample_interval_sec) sample = Sample.get_current_sample() with cls._lock: cls.accumulator.add_sample(sample) @classmethod def get_stats(cls) -> dict: """ Returns current resource statistics and clears internal resource statistics """ with cls._lock: min_ = attr.asdict(cls.accumulator.min) max_ = attr.asdict(cls.accumulator.max) avg = attr.asdict(cls.accumulator.avg) interval = datetime.utcnow() - cls.accumulator.time cls.accumulator = cls.Accumulator() return { "interval_sec": interval.total_seconds(), "num_cores": psutil.cpu_count(), **{ k: {"min": v, "max": max_[k], "avg": avg[k]} for k, v in min_.items() } }