_description: "Provides a management API for reports in the system." _definitions { include "_tasks_common.conf" include "_events_common.conf" update_response { type: object properties { updated { description: "Number of reports updated (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [ 0, 1 ] } fields { description: "Updated fields names and values" type: object additionalProperties: true } } } report_status_enum { type: string enum: [ created published ] } report { type: object properties { id { description: "Report id" type: string } name { description: "Report Name" type: string } user { description: "Associated user id" type: string } company { description: "Company ID" type: string } status { description: "" "$ref": "#/definitions/report_status_enum" } comment { description: "Free text comment" type: string } report { description: "Report template" type: string } created { description: "Report creation time (UTC) " type: string format: "date-time" } project { description: "Project ID of the project to which this report is assigned" type: string } tags { description: "User-defined tags list" type: array items { type: string } } system_tags { description: "System tags list. This field is reserved for system use, please don't use it." type: array items { type: string } } status_changed { description: "Last status change time" type: string format: "date-time" } status_message { description: "free text string representing info about the status" type: string } status_reason { description: "Reason for last status change" type: string } published { description: "Report publish time" type: string format: "date-time" } last_update { description: "Last time this report was created, edited, changed" type: string format: "date-time" } } } } create { "999.0" { description: "Create a new report" request { type: object required: [ name ] properties { name { description: "Report name. Unique within the company." type: string } tags { description: "User-defined tags list" type: array items { type: string } } comment { description: "Free text comment " type: string } report { description: "Report template" type: string } project { description: "Project ID of the project to which this report is assigned Must exist[ab]" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { id { description: "ID of the report" type: string } } } } } update { "999.0" { description: "Create a new report" request { type: object required: [ task ] properties { task { description: "The ID of the report task to update" type: string } name { description: "Report name. Unique within the company." type: string } tags { description: "User-defined tags list" type: array items { type: string } } comment { description: "Free text comment " type: string } report { description: "Report template" type: string } } } response: ${_definitions.update_response} } } move { "999.0" { description: "Move reports to a project" request { type: object required: [task] properties { task { description: "ID of the report to move" type: string } project { description: "Target project ID. If not provided, `project_name` must be provided." type: string } project_name { description: "Target project name. If provided and a project with this name does not exist, a new project will be created. If not provided, `project` must be provided." type: string } } } response { type: object properties { project_id: { description: The ID of the target project type: string } } } } } publish { "999.0" { description: "Publish report" request { type: object required: [ task ] properties { task { description: "The ID of the report task to publish" type: string } comment { description: "The client message" type: string } } } response: ${_definitions.update_response} } } archive { "999.0" { description: "Archive report" request { type: object required: [ task ] properties { task { description: "The ID of the report task to archive" type: string } comment { description: "The client message" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { archived { description: "Number of reports archived (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [0, 1] } } } } } unarchive { "999.0" { description: "Unarchive report" request { type: object required: [ task ] properties { task { description: "The ID of the report task to unarchive" type: string } comment { description: "The client message" type: string } } } response { type: object properties { unarchived { description: "Number of reports unarchived (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [0, 1] } } } } } //share { // "999.0" { // description: "Share or unshare report" // request { // type: object // required: [ // task // ] // properties { // task { // description: "The ID of the report task to share/unshare" // type: string // } // share { // description: "If set to 'true' then the report will be shared. Otherwise unshared." // type: boolean // default: true // } // } // } // response { // type: object // properties { // changed { // description: "Number of changed reports (0 or 1)" // type: integer // enum: [0, 1] // } // } // } // } //} delete { "999.0" { description: "Delete report" request { type: object required: [ task ] properties { task { description: "The ID of the report task to delete" type: string } force { description: "If not set then published or unarchived reports cannot be deleted" type: boolean default: false } } } response { type: object properties { deleted { description: "Number of deleted reports (0 or 1)" type: integer enum: [0, 1] } } } } } get_task_data { "999.0" { description: "Get the tasks data according the passed search criteria + requested events" request { type: object properties { id { description: "List of IDs to filter by" type: array items { type: string } } name { description: "Get only tasks whose name matches this pattern (python regular expression syntax)" type: string } user { description: "List of user IDs used to filter results by the task's creating user" type: array items { type: string } } size { type: integer minimum: 1 description: "The number of tasks to retrieve" } order_by { description: "List of field names to order by. When search_text is used, '@text_score' can be used as a field representing the text score of returned documents. Use '-' prefix to specify descending order. Optional, recommended when using page" type: array items { type: string } } type { description: "List of task types. One or more of: 'import', 'annotation', 'training' or 'testing' (case insensitive)" type: array items { type: string } } tags { description: "List of task user-defined tags. Use '-' prefix to exclude tags" type: array items { type: string } } system_tags { description: "List of task system tags. Use '-' prefix to exclude system tags" type: array items { type: string } } status { description: "List of task status." type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/task_status_enum" } } project { description: "List of project IDs" type: array items { type: string } } only_fields { description: "List of task field names (nesting is supported using '.', e.g. execution.model_labels). If provided, this list defines the query's projection (only these fields will be returned for each result entry)" type: array items { type: string } } parent { description: "Parent ID" type: string } status_changed { description: "List of status changed constraint strings (utcformat, epoch) with an optional prefix modifier (>, >=, <, <=)" type: array items { type: string pattern: "^(>=|>|<=|<)?.