{ _description: """This service provides a management interface for models (results of training tasks) stored in the system.""" _definitions { multi_field_pattern_data { type: object properties { pattern { description: "Pattern string (regex)" type: string } fields { description: "List of field names" type: array items { type: string } } } } model { type: object properties { id { description: "Model id" type: string } name { description: "Model name" type: string } user { description: "Associated user id" type: string } company { description: "Company id" type: string } created { description: "Model creation time" type: string format: "date-time" } task { description: "Task ID of task in which the model was created" type: string } parent { description: "Parent model ID" type: string } project { description: "Associated project ID" type: string } comment { description: "Model comment" type: string } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } framework { description: "Framework on which the model is based. Should be identical to the framework of the task which created the model" type: string } design { description: "Json object representing the model design. Should be identical to the network design of the task which created the model" type: object additionalProperties: true } labels { description: "Json object representing the ids of the labels in the model. The keys are the layers' names and the values are the ids." type: object additionalProperties { type: integer } } uri { description: "URI for the model, pointing to the destination storage." type: string } ready { description: "Indication if the model is final and can be used by other tasks" type: boolean } ui_cache { description: "UI cache for this model" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } get_by_id { "2.1" { description: "Gets model information" request { type: object required: [ model ] properties { model { description: "Model id" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { model { description: "Model info" "$ref": "#/definitions/model" } } } } } get_by_task_id { "2.1" { description: "Gets model information" request { type: object properties { task { description: "Task id" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { model { description: "Model info" "$ref": "#/definitions/model" } } } } } get_all_ex { internal: true "2.1": ${get_all."2.1"} } get_all { "2.1" { description: "Get all models" request { type: object properties { name { description: "Get only models whose name matches this pattern (python regular expression syntax)" type: string } ready { description: "Indication whether to retrieve only models that are marked ready If not supplied returns both ready and not-ready projects." type: boolean } tags { description: "User-defined tags list used to filter results. Prepend '-' to tag name to indicate exclusion" type: array items { type: string } } system_tags { description: "System tags list used to filter results. Prepend '-' to system tag name to indicate exclusion" type: array items { type: string } } only_fields { description: "List of model field names (if applicable, nesting is supported using '.'). If provided, this list defines the query's projection (only these fields will be returned for each result entry)" type: array items { type: string } } page { description: "Page number, returns a specific page out of the resulting list of models" type: integer minimum: 0 } page_size { description: "Page size, specifies the number of results returned in each page (last page may contain fewer results)" type: integer minimum: 1 } project { description: "List of associated project IDs" type: array items { type: string } } order_by { description: "List of field names to order by. When search_text is used, '@text_score' can be used as a field representing the text score of returned documents. Use '-' prefix to specify descending order. Optional, recommended when using page" type: array items { type: string } } task { description: "List of associated task IDs" type: array items { type: string } } id { description: "List of model IDs" type: array items { type: string } } search_text { description: "Free text search query" type: string } framework { description: "List of frameworks" type: array items { type: string } } uri { description: "List of model URIs" type: array items { type: string } } _all_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (all fields match pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } _any_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (any field matches pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } } dependencies { page: [ page_size ] } } response { type: object properties { models: { description: "Models list" type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/model" } } } } } } update_for_task { "2.1" { description: "Create or update a new model for a task" request { type: object required: [ task ] properties { task { description: "Task id" type: string } uri { description: "URI for the model" type: string } name { description: "Model name Unique within the company." type: string } comment { description: "Model comment" type: string } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } override_model_id { description: "Override model ID. If provided, this model is updated in the task." type: string } iteration { description: "Iteration (used to update task statistics)" type: integer } } } response { type: object properties { id { description: "ID of the model" type: string } created { description: "Was the model created" type: boolean } updated { description: "Number of models updated (0 or 1)" type: integer } fields { description: "Updated fields names and values" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } } create { "2.1" { description: "Create a new model not associated with a task" request { type: object required: [ uri name ] properties { uri { description: "URI for the model" type: string } name { description: "Model name Unique within the company." type: string } comment { description: "Model comment" type: string } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } framework { description: "Framework on which the model is based. Case insensitive. Should be identical to the framework of the task which created the model." type: string } design { description: "Json[d] object representing the model design. Should be identical to the network design of the task which created the model" type: object additionalProperties: true } labels { description: "Json object" type: object additionalProperties { type: integer } } ready { description: "Indication if the model is final and can be used by other tasks. Default is false." type: boolean default: false } public { description: "Create a public model Default is false." type: boolean default: false } project { description: "Project to which to model belongs" type: string } parent { description: "Parent model" type: string } task { description: "Associated task ID" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { id { description: "ID of the model" type: string } created { description: "Was the model created" type: boolean } } } } } edit { "2.1" { description: "Edit an existing model" request { type: object required: [ model ] properties { model { description: "Model ID" type: string } uri { description: "URI for the model" type: string } name { description: "Model name Unique within the company." type: string } comment { description: "Model comment" type: string } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } framework { description: "Framework on which the model is based. Case insensitive. Should be identical to the framework of the task which created the model." type: string } design { description: "Json[d] object representing the model design. Should be identical to the network design of the task which created the model" type: object additionalProperties: true } labels { description: "Json object" type: object additionalProperties { type: integer } } ready { description: "Indication if the model is final and can be used by other tasks" type: boolean } project { description: "Project to which to model belongs" type: string } parent { description: "Parent model" type: string } task { description: "Associated task ID" type: string } iteration { description: "Iteration (used to update task statistics)" type: integer } } } response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of models updated (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [0, 1] } fields { description: "Updated fields names and values" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } } update { "2.1" { description: "Update a model" request { type: object required: [ model ] properties { model { description: "Model id" type: string } name { description: "Model name Unique within the company." type: string } comment { description: "Model comment" type: string } tags { type: array description: "User-defined tags" items { type: string } } system_tags { type: array description: "System tags. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." items {type: string} } ready { description: "Indication if the model is final and can be used by other tasks Default is false." type: boolean default: false } created { description: "Model creation time (UTC) " type: string format: "date-time" } ui_cache { description: "UI cache for this model" type: object additionalProperties: true } project { description: "Project to which to model belongs" type: string } task { description: "Associated task ID" type: "string" } iteration { description: "Iteration (used to update task statistics if an associated task is reported)" type: integer } } } response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of models updated (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [0, 1] } fields { description: "Updated fields names and values" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } } set_ready { "2.1" { description: "Set the model ready flag to True. If the model is an output model of a task then try to publish the task." request { type: object required: [ model ] properties { model { description: "Model id" type: string } force_publish_task { description: "Publish the associated task (if exists) even if it is not in the 'stopped' state. Optional, the default value is False." type: boolean } publish_task { description: "Indicates that the associated task (if exists) should be published. Optional, the default value is True." type: boolean } } } response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of models updated (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [0, 1] } published_task { description: "Result of publishing of the model's associated task (if exists). Returned only if the task was published successfully as part of the model publishing." type: object properties { id { description: "Task id" type: string } data { description: "Data returned from the task publishing operation." type: object properties { committed_versions_results { description: "Committed versions results" type: array items { type: object additionalProperties: true } } updated { description: "Number of tasks updated (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [ 0, 1 ] } fields { description: "Updated fields names and values" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } } } } } } delete { "2.1" { description: "Delete a model." request { required: [ model ] type: object properties { model { description: "Model ID" type: string } force { description: """Force. Required if there are tasks that use the model as an execution model, or if the model's creating task is published. """ type: boolean } } } response { type: object properties { deleted { description: "Indicates whether the model was deleted" type: boolean } } } } } }