_description: "Provides support for defining Projects containing Tasks, Models and Dataset Versions." _definitions { multi_field_pattern_data { type: object properties { pattern { description: "Pattern string (regex)" type: string } fields { description: "List of field names" type: array items { type: string } } } } project { type: object properties { id { description: "Project id" type: string } name { description: "Project name" type: string } description { description: "Project description" type: string } user { description: "Associated user id" type: string } company { description: "Company id" type: string } created { description: "Creation time" type: string format: "date-time" } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } default_output_destination { description: "The default output destination URL for new tasks under this project" type: string } last_update { description: """Last project update time. Reflects the last time the project metadata was changed or a task in this project has changed status""" type: string format: "date-time" } } } stats_status_count { type: object properties { total_runtime { description: "Total run time of all tasks in project (in seconds)" type: integer } status_count { description: "Status counts" type: object properties { created { description: "Number of 'created' tasks in project" type: integer } queued { description: "Number of 'queued' tasks in project" type: integer } in_progress { description: "Number of 'in_progress' tasks in project" type: integer } stopped { description: "Number of 'stopped' tasks in project" type: integer } published { description: "Number of 'published' tasks in project" type: integer } closed { description: "Number of 'closed' tasks in project" type: integer } failed { description: "Number of 'failed' tasks in project" type: integer } unknown { description: "Number of 'unknown' tasks in project" type: integer } } } } } stats { type: object properties { active { description: "Stats for active tasks" "$ref": "#/definitions/stats_status_count" } archived { description: "Stats for archived tasks" "$ref": "#/definitions/stats_status_count" } } } projects_get_all_response_single { // copy-paste from project definition type: object properties { id { description: "Project id" type: string } name { description: "Project name" type: string } description { description: "Project description" type: string } user { description: "Associated user id" type: string } company { description: "Company id" type: string } created { description: "Creation time" type: string format: "date-time" } last_update { description: "Last update time" type: string format: "date-time" } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } default_output_destination { description: "The default output destination URL for new tasks under this project" type: string } // extra properties stats { description: "Additional project stats" "$ref": "#/definitions/stats" } sub_projects { description: "The list of sub projects" type: array items { type: object properties { id { description: "Subproject ID" type: string } name { description: "Subproject name" type: string } } } } } } metric_variant_result { type: object properties { metric { description: "Metric name" type: string } metric_hash { description: """Metric name hash. Used instead of the metric name when categorizing last metrics events in task objects.""" type: string } variant { description: "Variant name" type: string } variant_hash { description: """Variant name hash. Used instead of the variant name when categorizing last metrics events in task objects.""" type: string } } } tags_request { type: object properties { include_system { description: "If set to 'true' then the list of the system tags is also returned. The default value is 'false'" type: boolean default: false } projects { description: "The list of projects under which the tags are searched. If not passed or empty then all the projects are searched" type: array items { type: string } } filter { description: "Filter on entities to collect tags from" type: object properties { tags { description: "The list of tag values to filter by. Use 'null' value to specify empty tags. Use '__Snot' value to specify that the following value should be excluded" type: array items {type: string} } system_tags { description: "The list of system tag values to filter by. Use 'null' value to specify empty system tags. Use '__Snot' value to specify that the following value should be excluded" type: array items {type: string} } } } } } tags_response { type: object properties { tags { description: "The list of unique tag values" type: array items {type: string} } system_tags { description: "The list of unique system tag values. Returned only if 'include_system' is set to 'true' in the request" type: array items {type: string} } } } urls { type: object properties { model_urls { type: array items {type: string} } event_urls { type: array items {type: string} } artifact_urls { type: array items {type: string} } } } } create { "2.1" { description: "Create a new project" request { type: object required :[name] properties { name { description: "Project name Unique within the company." type: string } description { description: "Project description." type: string } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } default_output_destination { description: "The default output destination URL for new tasks under this project" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { id { description: "Project id" type: string } } } } } get_by_id { "2.1" { description: "" request { type: object required: [ project ] properties { project { description: "Project id" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { project { description: "Project info" "$ref": "#/definitions/project" } } } } } get_all { "2.1" { description: "Get all the company's projects and all public projects" request { type: object properties { id { description: "List of IDs to filter by" type: array items { type: string } } name { description: "Get only projects whose name matches this pattern (python regular expression syntax)" type: string } description { description: "Get only projects whose description matches this pattern (python regular expression syntax)" type: string } tags { description: "User-defined tags list used to filter results. Prepend '-' to tag name to indicate exclusion" type: array items { type: string } } system_tags { description: "System tags list used to filter results. Prepend '-' to system tag name to indicate exclusion" type: array items { type: string } } order_by { description: "List of field names to order by. When search_text is used, '@text_score' can be used as a field representing the text score of returned documents. Use '-' prefix to specify descending order. Optional, recommended when using page" type: array items { type: string } } page { description: "Page number, returns a specific page out of the resulting list of projects" type: integer minimum: 0 } page_size { description: "Page size, specifies the number of results returned in each page (last page may contain fewer results)" type: integer minimum: 1 } search_text { description: "Free text search query" type: string } only_fields { description: "List of document's field names (nesting is supported using '.', e.g. execution.model_labels). If provided, this list defines the query's projection (only these fields will be returned for each result entry)" type: array items { type: string } } _all_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (all fields match pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } _any_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (any field matches pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } } } response { type: object properties { projects { description: "Projects list" type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/projects_get_all_response_single" } } } } } "2.13": ${get_all."2.1"} { request { properties { shallow_search { description: "If set to 'true' then the search with the specified criteria is performed among top level projects only (or if parents specified, among the direct children of the these parents). Otherwise the search is performed among all the company projects (or among all of the descendants of the specified parents)." type: boolean default: false } } } } "2.15": ${get_all."2.13"} { request { properties { scroll_id { type: string description: "Scroll ID returned from the previos calls to get_all_ex" } refresh_scroll { type: boolean description: "If set then all the data received with this scroll will be requeried" } size { type: integer minimum: 1 description: "The number of projects to retrieve" } } } response.properties.scroll_id { type: string description: "Scroll ID that can be used with the next calls to get_all_ex to retrieve more data" } } } get_all_ex { internal: true "2.1": ${get_all."2.1"} { request { properties { include_stats { description: "If true, include project statistic in response." type: boolean default: false } stats_for_state { description: "Report stats include only statistics for tasks in the specified state. If Null is provided, stats for all task states will be returned." type: string enum: [ active, archived ] default: active } non_public { description: "Return only non-public projects" type: boolean default: false } } } } "2.13": ${get_all_ex."2.1"} { request { properties { active_users { descritpion: "The list of users that were active in the project. If passes then the resulting projects are filtered to the ones that have tasks created by these users" type: array items: {type: string} } shallow_search { description: "If set to 'true' then the search with the specified criteria is performed among top level projects only (or if parents specified, among the direct children of the these parents). Otherwise the search is performed among all the company projects (or among all of the descendants of the specified parents)." type: boolean default: false } check_own_contents { description: "If set to 'true' and project ids are passed to the query then for these projects their own tasks and models are counted" type: boolean default: false } } } response { properties { own_tasks { description: "The amount of tasks under this project (without children projects). Returned if 'check_own_contents' flag is set in the request" type: integer } own_models { description: "The amount of models under this project (without children projects). Returned if 'check_own_contents' flag is set in the request" type: integer } } } } "2.15": ${get_all_ex."2.13"} { request { properties { scroll_id { type: string description: "Scroll ID returned from the previos calls to get_all" } refresh_scroll { type: boolean description: "If set then all the data received with this scroll will be requeried" } size { type: integer minimum: 1 description: "The number of projects to retrieve" } } } response.properties.scroll_id { type: string description: "Scroll ID that can be used with the next calls to get_all to retrieve more data" } } "2.16": ${get_all_ex."2.15"} { request.properties.stats_with_children { description: "If include_stats flag is set then this flag contols whether the child projects tasks are taken into statistics or not" type: boolean default: true } response { properties { stats { properties { active.properties { total_tasks { description: "Number of tasks" type: integer } completed_tasks { description: "Number of tasks completed in the last 24 hours" type: integer } running_tasks { description: "Number of running tasks" type: integer } } archived.properties { total_tasks { description: "Number of tasks" type: integer } completed_tasks { description: "Number of tasks completed in the last 24 hours" type: integer } running_tasks { description: "Number of running tasks" type: integer } } } } } } } } update { "2.1" { description: "Update project information" request { type: object required: [ project ] properties { project { description: "Project id" type: string } name { description: "Project name. Unique within the company." type: string } description { description: "Project description" type: string } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } default_output_destination { description: "The default output destination URL for new tasks under this project" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of projects updated (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [ 0, 1 ] } fields { description: "Updated fields names and values" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } } move { "2.13" { description: "Moves a project and all of its subprojects under the different location" request { type: object required: [project] properties { project { description: "Project id" type: string } new_location { description: "The name location for the project" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { moved { description: "The number of projects moved" type: integer } } } } } merge { "2.13" { description: "Moves all the source project's contents to the destination project and remove the source project" request { type: object required: [project] properties { project { description: "Project id" type: string } destination_project { description: "The ID of the destination project" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { moved_entities { description: "The number of tasks and models moved from the merged project into the destination" type: integer } moved_projects { description: "The number of child projects moved from the merged project into the destination" type: integer } } } } } validate_delete { "2.14" { description: "Validates that the project existis and can be deleted" request { type: object required: [ project ] properties { project { description: "Project ID" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { tasks { description: "The total number of tasks under the project and all its children" type: integer } non_archived_tasks { description: "The total number of non-archived tasks under the project and all its children" type: integer } models { description: "The total number of models under the project and all its children" type: