_description: """This service provides authentication management and authorization validation for the entire system.""" _default { internal: true allow_roles: ["system", "root"] } _definitions { include "_common.conf" credential_key { type: object properties { access_key { type: string description: "" } label { type: string description: Optional credentials label } last_used { type: string description: "" format: "date-time" } } } role { type: string enum: [ admin, superuser, user, annotator ] } } login { internal: false allow_roles = [ "*" ] "2.1" { description: """Get a token based on supplied credentials (key/secret). Intended for use by users with key/secret credentials that wish to obtain a token for use with other services.""" request { type: object properties { expiration_sec { type: integer description: """Requested token expiration time in seconds. Not guaranteed, might be overridden by the service""" } } } response { type: object properties { token { type: string description: Token string } } } } } logout { internal: false allow_roles = [ "*" ] "2.2" { description: """Removes the authentication cookie from the current session""" request { type: object additionalProperties: false } response { type: object additionalProperties: false } } } get_token_for_user { "2.1" { description: """Get a token for the specified user. Intended for internal use.""" request { type: object required: [ user ] properties { user { type: string description: User ID } company { type: string description: Company ID } expiration_sec { type: integer description: """Requested token expiration time in seconds. Not guaranteed, might be overridden by the service""" } } } response { type: object properties { token { type: string description: "" } } } } } validate_token { "2.1" { description: """Validate a token and return user identity if valid. Intended for internal use. """ request { type: object required: [ token ] properties { token { type: string description: Token string } } } response { type: object properties { valid { type: boolean description: Boolean indicating if the token is valid } user { type: string description: Associated user ID } company { type: string description: Associated company ID } } } } } create_user { "2.1" { allow_roles: ["system", "root", "admin"] description: """Creates a new user auth entry. Intended for internal use. """ request { type: object required: [ name company email ] properties { name { type: string description: User name (makes the auth entry more readable) } company { type: string description: Associated company ID } email { type: string description: Email address uniquely identifying the user } role { description: User role default: user "$ref": "#/definitions/role" } given_name { type: string description: Given name } family_name { type: string description: Family name } avatar { type: string description: Avatar URL } } } response { type: object properties { id { type: string description: New user ID } } } } } create_credentials { allow_roles = [ "*" ] internal: false "2.1" { description: """Creates a new set of credentials for the authenticated user. New key/secret is returned. Note: Secret will never be returned in any other API call. If a secret is lost or compromised, the key should be revoked and a new set of credentials can be created.""" request { type: object properties {} additionalProperties: false } response { type: object properties { credentials { "$ref": "#/definitions/credentials" description: Created credentials } } } } "999.0": ${create_credentials."2.1"} { request.properties.label { type: string description: Optional credentials label } } } get_credentials { allow_roles = [ "*" ] internal: false "2.1" { description: """Returns all existing credential keys for the authenticated user. Note: Only credential keys are returned.""" request { type: object properties {} additionalProperties: false } response { type: object properties { credentials { description: "List of credentials, each with an empty secret field." type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/credential_key" } } } } } } revoke_credentials { allow_roles = [ "*" ] internal: false "2.1" { description: """Revokes (and deletes) a set (key, secret) of credentials for the authenticated user.""" request { type: object required: [ key_id ] properties { access_key { type: string description: Credentials key } } } response { type: object properties { revoked { description: "Number of credentials revoked" type: integer enum: [0, 1] } } } } } edit_user { internal: false allow_roles: ["system", "root", "admin"] "2.1" { description: """ Edit a users' auth data properties""" request { type: object properties { user { description: "User ID" type: string } role { description: "The new user's role within the company" type: string enum: [admin, superuser, user, annotator] } } } response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of users updated (0 or 1)" type: number enum: [ 0, 1 ] } fields { description: "Updated fields names and values" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } } fixed_users_mode { authorize: false "2.1" { description: """ Return fixed users mode status""" request { type: object additionalProperties: false } response { type: object properties { enabled { description: "Fixed users mode enabled" type: boolean } server_errors { description: "Server initialization errors" type: object additionalProperties: True } } } } }