from operator import itemgetter from sys import maxsize from typing import Type, Tuple import six from mongoengine import ( EmbeddedDocumentListField, ListField, FloatField, StringField, EmbeddedDocumentField, SortedListField, MapField, DictField, DynamicField, ) class LengthRangeListField(ListField): def __init__(self, field=None, max_length=maxsize, min_length=0, **kwargs): self.__min_length = min_length self.__max_length = max_length super(LengthRangeListField, self).__init__(field, **kwargs) def validate(self, value): min, val, max = self.__min_length, len(value), self.__max_length if not min <= val <= max: self.error("Item count %d exceeds range [%d, %d]" % (val, min, max)) super(LengthRangeListField, self).validate(value) class LengthRangeEmbeddedDocumentListField(LengthRangeListField): def __init__(self, field=None, *args, **kwargs): super(LengthRangeEmbeddedDocumentListField, self).__init__( EmbeddedDocumentField(field), *args, **kwargs ) class UniqueEmbeddedDocumentListField(EmbeddedDocumentListField): def __init__(self, document_type, key, **kwargs): """ Create a unique embedded document list field for a document type with a unique comparison key func/property :param document_type: The type of :class:`~mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument` the list will hold. :param key: A callable to extract a key from each item """ if not callable(key): raise KeyError("key must be callable") self.__key = key super(UniqueEmbeddedDocumentListField, self).__init__(document_type) def validate(self, value): if len({self.__key(i) for i in value}) != len(value): self.error("Items with duplicate key exist in the list") super(UniqueEmbeddedDocumentListField, self).validate(value) def object_to_key_value_pairs(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return [(key, object_to_key_value_pairs(value)) for key, value in obj.items()] if isinstance(obj, list): return list(map(object_to_key_value_pairs, obj)) return obj class EmbeddedDocumentSortedListField(EmbeddedDocumentListField): """ A sorted list of embedded documents """ def to_mongo(self, value, use_db_field=True, fields=None): value = super(EmbeddedDocumentSortedListField, self).to_mongo( value, use_db_field, fields ) return sorted(value, key=object_to_key_value_pairs) class LengthRangeSortedListField(LengthRangeListField, SortedListField): pass class CustomFloatField(FloatField): def __init__(self, greater_than=None, **kwargs): self.greater_than = greater_than super(CustomFloatField, self).__init__(**kwargs) def validate(self, value): super(CustomFloatField, self).validate(value) if self.greater_than is not None and value <= self.greater_than: self.error("Float value must be greater than %s" % str(self.greater_than)) class StrippedStringField(StringField): def __init__( self, regex=None, max_length=None, min_length=None, strip_chars=None, **kwargs ): super(StrippedStringField, self).__init__( regex, max_length, min_length, **kwargs ) self._strip_chars = strip_chars def __set__(self, instance, value): if value is not None: try: value = value.strip(self._strip_chars) except AttributeError: pass super(StrippedStringField, self).__set__(instance, value) def prepare_query_value(self, op, value): if not isinstance(op, six.string_types): return value if value is not None: value = value.strip(self._strip_chars) return super(StrippedStringField, self).prepare_query_value(op, value) def contains_empty_key(d): """ Helper function to recursively determine if any key in a dictionary is empty (based on mongoengine.fields.key_not_string) """ for k, v in list(d.items()): if not k or (isinstance(v, dict) and contains_empty_key(v)): return True class SafeMapField(MapField): def validate(self, value): super(SafeMapField, self).validate(value) if contains_empty_key(value): self.error("Empty keys are not allowed in a MapField") class SafeDictField(DictField): def validate(self, value): super(SafeDictField, self).validate(value) if contains_empty_key(value): self.error("Empty keys are not allowed in a DictField") class SafeSortedListField(SortedListField): """ SortedListField that does not raise an error in case items are not comparable (in which case they will be sorted by their string representation) """ def to_mongo(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return super(SafeSortedListField, self).to_mongo(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: return self._safe_to_mongo(*args, **kwargs) def _safe_to_mongo(self, value, use_db_field=True, fields=None): value = super(SortedListField, self).to_mongo(value, use_db_field, fields) if self._ordering is not None: def key(v): return str(itemgetter(self._ordering)(v)) else: key = str return sorted(value, key=key, reverse=self._order_reverse) class UnionField(DynamicField): def __init__(self, types, *args, **kwargs): super(UnionField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.types: Tuple[Type] = tuple(types) def validate(self, value, clean=True): if not isinstance(value, self.types): type_names = [t.__name__ for t in self.types] expected = " or ".join( filter( None, (", ".join(type_names[:-1]), type_names[-1])) ) self.error( f"Expected {expected}, got {type(value).__name__}: {value}" ) super(UnionField, self).validate(value, clean)