Module for polymorphism over different types of X axes in scalar aggregations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import auto

from apiserver.utilities import extract_properties_to_lists
from apiserver.utilities.stringenum import StringEnum
from apiserver.config_repo import config

log = config.logger(__file__)

class ScalarKeyEnum(StringEnum):
    String enum representing X axes key

    iter = auto()
    timestamp = auto()
    iso_time = auto()

class ScalarKey(ABC):
    Abstract scalar key

    _enum_to_key = {}
    bucket_key_key = "key"

    def enum_value(self) -> ScalarKeyEnum:
        Enum value accepted in API requests

    def name(self) -> str:
        Key name. Used as arbitrary internal key in elasticsearch queries

    def field(self) -> str:
        Event key to aggregate by

    def get_aggregation(self, interval: int) -> dict:
        Get aggregation for this type of key
        :param interval: elasticsearch aggregation interval

    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
        Save a mapping from enum values to key class
        if cls.enum_value not in ScalarKeyEnum:
            raise ValueError(f"{cls.enum_value!r} not in {ScalarKeyEnum.__name__}")
        if cls.enum_value in cls._enum_to_key:
                f"'{cls.enum_value.value}' is already registered to {ScalarKey.__name__}"
        cls._enum_to_key[cls.enum_value] = cls

    def resolve(cls, key: ScalarKeyEnum):
        Create a key instance from enum instance
        return cls._enum_to_key[key]()

    def get_iterations_data(self, iter_buckets: dict) -> dict:
        Convert a list of bucket entries to `x`s array and `y`s array
        return extract_properties_to_lists(
            ("x", "y"),

    def _get_iterations_data_single(self, iter_data):
        Extract x value and y value from a single bucket item
        return int(iter_data[self.bucket_key_key]), iter_data["avg_val"]["value"]

class TimestampKey(ScalarKey):
    Aggregate by timestamp in milliseconds since epoch

    name = "timestamp"
    field = "timestamp"
    enum_value = ScalarKeyEnum.timestamp

    def get_aggregation(self, interval: int) -> dict:
        return {
            self.name: {
                "date_histogram": {
                    "field": "timestamp",
                    "fixed_interval": f"{interval}ms",
                    "min_doc_count": 1,

class IterKey(ScalarKey):
    Aggregate by iteration number

    name = "iters"
    field = "iter"
    enum_value = ScalarKeyEnum.iter

    def get_aggregation(self, interval: int) -> dict:
        return {
            self.name: {
                "histogram": {"field": "iter", "interval": interval, "min_doc_count": 1}

class ISOTimeKey(ScalarKey):
    Aggregate by time formatted as ISO strings

    name = "iso_time"
    field = "timestamp"
    enum_value = ScalarKeyEnum.iso_time
    bucket_key_key = "key_as_string"

    def get_aggregation(self, interval: int) -> dict:
        return {
            self.name: {
                "date_histogram": {
                    "field": "timestamp",
                    "fixed_interval": f"{interval}ms",
                    "min_doc_count": 1,
                    "format": "strict_date_time",

    def _get_iterations_data_single(self, iter_data):
        return iter_data[self.bucket_key_key], iter_data["avg_val"]["value"]