*$" } } search_text { description: "Free text search query" type: string } allow_public { description: "Allow public tasks to be returned in the results" type: boolean default: true } _all_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (all fields match pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } _any_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (any field matches pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } "input.view.entries.dataset" { description: "List of input dataset IDs" type: array items { type: string } } "input.view.entries.version" { description: "List of input dataset version IDs" type: array items { type: string } } search_hidden { description: "If set to 'true' then hidden tasks are included in the search results" type: boolean default: false } include_subprojects { description: "If set to 'true' and project field is set then tasks from the subprojects are searched too" type: boolean default: false } plots { type: object properties { iters { type: integer description: "Max number of latest iterations for which to return plots" } metrics { type: array description: List of metrics and variants items { "$ref": "#/definitions/metric_variants" } } } } debug_images { type: object properties { iters { type: integer description: "Max number of latest iterations for which to return debug images" } metrics { type: array description: List of metrics and variants items { "$ref": "#/definitions/metric_variants" } } } } scalar_metrics_iter_histogram { type: object properties { samples { description: "The amount of histogram points to return (0 to return all the points). Optional, the default value is 6000." type: integer } key { description: """ Histogram x axis to use: iter - iteration number iso_time - event time as ISO formatted string timestamp - event timestamp as milliseconds since epoch """ "$ref": "#/definitions/scalar_key_enum" } metrics { type: array description: List of metrics and variants items { "$ref": "#/definitions/metric_variants" } } } } } } response { type: object properties { tasks { description: "List of tasks" type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/task" } } plots { type: object description: "Plots mapped by metric, variant, task and iteration" additionalProperties: true } debug_images { type: array description: "Debug image events grouped by tasks and iterations" items {"$ref": "#/definitions/debug_images_response_task_metrics"} } scalar_metrics_iter_histogram { type: object additionalProperties: true } } } } } get_all_ex { "999.0" { description: "Get all the company's and public report tasks" request { type: object properties { id { description: "List of IDs to filter by" type: array items { type: string } } name { description: "Get only reports whose name matches this pattern (python regular expression syntax)" type: string } user { description: "List of user IDs used to filter results by the reports's creating user" type: array items { type: string } } page { description: "Page number, returns a specific page out of the resulting list of reports" type: integer minimum: 0 } page_size { description: "Page size, specifies the number of results returned in each page (last page may contain fewer results)" type: integer minimum: 1 } order_by { description: "List of field names to order by. When search_text is used, '@text_score' can be used as a field representing the text score of returned documents. Use '-' prefix to specify descending order. Optional, recommended when using page" type: array items { type: string } } tags { description: "List of report user-defined tags. Use '-' prefix to exclude tags" type: array items { type: string } } system_tags { description: "List of report system tags. Use '-' prefix to exclude system tags" type: array items { type: string } } status { description: "List of report status." type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/report_status_enum" } } project { description: "List of project IDs" type: array items { type: string } } only_fields { description: "List of report field names (nesting is supported using '.'). If provided, this list defines the query's projection (only these fields will be returned for each result entry)" type: array items { type: string } } status_changed { description: "List of status changed constraint strings (utcformat, epoch) with an optional prefix modifier (>, >=, <, <=)" type: array items { type: string pattern: "^(>=|>|<=|<)?.*$" } } search_text { description: "Free text search query" type: string } scroll_id { type: string description: "Scroll ID returned from the previos calls to get_all" } refresh_scroll { type: boolean description: "If set then all the data received with this scroll will be requeried" } size { type: integer minimum: 1 description: "The number of tasks to retrieve" } allow_public { description: "Allow public reports to be returned in the results" type: boolean default: true } _all_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (all fields match pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } _any_ { description: "Multi-field pattern condition (any field matches pattern)" "$ref": "#/definitions/multi_field_pattern_data" } } dependencies { page: [ page_size ] } } response { type: object properties { tasks { description: "List of report tasks" type: array items { "$ref": "#/definitions/report" } } scroll_id { type: string description: "Scroll ID that can be used with the next calls to get_all to retrieve more data" } } } } } get_tags { "999.0" { description: "Get all the user tags used for the company reports" request { type: object additionalProperties: false } response { type: object properties { tags { description: "The list of unique tag values" type: array items {type: string} } } } } }