import hashlib import importlib import os import re from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timezone from io import BytesIO from itertools import chain from operator import attrgetter from os.path import splitext from pathlib import Path from typing import ( Optional, Any, Type, Set, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, BinaryIO, Union, Mapping, IO, ) from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_BZIP2 import mongoengine from boltons.iterutils import chunked_iter, first from furl import furl from mongoengine import Q from apiserver.bll.event import EventBLL from apiserver.bll.event.event_common import EventType from apiserver.bll.project import project_ids_with_children from apiserver.bll.task.artifacts import get_artifact_id from apiserver.bll.task.param_utils import ( split_param_name, hyperparams_default_section, hyperparams_legacy_type, ) from apiserver.config_repo import config from import get_default_company from apiserver.database.model import EntityVisibility, User from apiserver.database.model.model import Model from apiserver.database.model.project import Project from apiserver.database.model.task.task import ( Task, ArtifactModes, TaskStatus, TaskModelTypes, TaskModelNames, ) from apiserver.database.utils import get_options from apiserver.utilities import json from apiserver.utilities.dicts import nested_get, nested_set, nested_delete class PrePopulate: module_name_prefix = "apiserver." event_bll = EventBLL() events_file_suffix = "_events" export_tag_prefix = "Exported:" export_tag = f"{export_tag_prefix} %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" metadata_filename = "metadata.json" zip_args = dict(mode="w", compression=ZIP_BZIP2) artifacts_ext = ".artifacts" img_source_regex = re.compile( r"['\"]source['\"]:\s?['\"](https?://(?:localhost:8081|files.*?)/.*?)['\"]", flags=re.IGNORECASE, ) task_cls: Type[Task] project_cls: Type[Project] model_cls: Type[Model] user_cls: Type[User] # noinspection PyTypeChecker @classmethod def _init_entity_types(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "task_cls"): cls.task_cls = cls._get_entity_type("database.model.task.task.Task") if not hasattr(cls, "model_cls"): cls.model_cls = cls._get_entity_type("database.model.model.Model") if not hasattr(cls, "project_cls"): cls.project_cls = cls._get_entity_type("database.model.project.Project") if not hasattr(cls, "user_cls"): cls.user_cls = cls._get_entity_type("database.model.User") class JsonLinesWriter: def __init__(self, file: BinaryIO): self.file = file self.empty = True def __enter__(self): self._write("[") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self._write("\n]") def _write(self, data: str): self.file.write(data.encode("utf-8")) def write(self, line: str): if not self.empty: self._write(",") self._write("\n" + line) self.empty = False @staticmethod def _get_last_update_time(entity) -> datetime: return getattr(entity, "last_update", None) or getattr(entity, "created") @classmethod def _check_for_update( cls, map_file: Path, entities: dict, metadata_hash: str ) -> Tuple[bool, Sequence[str]]: if not map_file.is_file(): return True, [] files = [] try: map_data = json.loads(map_file.read_text()) files = map_data.get("files", []) for file in files: if not Path(file).is_file(): return True, files new_times = { cls._get_last_update_time(item).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) for item in chain.from_iterable(entities.values()) } old_times = map_data.get("entities", {}) if set(new_times.keys()) != set(old_times.keys()): return True, files for id_, new_timestamp in new_times.items(): if new_timestamp != old_times[id_]: return True, files if metadata_hash != map_data.get("metadata_hash", ""): return True, files except Exception as ex: print("Error reading map file. " + str(ex)) return True, files return False, files @classmethod def _write_update_file( cls, map_file: Path, entities: dict, created_files: Sequence[str], metadata_hash: str, ): map_file.write_text( json.dumps( dict( files=created_files, entities={ cls._get_last_update_time(entity) for entity in chain.from_iterable(entities.values()) }, metadata_hash=metadata_hash, ) ) ) @staticmethod def _filter_artifacts(artifacts: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: def is_fileserver_link(a: str) -> bool: a = a.lower() if a.startswith("https://files."): return True if a.startswith("http"): parsed = urlparse(a) if parsed.scheme in {"http", "https"} and parsed.netloc.endswith( "8081" ): return True return False fileserver_links = [a for a in artifacts if is_fileserver_link(a)] print( f"Found {len(fileserver_links)} files on the