import threading from os import getenv from time import sleep from boltons.iterutils import first from redis import StrictRedis from redis.sentinel import Sentinel, SentinelConnectionPool from apiserver.apierrors.errors.server_error import ConfigError, GeneralError from apiserver.config_repo import config log = config.logger(__file__) OVERRIDE_HOST_ENV_KEY = ("TRAINS_REDIS_SERVICE_HOST", "REDIS_SERVICE_HOST") OVERRIDE_PORT_ENV_KEY = ("TRAINS_REDIS_SERVICE_PORT", "REDIS_SERVICE_PORT") OVERRIDE_HOST = first(filter(None, map(getenv, OVERRIDE_HOST_ENV_KEY))) if OVERRIDE_HOST:"Using override redis host {OVERRIDE_HOST}") OVERRIDE_PORT = first(filter(None, map(getenv, OVERRIDE_PORT_ENV_KEY))) if OVERRIDE_PORT:"Using override redis port {OVERRIDE_PORT}") class MyPubSubWorkerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, sentinel, on_new_master, msg_sleep_time, daemon=True): super(MyPubSubWorkerThread, self).__init__() self.daemon = daemon self.sentinel = sentinel self.on_new_master = on_new_master self.sentinel_host = sentinel.connection_pool.connection_kwargs["host"] self.msg_sleep_time = msg_sleep_time self._running = False self.pubsub = None def subscribe(self): if self.pubsub: try: self.pubsub.unsubscribe() self.pubsub.punsubscribe() except Exception: pass finally: self.pubsub = None subscriptions = {"+switch-master": self.on_new_master} while not self.pubsub or not self.pubsub.subscribed: try: self.pubsub = self.sentinel.pubsub() self.pubsub.subscribe(**subscriptions) except Exception as ex: log.warn( f"Error while subscribing to sentinel at {self.sentinel_host} ({ex.args[0]}) Sleeping and retrying" ) sleep(3)"Subscribed to sentinel {self.sentinel_host}") def run(self): if self._running: return self._running = True self.subscribe() while self.pubsub.subscribed: try: self.pubsub.get_message( ignore_subscribe_messages=True, timeout=self.msg_sleep_time ) except Exception as ex: log.warn( f"Error while getting message from sentinel {self.sentinel_host} ({ex.args[0]}) Resubscribing" ) self.subscribe() self.pubsub.close() self._running = False def stop(self): # stopping simply unsubscribes from all channels and patterns. # the unsubscribe responses that are generated will short circuit # the loop in run(), calling pubsub.close() to clean up the connection self.pubsub.unsubscribe() self.pubsub.punsubscribe() # todo,future - multi master clusters? class RedisCluster(object): def __init__(self, sentinel_hosts, service_name, **connection_kwargs): self.service_name = service_name self.sentinel = Sentinel(sentinel_hosts, **connection_kwargs) self.master = None self.master_host_port = None self.reconfigure() self.sentinel_threads = {} self.listen() def reconfigure(self): try: self.master_host_port = self.sentinel.discover_master(self.service_name) self.master = self.sentinel.master_for(self.service_name)"Reconfigured master to {self.master_host_port}") except Exception as ex: log.error(f"Error while reconfiguring. {ex.args[0]}") def listen(self): def on_new_master(workerThread): self.reconfigure() for sentinel in self.sentinel.sentinels: sentinel_host = sentinel.connection_pool.connection_kwargs["host"] self.sentinel_threads[sentinel_host] = MyPubSubWorkerThread( sentinel, on_new_master, msg_sleep_time=0.001, daemon=True ) self.sentinel_threads[sentinel_host].start() class RedisManager(object): def __init__(self, redis_config_dict): self.aliases = {} for alias, alias_config in redis_config_dict.items(): alias_config = alias_config.as_plain_ordered_dict() is_cluster = alias_config.get("cluster", False) host = OVERRIDE_HOST or alias_config.get("host", None) if host: alias_config["host"] = host port = OVERRIDE_PORT or alias_config.get("port", None) if port: alias_config["port"] = port db = alias_config.get("db", 0) sentinels = alias_config.get("sentinels", None) service_name = alias_config.get("service_name", None) if not is_cluster and sentinels: raise ConfigError( "Redis configuration is invalid. mixed regular and cluster mode", alias=alias, ) if is_cluster and (not sentinels or not service_name): raise ConfigError( "Redis configuration is invalid. missing sentinels or service_name", alias=alias, ) if not is_cluster and (not port or not host): raise ConfigError( "Redis configuration is invalid. missing port or host", alias=alias ) if is_cluster: # todo support all redis connection args via sentinel's connection_kwargs del alias_config["sentinels"] del alias_config["cluster"] del alias_config["service_name"] self.aliases[alias] = RedisCluster( sentinels, service_name, **alias_config ) else: self.aliases[alias] = StrictRedis(**alias_config) def connection(self, alias): obj = self.aliases.get(alias) if not obj: raise GeneralError(f"Invalid Redis alias {alias}") if isinstance(obj, RedisCluster): obj.master.get("health") return obj.master else: obj.get("health") return obj def host(self, alias): r = self.connection(alias) pool = r.connection_pool if isinstance(pool, SentinelConnectionPool): connections = pool.connection_kwargs[ "connection_pool" ]._available_connections else: connections = pool._available_connections if len(connections) > 0: return connections[0].host else: return None redman = RedisManager(config.get("hosts.redis"))