import threading
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from itertools import groupby, chain
from typing import Sequence, Dict, Callable, Tuple, Any, Type

import dpath.path

from apiserver.apierrors import errors
from apiserver.database.props import PropsMixin

SEP = "."

def project_dict(data, projection, separator=SEP):
    Project partial data from a dictionary into a new dictionary
    :param data: Input dictionary
    :param projection: List of dictionary paths (each a string with field names separated using a separator)
    :param separator: Separator (default is '.')
    :return: A new dictionary containing only the projected parts from the original dictionary
    assert isinstance(data, dict)
    result = {}

    def copy_path(path_parts, source, destination):
        src, dst = source, destination
            for depth, path_part in enumerate(path_parts[:-1]):
                src_part = src[path_part]
                if isinstance(src_part, dict):
                    src = src_part
                    dst = dst.setdefault(path_part, {})
                elif isinstance(src_part, (list, tuple)):
                    if path_part not in dst:
                        dst[path_part] = [{} for _ in range(len(src_part))]
                    elif not isinstance(dst[path_part], (list, tuple)):
                        raise TypeError(
                            "Incompatible destination type %s for %s (list expected)"
                            % (type(dst), separator.join(path_parts[: depth + 1]))
                    elif not len(dst[path_part]) == len(src_part):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Destination list length differs from source length for %s"
                            % separator.join(path_parts[: depth + 1])

                    dst[path_part] = [
                        copy_path(path_parts[depth + 1 :], s, d)
                        for s, d in zip(src_part, dst[path_part])

                    return destination
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Unsupported projection type %s for %s"
                        % (type(src), separator.join(path_parts[: depth + 1]))

            last_part = path_parts[-1]
            dst[last_part] = src[last_part]
        except KeyError:
            # Projection field not in source, no biggie.
        return destination

    for projection_path in sorted(projection):
            path_parts=projection_path.split(separator), source=data, destination=result
    return result

class _ReferenceProxy(dict):
    def __init__(self, id):
        super(_ReferenceProxy, self).__init__(**({"id": id} if id else {}))

class _ProxyManager:
    lock = threading.Lock()

    def __init__(self):
        self._proxies: Dict[str, _ReferenceProxy] = {}

    def add(self, id):
        with self.lock:
            proxy = self._proxies.get(id)
            if proxy is None:
                proxy = self._proxies[id] = _ReferenceProxy(id)
            return proxy

    def update(self, result):
        proxy = self._proxies.get(result.get("id"))
        if proxy is not None:

class ProjectionHelper(object):
    pool = ThreadPoolExecutor()
    exclusion_prefix = "-"

    def doc_projection(self):
        return self._doc_projection

    def __init__(self, doc_cls, projection, expand_reference_ids=False):
        super(ProjectionHelper, self).__init__()
        self._should_expand_reference_ids = expand_reference_ids
        self._doc_cls = doc_cls
        self._doc_projection = None
        self._ref_projection = None
        self._proxy_manager = _ProxyManager()

        # Cached dpath paths for each of the result documents
        self._cached_results_paths: Dict[int, Sequence[Tuple[Any, Type]]] = {}


    def _collect_projection_fields(self, doc_cls, projection):
        Collect projection for the given document into immediate document projection and reference documents projection
        :param doc_cls: Document class
        :param projection: List of projection fields
        :return: A tuple of document projection and reference fields information
        doc_projection = (
        )  # Projection fields for this class (used in the main query)
        ref_projection_info = (
        )  # Projection information for reference fields (used in join queries)
        for field in projection:
            field_ = field.lstrip(self.exclusion_prefix)
            for ref_field, ref_field_cls in doc_cls.get_reference_fields().items():
                if not field_.startswith(ref_field):
                    # Doesn't start with a reference field
                if field_ == ref_field:
                    # Field is exactly a reference field. In this case we won't perform any inner projection (for that,
                    # use '<reference field name>.*')
                subfield = field_[len(ref_field) :]
                if not subfield.startswith(SEP):
                    # Starts with something that looks like a reference field, but isn't

                        ("" if field_[0] == field[0] else self.exclusion_prefix)
                        + subfield[1:],
                # Not a reference field, just add to the top-level projection
                # We strip any trailing '*' since it means nothing for simple fields and for embedded documents
                orig_field = field
                if field.endswith(".*"):
                    field = field[:-2]
                if not field.lstrip(self.exclusion_prefix):
                    raise errors.bad_request.InvalidFields(
                        field=orig_field, object=doc_cls.__name__
        return doc_projection, ref_projection_info

    def _parse_projection(self, projection):
        Prepare the projection data structures for get_many_with_join().
        :param projection: A list of field names that should be returned by the query. Sub-fields can be specified
            using '.' (i.e. ""). A field terminated by '.*' indicated that all of the field's sub-fields
            should be returned (only relevant for fields that represent sub-documents or referenced documents)
        :type projection: list of strings
        :returns A tuple of (class fields projection, reference fields projection)
        doc_cls = self._doc_cls
        assert issubclass(doc_cls, PropsMixin)
        if not projection:
            return [], {}

        doc_projection, ref_projection_info = self._collect_projection_fields(
            doc_cls, projection

        def normalize_cls_projection(cls_, fields):
            """ Normalize projection for this class and group (expand *, for once) """
            if "*" in fields:
                return list(fields.difference("*").union(cls_.get_fields()))
            return list(fields)

        def compute_ref_cls_projection(cls_, group):
            """ Compute inner projection for this class and group """
            subfields = set([x[2] for x in group if x[2]])
            return normalize_cls_projection(cls_, subfields)

        def sort_key(proj_info):
            return proj_info[:2]