fileserver from {len(artifacts)} total" ) return fileserver_links @classmethod def export_to_zip( cls, filename: str, experiments: Sequence[str] = None, projects: Sequence[str] = None, artifacts_path: str = None, task_statuses: Sequence[str] = None, tag_exported_entities: bool = False, metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None, ) -> Sequence[str]: cls._init_entity_types() if task_statuses and not set(task_statuses).issubset(get_options(TaskStatus)): raise ValueError("Invalid task statuses") file = Path(filename) entities = cls._resolve_entities( experiments=experiments, projects=projects, task_statuses=task_statuses ) hash_ = hashlib.md5() if metadata: meta_str = json.dumps(metadata) hash_.update(meta_str.encode()) metadata_hash = hash_.hexdigest() else: meta_str, metadata_hash = "", "" map_file = file.with_suffix(".map") updated, old_files = cls._check_for_update( map_file, entities=entities, metadata_hash=metadata_hash ) if not updated: print(f"There are no updates from the last export") return old_files for old in old_files: old_path = Path(old) if old_path.is_file(): old_path.unlink() with ZipFile(file, **cls.zip_args) as zfile: if metadata: zfile.writestr(cls.metadata_filename, meta_str) artifacts = cls._export( zfile, entities=entities, hash_=hash_, tag_entities=tag_exported_entities, ) file_with_hash = file.with_name(f"{file.stem}_{hash_.hexdigest()}{file.suffix}") file.replace(file_with_hash) created_files = [str(file_with_hash)] artifacts = cls._filter_artifacts(artifacts) if artifacts and artifacts_path and os.path.isdir(artifacts_path): artifacts_file = file_with_hash.with_suffix(cls.artifacts_ext) with ZipFile(artifacts_file, **cls.zip_args) as zfile: cls._export_artifacts(zfile, artifacts, artifacts_path) created_files.append(str(artifacts_file)) cls._write_update_file( map_file, entities=entities, created_files=created_files, metadata_hash=metadata_hash, ) return created_files @classmethod def import_from_zip( cls, filename: str, artifacts_path: str, company_id: Optional[str] = None, user_id: str = "", user_name: str = "", ): cls._init_entity_types() metadata = None with ZipFile(filename) as zfile: try: with as f: metadata = json.loads( meta_public = metadata.get("public") if company_id is None and meta_public is not None: company_id = "" if meta_public else get_default_company() if not user_id: meta_user_id = metadata.get("user_id", "") meta_user_name = metadata.get("user_name", "") user_id, user_name = meta_user_id, meta_user_name except Exception: pass if not user_id: user_id, user_name = "__allegroai__", "" # Make sure we won't end up with an invalid company ID if company_id is None: company_id = "" # Always use a public user for pre-populated data cls.user_cls(id=user_id, name=user_name, company="").save() cls._import(zfile, company_id, user_id, metadata) if artifacts_path and os.path.isdir(artifacts_path): artifacts_file = Path(filename).with_suffix(cls.artifacts_ext) if artifacts_file.is_file(): print(f"Unzipping artifacts into {artifacts_path}") with ZipFile(artifacts_file) as zfile: zfile.extractall(artifacts_path) @classmethod def upgrade_zip(cls, filename) -> Sequence: hash_ = hashlib.md5() task_file = cls._get_base_filename(cls.task_cls) + ".json" temp_file = Path("") file = Path(filename) with ZipFile(file) as reader, ZipFile(temp_file, **cls.zip_args) as writer: for file_info in reader.filelist: if file_info.orig_filename == task_file: with as f: content = cls._upgrade_tasks(f) else: content = writer.writestr(file_info, content) hash_.update(content) base_file_name, _, old_hash = file.stem.rpartition("_") new_hash = hash_.hexdigest() if old_hash == new_hash: print(f"The file {filename} was not updated") temp_file.unlink() return [] new_file = file.with_name(f"{base_file_name}_{new_hash}{file.suffix}") temp_file.replace(new_file) upadated = [str(new_file)] artifacts_file = file.with_suffix(cls.artifacts_ext) if artifacts_file.is_file(): new_artifacts = new_file.with_suffix(cls.artifacts_ext) artifacts_file.replace(new_artifacts) upadated.append(str(new_artifacts)) print(f"File {str(file)} replaced with {str(new_file)}") file.unlink() return upadated @classmethod def _upgrade_tasks(cls, f: IO[bytes]) -> bytes: """ Build content array that contains upgraded tasks from the passed file For each task the old execution.parameters and are converted to the new structure. The fix is done on Task objects (not the dictionary) so that the fields are serialized back in the same order as they were in the original file """ with BytesIO() as temp: with cls.JsonLinesWriter(temp) as w: for line in cls.json_lines(f): task_data = cls.task_cls.from_json(line).to_proper_dict() cls._upgrade_task_data(task_data) new_task = cls.task_cls(**task_data) w.write(new_task.to_json()) return temp.getvalue() @classmethod def update_featured_projects_order(cls): order = config.get("services.projects.featured.order", []) if not order: return public_default = config.get("services.projects.featured.public_default", 9999) def get_index(p: Project): for index, entry in enumerate(order): if ( entry.get("id", None) == or entry.get("name", None) == or ("name_regex" in entry and re.match(entry["name_regex"], ): return index return public_default for project in cls.project_cls.get_many_public(projection=["id", "name"]): featured_index = get_index(project) cls.project_cls.objects( @staticmethod def _resolve_type( cls: Type[mongoengine.Document], ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] ) -> Sequence[Any]: ids = set(ids) items = list(cls.objects(id__in=list(ids))) resolved = { for i in items} missing = ids - resolved for name_candidate in missing: results = list(cls.objects(name=name_candidate)) if not results: print(f"ERROR: no match for `{name_candidate}`") exit(1) elif len(results) > 1: print(f"ERROR: more than one match for `{name_candidate}`") exit(1) items.append(results[0]) return items @classmethod def _check_projects_hierarchy(cls, projects: Set[Project]): """ For any exported project all its parents up to the root should be present """ if not projects: return project_ids = { for p in projects} orphans = [ for p in projects if p.parent and p.parent not in project_ids] if not orphans: return print( f"ERROR: the following projects are exported without their parents: {orphans}" ) exit(1) @classmethod def _resolve_entities( cls, experiments: Sequence[str] = None, projects: Sequence[str] = None, task_statuses: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Dict[Type[mongoengine.Document], Set[mongoengine.Document]]: entities = defaultdict(set) if projects: print("Reading projects...") projects = project_ids_with_children(projects) entities[cls.project_cls].update( cls._resolve_type(cls.project_cls, projects) ) print("--> Reading project experiments...") query = Q( project__in=list( set(filter(None, ( for p in entities[cls.project_cls]))) ), system_tags__nin=[EntityVisibility.archived.value], ) if task_statuses: query &= Q(status__in=list(set(task_statuses))) objs = cls.task_cls.objects(query) entities[cls.task_cls].update( o for o in objs if not in (experiments or []) ) if experiments: print("Reading experiments...") entities[cls.task_cls].update(cls._resolve_type(cls.task_cls, experiments)) print("--> Reading experiments projects...") objs = cls.project_cls.objects( id__in=list( set(filter(None, (p.project for p in entities[cls.task_cls]))) ) ) project_ids = { for p in entities[cls.project_cls]} entities[cls.project_cls].update(o for o in objs if not in project_ids) cls._check_projects_hierarchy(entities[cls.project_cls]) task_models = chain.from_iterable( models for task in entities[cls.task_cls] if task.models for models in (task.models.input, task.models.output) if models ) model_ids = {tm.model for tm in task_models} if model_ids: print("Reading models...") entities[cls.model_cls] = set(cls.model_cls.objects(id__in=list(model_ids))) return entities @classmethod def _filter_out_export_tags(cls, tags: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: if not tags: return tags return [tag for tag in tags if not tag.startswith(cls.export_tag_prefix)] @classmethod def _cleanup_model(cls, model: Model): = "" model.user = "" model.tags = cls._filter_out_export_tags(model.tags) @classmethod def _cleanup_task(cls, task: Task): task.comment = "Auto generated by" task.status_message = "" task.status_reason = "" task.user = "" = "" task.tags = cls._filter_out_export_tags(task.tags) if task.output: task.output.destination = None @classmethod def _cleanup_project(cls, project: Project): project.user = "" = "" project.tags = cls._filter_out_export_tags(project.tags) @classmethod def _cleanup_entity(cls, entity_cls, entity): if entity_cls == cls.task_cls: cls._cleanup_task(entity) elif entity_cls == cls.model_cls: cls._cleanup_model(entity) elif entity == cls.project_cls: cls._cleanup_project(entity) @classmethod def _add_tag(cls, items: Sequence[Union[Project, Task, Model]], tag: str): try: for item in items: item.update(upsert=False, tags=sorted(item.tags + [tag])) except AttributeError: pass @classmethod def _export_task_events( cls, task: Task, base_filename: str, writer: ZipFile, hash_ ) -> Sequence[str]: artifacts = [] filename = f"{base_filename}_{}{cls.events_file_suffix}.json" print(f"Writing task events into {writer.filename}:{filename}") with