_description: "Provides a management API for pipelines in the system." _definitions { include "_common.conf" } delete_runs { "2.26": ${_definitions.batch_operation} { description: Delete pipeline runs request { required: [ids, project] properties { ids.description: "IDs of the pipeline runs to delete. Should be the ids of pipeline controller tasks" project { description: "Pipeline project ids. When deleting at least one run should be left" type: string } } } response { properties { succeeded.items.properties.deleted { description: "Indicates whether the task was deleted" type: boolean } succeeded.items.properties.updated_children { description: "Number of child tasks whose parent property was updated" type: integer } succeeded.items.properties.updated_models { description: "Number of models whose task property was updated" type: integer } succeeded.items.properties.deleted_models { description: "Number of deleted output models" type: integer } } } } } start_pipeline { "2.17" { description: "Start a pipeline" request { type: object required: [ task ] properties { task { description: "ID of the task on which the pipeline will be based" type: string } queue { description: "Queue ID in which the created pipeline task will be enqueued" type: string } args { description: "Task arguments, name/value to be placed in the hyperparameters Args section" type: array items { type: object properties { name: { type: string } value: { type: [string, null] } } } } } } response { type: object properties { pipeline { description: "ID of the new pipeline task" type: string } enqueued { description: "True if the task was successfuly enqueued" type: boolean } } } } }