integer } non_archived_models { description: "The total number of non-archived models under the project and all its children" type: integer } } } } } delete { "2.1" { description: "Deletes a project" request { type: object required: [ project ] properties { project { description: "Project ID" type: string } force { description: """If not true, fails if project has tasks. If true, and project has tasks, they will be unassigned""" type: boolean default: false } } } response { type: object properties { deleted { description: "Number of projects deleted (0 or 1)" type: integer } disassociated_tasks { description: "Number of tasks disassociated from the deleted project" type: integer } } } } "2.13": ${delete."2.1"} { request { properties { delete_contents { description: "If set to 'true' then the project tasks and models will be deleted. Otherwise their project property will be unassigned. Default value is 'false'" type: boolean } } } response { properties { urls { description: "The urls of the files that were uploaded by the project tasks and models. Returned if the 'delete_contents' was set to 'true'" "$ref": "#/definitions/urls" } deleted_models { description: "Number of models deleted" type: integer } deleted_tasks { description: "Number of tasks deleted" type: integer } } } } } get_unique_metric_variants { "2.1" { description: """Get all metric/variant pairs reported for tasks in a specific project. If no project is specified, metrics/variant paris reported for all tasks will be returned. If the project does not exist, an empty list will be returned.""" request { type: object properties { project { description: "Project ID" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { metrics { description: "A list of metric variants reported for tasks in this project" type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/metric_variant_result" } } } } } "2.13": ${get_unique_metric_variants."2.1"} { request { properties { include_subprojects { description: "If set to 'true' and the project field is set then the result includes metrics/variants from the subproject tasks" type: boolean default: true } } } } } get_hyperparam_values { "2.13" { description: """Get a list of distinct values for the chosen hyperparameter""" request { type: object required: [section, name] properties { projects { description: "Project IDs" type: array items {type: string} } section { description: "Hyperparameter section name" type: string } name { description: "Hyperparameter name" type: string } allow_public { description: "If set to 'true' then collect values from both company and public tasks otherwise company tasks only. The default is 'true'" type: boolean } include_subprojects { description: "If set to 'true' and the project field is set then the result includes hyper parameters values from the subproject tasks" type: boolean default: true } } } response { type: object properties { total { description: "Total number of distinct parameter values" type: integer } values { description: "The list of the unique values for the parameter" type: array items {type: string} } } } } } get_hyper_parameters { "2.9" { description: """Get a list of all hyper parameter sections and names used in tasks within the given project.""" request { type: object properties { project { description: "Project ID" type: string } page { description: "Page number" default: 0 type: integer } page_size { description: "Page size" default: 500 type: integer } } } response { type: object properties { parameters { description: "A list of parameter sections and names" type: array items {type: object} } remaining { description: "Remaining results" type: integer } total { description: "Total number of results" type: integer } } } } "2.13": ${get_hyper_parameters."2.9"} { request { properties { include_subprojects { description: "If set to 'true' and the project field is set then the result includes hyper parameters from the subproject tasks" type: boolean default: true } } } } } get_model_metadata_keys { "999.0" { description: """Get a list of all metadata keys used in models within the given project.""" request { type: object required: [project] properties { project { description: "Project ID" type: string } include_subprojects { description: "If set to 'true' and the project field is set then the result includes metadate keys from the subproject models" type: boolean default: true } page { description: "Page number" default: 0 type: integer } page_size { description: "Page size" default: 500 type: integer } } } response { type: object properties { keys { description: "A list of model keys" type: array items {type: string} } remaining { description: "Remaining results" type: integer } total { description: "Total number of results" type: integer } } } } } get_task_tags { "2.8" { description: "Get user and system tags used for the tasks under the specified projects" request = ${_definitions.tags_request} response = ${_definitions.tags_response} } } get_model_tags { "2.8" { description: "Get user and system tags used for the models under the specified projects" request = ${_definitions.tags_request} response = ${_definitions.tags_response} } } make_public { "2.9" { description: """Convert company projects to public""" request { type: object properties { ids { description: "Ids of the projects to convert" type: array items { type: string} } } } response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of projects updated" type: integer } } } } } make_private { "2.9" { description: """Convert public projects to private""" request { type: object properties { ids { description: "Ids of the projects to convert. Only the projects originated by the company can be converted" type: array items { type: string} } } } response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of projects updated" type: integer } } } } } get_task_parents { "2.12" { description: "Get unique parent tasks for the tasks in the specified projects" request { type: object properties { projects { description: "The list of projects which task parents are retieved. If not passed or empty then all the projects are searched" type: array items { type: string } } tasks_state { description: "Return parents for tasks in the specified state. If Null is provided, parents for all task states will be returned." type: string enum: [ active, archived ] default: active } } } response { type: object properties { parents { description: "The list of unique task parents sorted by their names" type: array items { type: object properties { id { description: "The ID of the parent task" type: string } name { description: "The name of the parent task" type: string } project { type: object id { description: "The ID of the parent task project" type: string } name { description: "The name of the parent task project" type: string } } } } } } } } "2.13": ${get_task_parents."2.12"} { request { properties { include_subprojects { description: "If set to 'true' and the projects field is not empty then the result includes tasks parents from the subproject tasks" type: boolean default: true } } } } }