from datetime import datetime from typing import Callable, Tuple, Sequence, Dict, Optional from mongoengine import Q from apiserver.apierrors import errors from apiserver.apimodels.models import ModelTaskPublishResponse from apiserver.bll.task.utils import deleted_prefix, get_last_metric_updates from apiserver.database.model import EntityVisibility from apiserver.database.model.model import Model from apiserver.database.model.task.task import Task, TaskStatus from apiserver.service_repo.auth import Identity from .metadata import Metadata class ModelBLL: @classmethod def get_company_model_by_id( cls, company_id: str, model_id: str, only_fields=None ) -> Model: query = dict(company=company_id, id=model_id) qs = Model.objects(**query) if only_fields: qs = qs.only(*only_fields) model = qs.first() if not model: raise errors.bad_request.InvalidModelId(**query) return model @staticmethod def assert_exists( company_id, model_ids, only=None, allow_public=False, return_models=True, ) -> Optional[Sequence[Model]]: model_ids = [model_ids] if isinstance(model_ids, str) else model_ids ids = set(model_ids) query = Q(id__in=ids) q = Model.get_many( company=company_id, query=query, allow_public=allow_public, return_dicts=False, ) if only: q = q.only(*only) if q.count() != len(ids): raise errors.bad_request.InvalidModelId(ids=model_ids) if return_models: return list(q) @classmethod def publish_model( cls, model_id: str, company_id: str, identity: Identity, force_publish_task: bool = False, publish_task_func: Callable[[str, str, Identity, bool], dict] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, ModelTaskPublishResponse]: model = cls.get_company_model_by_id(company_id=company_id, model_id=model_id) if model.ready: raise errors.bad_request.ModelIsReady(company=company_id, model=model_id) user_id = identity.user published_task = None if model.task and publish_task_func: task = ( Task.objects(id=model.task, company=company_id) .only("id", "status") .first() ) if task and task.status != TaskStatus.published: task_publish_res = publish_task_func( model.task, company_id, identity, force_publish_task ) published_task = ModelTaskPublishResponse( id=model.task, data=task_publish_res ) now = datetime.utcnow() updated = model.update( upsert=False, ready=True, last_update=now, last_change=now, last_changed_by=user_id, ) return updated, published_task @classmethod def delete_model( cls, model_id: str, company_id: str, user_id: str, force: bool ) -> Tuple[int, Model]: model = cls.get_company_model_by_id( company_id=company_id, model_id=model_id, only_fields=("id", "task", "project", "uri"), ) deleted_model_id = f"{deleted_prefix}{model_id}" using_tasks = Task.objects(models__input__model=model_id).only("id") if using_tasks: if not force: raise errors.bad_request.ModelInUse( "as execution model, use force=True to delete", num_tasks=len(using_tasks), ) # update deleted model id in using tasks Task._get_collection().update_many( filter={"_id": {"$in": [ for t in using_tasks]}}, update={"$set": {"models.input.$[elem].model": deleted_model_id}}, array_filters=[{"elem.model": model_id}], upsert=False, ) if model.task: task = Task.objects(id=model.task).first() if task: now = datetime.utcnow() if task.status == TaskStatus.published: if not force: raise errors.bad_request.ModelCreatingTaskExists( "and published, use force=True to delete", task=model.task ) Task._get_collection().update_one( filter={"_id": model.task, "models.output.model": model_id}, update={ "$set": { "models.output.$[elem].model": deleted_model_id, "output.error": f"model deleted on {now.isoformat()}", "last_change": now, "last_changed_by": user_id, }, }, array_filters=[{"elem.model": model_id}], upsert=False, ) else: task.update( pull__models__output__model=model_id, set__last_change=now, set__last_changed_by=user_id, ) del_count = Model.objects(id=model_id, company=company_id).delete() return del_count, model @classmethod def archive_model(cls, model_id: str, company_id: str, user_id: str): cls.get_company_model_by_id( company_id=company_id, model_id=model_id, only_fields=("id",) ) now = datetime.utcnow() archived = Model.objects(company=company_id, id=model_id).update( add_to_set__system_tags=EntityVisibility.archived.value, last_change=now, last_changed_by=user_id, ) return archived @classmethod def unarchive_model(cls, model_id: str, company_id: str, user_id: str): cls.get_company_model_by_id( company_id=company_id, model_id=model_id, only_fields=("id",) ) now = datetime.utcnow() unarchived = Model.objects(company=company_id, id=model_id).update( pull__system_tags=EntityVisibility.archived.value, last_change=now, last_changed_by=user_id, ) return unarchived @classmethod def get_model_stats( cls, company: str, model_ids: Sequence[str], ) -> Dict[str, dict]: if not model_ids: return {} result = Model.aggregate( [ { "$match": { "company": {"$in": ["", company]}, "_id": {"$in": model_ids}, } }, { "$addFields": { "labels_count": {"$size": {"$objectToArray": "$labels"}} } }, {"$project": {"labels_count": 1}}, ] ) return {r.pop("_id"): r for r in result} @staticmethod def update_statistics( company_id: str, user_id: str, model_id: str, last_update: datetime = None, last_iteration_max: int = None, last_scalar_events: Dict[str, Dict[str, dict]] = None, ): last_update = last_update or datetime.utcnow() updates = { "last_update": datetime.utcnow(), "last_change": last_update, "last_changed_by": user_id, } if last_iteration_max is not None: updates.update(max__last_iteration=last_iteration_max) raw_updates = {} if last_scalar_events is not None: raw_updates = {} if last_scalar_events is not None: get_last_metric_updates( task_id=model_id, last_scalar_events=last_scalar_events, raw_updates=raw_updates, extra_updates=updates, model_events=True, ) ret = Model.objects(id=model_id).update_one(**updates) if ret and raw_updates: Model.objects(id=model_id).update_one(__raw__=[{"$set": raw_updates}]) return ret