BytesIO() as f: with cls.JsonLinesWriter(f) as w: scroll_id = None while True: res = cls.event_bll.get_task_events(,, event_type=EventType.all, scroll_id=scroll_id, ) if not break scroll_id = res.next_scroll_id for event in event_type = event.get("type") if event_type == EventType.metrics_image.value: url = cls._get_fixed_url(event.get("url")) if url: event["url"] = url artifacts.append(url) elif event_type == EventType.metrics_plot.value: plot_str: str = event.get("plot_str", "") for match in cls.img_source_regex.findall(plot_str): url = cls._get_fixed_url(match) if match != url: plot_str = plot_str.replace(match, url) artifacts.append(url) w.write(json.dumps(event)) data = f.getvalue() hash_.update(data) writer.writestr(filename, data) return artifacts @staticmethod def _get_fixed_url(url: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if not (url and url.lower().startswith("s3://")): return url try: fixed = furl(url) fixed.scheme = "https" += "" return fixed.url except Exception as ex: print(f"Failed processing link {url}. " + str(ex)) return url @classmethod def _export_entity_related_data( cls, entity_cls, entity, base_filename: str, writer: ZipFile, hash_ ): if entity_cls == cls.task_cls: return [ *cls._get_task_output_artifacts(entity), *cls._export_task_events(entity, base_filename, writer, hash_), ] if entity_cls == cls.model_cls: entity.uri = cls._get_fixed_url(entity.uri) return [entity.uri] if entity.uri else [] return [] @classmethod def _get_task_output_artifacts(cls, task: Task) -> Sequence[str]: if not task.execution.artifacts: return [] for a in task.execution.artifacts.values(): if a.mode == ArtifactModes.output: a.uri = cls._get_fixed_url(a.uri) return [ a.uri for a in task.execution.artifacts.values() if a.mode == ArtifactModes.output and a.uri ] @classmethod def _export_artifacts( cls, writer: ZipFile, artifacts: Sequence[str], artifacts_path: str ): unique_paths = set(unquote(str(furl(artifact).path)) for artifact in artifacts) print(f"Writing {len(unique_paths)} artifacts into {writer.filename}") for path in unique_paths: path = path.lstrip("/") full_path = os.path.join(artifacts_path, path) if os.path.isfile(full_path): writer.write(full_path, path) else: print(f"Artifact {full_path} not found") @classmethod def _get_base_filename(cls, cls_: type): name = f"{cls_.__module__}.{cls_.__name__}" if cls.module_name_prefix and name.startswith(cls.module_name_prefix): name = name[len(cls.module_name_prefix) :] return name @classmethod def _export( cls, writer: ZipFile, entities: dict, hash_, tag_entities: bool = False ) -> Sequence[str]: """ Export the requested experiments, projects and models and return the list of artifact files Always do the export on sorted items since the order of items influence hash The projects should be sorted by name so that on import the hierarchy is correctly restored from top to bottom """ artifacts = [] now = datetime.utcnow() for cls_ in sorted(entities, key=attrgetter("__name__")): items = sorted(entities[cls_], key=attrgetter("name", "id")) if not items: continue base_filename = cls._get_base_filename(cls_) for item in items: artifacts.extend( cls._export_entity_related_data( cls_, item, base_filename, writer, hash_ ) ) filename = base_filename + ".json" print(f"Writing {len(items)} items into {writer.filename}:{filename}") with BytesIO() as f: with cls.JsonLinesWriter(f) as w: for item in items: cls._cleanup_entity(cls_, item) w.write(item.to_json()) data = f.getvalue() hash_.update(data) writer.writestr(filename, data) if tag_entities: cls._add_tag(items, now.strftime(cls.export_tag)) return artifacts @staticmethod def json_lines(file: IO[bytes]): for line in file: clean = ( line.decode("utf-8") .rstrip("\r\n") .strip() .lstrip("[") .rstrip(",]") .strip() ) if not clean: continue yield clean @classmethod def _import( cls, reader: ZipFile, company_id: str = "", user_id: str = None, metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None, sort_tasks_by_last_updated: bool = True, ): """ Import entities and events from the zip file Start from entities since event import will require the tasks already in DB """ event_file_ending = cls.events_file_suffix + ".json" entity_files = ( fi for fi in reader.filelist if not fi.orig_filename.endswith(event_file_ending) and fi.orig_filename != cls.metadata_filename ) metadata = metadata or {} tasks = [] for entity_file in entity_files: with as f: full_name = splitext(entity_file.orig_filename)[0] print(f"Reading {reader.filename}:{full_name}...") res = cls._import_entity(f, full_name, company_id, user_id, metadata) if res: tasks = res if sort_tasks_by_last_updated: tasks = sorted(tasks, key=attrgetter("last_update")) for task in tasks: events_file = first( fi for fi in reader.filelist if fi.orig_filename.endswith( + event_file_ending) ) if not events_file: continue with as f: full_name = splitext(events_file.orig_filename)[0] print(f"Reading {reader.filename}:{full_name}...") cls._import_events(f, full_name, company_id, user_id) @classmethod def _get_entity_type(cls, full_name) -> Type[mongoengine.Document]: module_name, _, class_name = full_name.rpartition(".") if cls.module_name_prefix and not module_name.startswith( cls.module_name_prefix ): module_name = cls.module_name_prefix + module_name module = importlib.import_module(module_name) return getattr(module, class_name) @staticmethod def _upgrade_task_data(task_data: dict) -> dict: """ Migrate from execution/parameters and model_desc to hyperparams and configuration fiields Upgrade artifacts list to dict Migrate from execution.model and output.model to the new models field Move docker_cmd contents into the container field :param task_data: Upgraded in place :return: The upgraded task data """ for old_param_field, new_param_field, default_section in ( ("execution.parameters", "hyperparams", hyperparams_default_section), ("execution.model_desc", "configuration", None), ): legacy_path = old_param_field.split(".") legacy = nested_get(task_data, legacy_path) if legacy: for full_name, value in legacy.items(): section, name = split_param_name(full_name, default_section) new_path = list(filter(None, (new_param_field, section, name))) if not nested_get(task_data, new_path): new_param = dict( name=name, type=hyperparams_legacy_type, value=str(value) ) if section is not None: new_param["section"] = section nested_set(task_data, path=new_path, value=new_param) nested_delete(task_data, legacy_path) artifacts_path = ("execution", "artifacts") artifacts = nested_get(task_data, artifacts_path) if isinstance(artifacts, list): nested_set( task_data, path=artifacts_path, value={get_artifact_id(a): a for a in artifacts}, ) models = task_data.get("models", {}) now = datetime.utcnow() for old_field, type_ in ( ("execution.model", TaskModelTypes.input), ("output.model", TaskModelTypes.output), ): old_path = old_field.split(".") old_model = nested_get(task_data, old_path) new_models = models.get(type_, []) name = TaskModelNames[type_] if old_model and not any( m for m in new_models if m.get("model") == old_model or m.get("name") == name ): model_item = {"model": old_model, "name": name, "updated": now} if type_ == TaskModelTypes.input: new_models = [model_item, *new_models] else: new_models = [*new_models, model_item] models[type_] = new_models nested_delete(task_data, old_path) task_data["models"] = models docker_cmd_path = ("execution", "docker_cmd") docker_cmd = nested_get(task_data, docker_cmd_path) if docker_cmd and not task_data.get("container"): image, _, arguments = docker_cmd.partition(" ") task_data["container"] = {"image": image, "arguments": arguments} nested_delete(task_data, docker_cmd_path) return task_data @classmethod def _import_entity( cls, f: IO[bytes], full_name: str, company_id: str, user_id: str, metadata: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> Optional[Sequence[Task]]: cls_ = cls._get_entity_type(full_name) print(f"Writing {cls_.__name__.lower()}s into database") tasks = [] override_project_count = 0 for item in cls.json_lines(f): if cls_ == cls.task_cls: item = json.dumps(cls._upgrade_task_data(task_data=json.loads(item))) doc = cls_.from_json(item, created=True) if hasattr(doc, "user"): doc.user = user_id if hasattr(doc, "company"): = company_id if isinstance(doc, cls.project_cls): override_project_name = metadata.get("project_name", None) if override_project_name: if override_project_count: override_project_name = ( f"{override_project_name} {override_project_count + 1}" ) override_project_count += 1 = override_project_name doc.logo_url = metadata.get("logo_url", None) doc.logo_blob = metadata.get("logo_blob", None) cls_.objects(company=company_id,, set__name=f"{}_{datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}" ) if isinstance(doc, cls.task_cls): tasks.append(doc) cls.event_bll.delete_task_events(company_id,, allow_locked=True) if tasks: return tasks @classmethod def _import_events(cls, f: IO[bytes], full_name: str, company_id: str, _): _, _, task_id = full_name[0 : -len(cls.events_file_suffix)].rpartition("_") print(f"Writing events for task {task_id} into database") for events_chunk in chunked_iter(cls.json_lines(f), 1000): events = [json.loads(item) for item in events_chunk] cls.event_bll.add_events( company_id, events=events, worker="", allow_locked_tasks=True )