import os import re from datetime import datetime from pymongo.collection import Collection from pymongo.database import Database from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError from apiserver.database.model.task.task import TaskModelTypes, TaskModelNames from import escape_dict from apiserver.utilities.dicts import nested_get from .utils import _drop_all_indices_from_collections def _migrate_task_models(db: Database): """ Move the execution and output models to new models.input and output lists """ tasks: Collection = db["task"] models_field = "models" now = datetime.utcnow() fields = { TaskModelTypes.input: "execution.model", TaskModelTypes.output: "output.model", } query = {"$or": [{field: {"$exists": True}} for field in fields.values()]} for doc in tasks.find(filter=query, projection=[*fields.values(), models_field]): set_commands = {} for mode, field in fields.items(): value = nested_get(doc, field.split(".")) if value: name = TaskModelNames[mode] model_item = {"model": value, "name": name, "updated": now} existing_models = nested_get(doc, (models_field, mode), default=[]) existing_models = ( m for m in existing_models if m.get("name") != name and m.get("model") != value ) if mode == TaskModelTypes.input: updated_models = [model_item, *existing_models] else: updated_models = [*existing_models, model_item] set_commands[f"{models_field}.{mode}"] = updated_models tasks.update_one( {"_id": doc["_id"]}, { "$unset": {field: 1 for field in fields.values()}, **({"$set": set_commands} if set_commands else {}), }, ) def _migrate_docker_cmd(db: Database): tasks: Collection = db["task"] docker_cmd_field = "execution.docker_cmd" query = {docker_cmd_field: {"$exists": True}} for doc in tasks.find(filter=query, projection=(docker_cmd_field,)): set_commands = {} docker_cmd = nested_get(doc, docker_cmd_field.split(".")) if docker_cmd: image, _, arguments = docker_cmd.partition(" ") set_commands["container"] = {"image": image, "arguments": arguments} tasks.update_one( {"_id": doc["_id"]}, { "$unset": {docker_cmd_field: 1}, **({"$set": set_commands} if set_commands else {}), }, ) def _migrate_model_labels(db: Database): tasks: Collection = db["task"] fields = ("execution.model_labels", "container") query = {"$or": [{field: {"$nin": [None, {}]}} for field in fields]} for doc in tasks.find(filter=query, projection=fields): set_commands = {} for field in fields: data = nested_get(doc, field.split(".")) if not data: continue escaped = escape_dict(data) if data == escaped: continue set_commands[field] = escaped if set_commands: tasks.update_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}, {"$set": set_commands}) def _migrate_project_description(db: Database): projects: Collection = db["project"] filter = { "$or": [ { "$expr": {"$lt": [{"$strLenCP": "$description"}, 100]}, "description": {"$regex": "^Auto-generated at ", "$options": "i"}, }, {"description": {"$regex": "^Auto-generated during move$", "$options": "i"}}, {"description": {"$regex": "^Auto-generated while cloning$", "$options": "i"}}, ] } for doc in projects.find(filter=filter): projects.update_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}, {"$unset": {"description": 1}}) def _migrate_project_names(db: Database): projects: Collection = db["project"] regx = re.compile("/", re.IGNORECASE) for doc in projects.find(filter={"name": regx, "path": {"$in": [None, []]}}): name = doc.get("name") if not name: continue max_tries = int(os.getenv("CLEARML_MIGRATION_PROJECT_RENAME_MAX_TRIES", 10)) iteration = 0 for iteration in range(max_tries): new_name = name.replace("/", "_" * (iteration + 1)) try: projects.update_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}, {"$set": {"name": new_name}}) break except DuplicateKeyError: pass if iteration >= max_tries - 1: print(f"Could not upgrade the name {name} of the project {doc.get('_id')}") def migrate_backend(db: Database): _migrate_task_models(db) _migrate_docker_cmd(db) _migrate_model_labels(db) _migrate_project_names(db) _migrate_project_description(db) _drop_all_indices_from_collections(db, ["task*"])