        # Aggregate by reference field. We'll leave out '*' from the projected items since
        ref_projection = {
            ref_field: dict(cls=ref_cls, only=compute_ref_cls_projection(ref_cls, g))
            for (ref_field, ref_cls), g in groupby(
                sorted(ref_projection_info, key=sort_key), sort_key

        # Make sure this doesn't contain any reference field we'll join anyway
        # (i.e. in case only_fields=[project,])
        doc_projection = normalize_cls_projection(
            doc_cls, doc_projection.difference(ref_projection)

        # Make sure that in case one or more field is a subfield of another field, we only use the the top-level field.
        # This is done since in such a case, MongoDB will only use the most restrictive field (most nested field) and
        # won't return some of the data we need.
        # This way, we make sure to use the most inclusive field that contains all requested subfields.
        projection_set = set(doc_projection)
        doc_projection = [
            for field in doc_projection
            if not any(
                for other_field in projection_set - {field}

        # Make sure we didn't get any invalid projection fields for this class
        invalid_fields = [
            for f in doc_projection
            if f.partition(SEP)[0].lstrip(self.exclusion_prefix)
            not in doc_cls.get_fields()
        if invalid_fields:
            raise errors.bad_request.InvalidFields(
                fields=invalid_fields, object=doc_cls.__name__

        if ref_projection:
            # Join mode - use both normal projection fields and top-level reference fields
            doc_projection = set(doc_projection)
            for field in set(ref_projection).difference(doc_projection):
                if any(f for f in doc_projection if field.startswith(f)):
            doc_projection = list(doc_projection)

        # If there are include fields (not only exclude) then add an id field
        if (
            not all(p.startswith(self.exclusion_prefix) for p in doc_projection)
            and "id" not in doc_projection

        self._doc_projection = doc_projection
        self._ref_projection = ref_projection

    def _search(
        doc_cls: PropsMixin,
        obj: dict,
        path: str,
        factory: Callable[[str], dict] = None,
    ) -> Sequence[str]:
        Search for a path in the given object, return the list of values found for the
        given path (multiple values may exist if the path is a glob expression)
        :param doc_cls: The document class represented by the object
        :param obj: Data object
        :param path: Path to a leaf in the data object ("." separated, may contain "*")
         (in case the path contains "*", there may be multiple values)
        :param factory: If provided, replace each value found with an instance provided by the factory.
        norm_path = doc_cls.get_dpath_translated_path(path)
        globlist = norm_path.strip(SEP).split(SEP)

        obj_paths = self._cached_results_paths.get(id(obj))
        if obj_paths is None:
            obj_paths = self._cached_results_paths[id(obj)] = list(
                dpath.path.paths(obj, dirs=True, skip=True)

        paths = [p for p in obj_paths if dpath.path.match(p, globlist)]

        def search_and_replace(p: Sequence[Tuple[str, Type]]) -> Any:
            parent = None
            target = obj
            for part in p:
                parent = target
                target = target[part[0]]
            if parent and factory:
                parent[p[-1][0]] = factory(target)
            return target

        return [search_and_replace(p) for p in paths]

    def project(self, results, projection_func):
        Perform projection on query results, using the provided projection func.
        :param results: A list of results dictionaries on which projection should be performed
        :param projection_func: A callable that receives a document type, list of ids and projection and returns query
            results. This callable is used in order to perform sub-queries during projection
        :return: Modified results (in-place)
        cls = self._doc_cls
        ref_projection = self._ref_projection

        if ref_projection:
            # Join mode - get results for each reference fields projection required (this is the join step)
            # Note: this is a recursive step, so nested reference fields are supported

            def collect_ids(ref_field_name):
                Collect unique IDs for the given reference path from all result documents.
                All collected IDs are replaced in the result dictionaries with a reference proxy generated by the
                proxies manager to allow rapid update later on when projection results are obtained.
                all_ids = (
                        cls, res, ref_field_name, factory=self._proxy_manager.add
                    for res in results
                return list(filter(None, set(chain.from_iterable(all_ids))))

            items = [
                for tup in (
                    (*item, collect_ids(item[0])) for item in ref_projection.items()
                if tup[2]

            if items:

                def do_projection(item):
                    ref_field_name, data, ids = item

                    doc_type = data["cls"]
                    doc_only = list(filter(None, data["only"]))
                    doc_only = list({"id"} | set(doc_only)) if doc_only else None

                    for res in projection_func(
                        doc_type=doc_type, projection=doc_only, ids=ids

                if len(ref_projection) == 1:
                    for _ in, items):
                        # From documentation: If a call raises an exception then that exception
                        #  will be raised when its value is retrieved from the map() iterator

        def do_expand_reference_ids(result, skip_fields=None):
            ref_fields = cls.get_reference_fields()
            if skip_fields:
                ref_fields = set(ref_fields) - set(skip_fields)
            self._expand_reference_fields(cls, result, ref_fields)

        # any reference field not projected should be expanded
        if self._should_expand_reference_ids:
            for result in results:
                    result, skip_fields=list(ref_projection) if ref_projection else None

        return results

    def _expand_reference_fields(self, doc_cls, result, fields):
        for ref_field_name in fields:
            self._search(doc_cls, result, ref_field_name, factory=_ReferenceProxy)

    def expand_reference_ids(self, doc_cls, result):
        self._expand_reference_fields(doc_cls, result, doc_cls.get_reference_fields())