import logging import queue import random import time from datetime import timedelta, datetime from time import sleep from typing import Sequence, Optional import dpath import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry from apiserver.bll.query import Builder as QueryBuilder from apiserver.bll.util import get_server_uuid from apiserver.bll.workers import WorkerStats, WorkerBLL from apiserver.config_repo import config from import get_deployment_type from apiserver.database.model import Company, User from apiserver.database.model.queue import Queue from apiserver.database.model.task.task import Task from apiserver.utilities.dicts import nested_get from apiserver.utilities.json import dumps from apiserver.version import __version__ as current_version from .resource_monitor import ResourceMonitor, stat_threads log = config.logger(__file__) worker_bll = WorkerBLL() class StatisticsReporter: send_queue = queue.Queue() supported = config.get("apiserver.statistics.supported", True) @classmethod def start(cls): if not cls.supported: return ResourceMonitor.start() cls.start_sender() cls.start_reporter() @classmethod @stat_threads.register("reporter", daemon=True) def start_reporter(cls): """ Periodically send statistics reports for companies who have opted in. Note: in clearml we usually have only a single company """ if not cls.supported: return report_interval = timedelta( hours=config.get("apiserver.statistics.report_interval_hours", 24) ) sleep(report_interval.total_seconds()) while True: try: for company in Company.objects( defaults__stats_option__enabled=True ).only("id"): stats = cls.get_statistics( cls.send_queue.put(stats) except Exception as ex: log.exception(f"Failed collecting stats: {str(ex)}") sleep(report_interval.total_seconds()) @classmethod @stat_threads.register("sender", daemon=True) def start_sender(cls): if not cls.supported: return url = config.get("apiserver.statistics.url") retries = config.get("apiserver.statistics.max_retries", 5) max_backoff = config.get("apiserver.statistics.max_backoff_sec", 5) session = requests.Session() adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=Retry(retries)) session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) session.headers["Content-type"] = "application/json" WarningFilter.attach() while True: try: report = cls.send_queue.get() # Set a random backoff factor each time we send a report adapter.max_retries.backoff_factor = random.random() * max_backoff, data=dumps(report)) except Exception as ex: pass @classmethod def get_statistics(cls, company_id: str) -> dict: """ Returns a statistics report per company """ return { "time": datetime.utcnow(), "company_id": company_id, "server": { "version": current_version, "deployment": get_deployment_type(), "uuid": get_server_uuid(), "queues": {"count": Queue.objects(company=company_id).count()}, "users": {"count": User.objects(company=company_id).count()}, "resources": ResourceMonitor.get_stats(), "experiments": next( iter(cls._get_experiments_stats(company_id).values()), {} ), }, "agents": cls._get_agents_statistics(company_id), } @classmethod def _get_agents_statistics(cls, company_id: str) -> Sequence[dict]: result = cls._get_resource_stats_per_agent(company_id, key="resources") dpath.merge( result, cls._get_experiments_stats_per_agent(company_id, key="experiments") ) return [{"uuid": agent_id, **data} for agent_id, data in result.items()] @classmethod def _get_resource_stats_per_agent(cls, company_id: str, key: str) -> dict: agent_resource_threshold_sec = timedelta( hours=config.get("apiserver.statistics.report_interval_hours", 24) ).total_seconds() to_timestamp = int(time.time()) from_timestamp = to_timestamp - int(agent_resource_threshold_sec) es_req = { "size": 0, "query": QueryBuilder.dates_range(from_timestamp, to_timestamp), "aggs": { "workers": { "terms": {"field": "worker"}, "aggs": { "categories": { "terms": {"field": "category"}, "aggs": {"count": {"cardinality": {"field": "variant"}}}, }, "metrics": { "terms": {"field": "metric"}, "aggs": { "min": {"min": {"field": "value"}}, "max": {"max": {"field": "value"}}, "avg": {"avg": {"field": "value"}}, }, }, }, } }, } res = cls._run_worker_stats_query(company_id, es_req) def _get_cardinality_fields(categories: Sequence[dict]) -> dict: names = {"cpu": "num_cores"} return { names[c["key"]]: nested_get(c, ("count", "value")) for c in categories if c["key"] in names } def _get_metric_fields(metrics: Sequence[dict]) -> dict: names = { "cpu_usage": "cpu_usage", "memory_used": "mem_used_gb", "memory_free": "mem_free_gb", } return { names[m["key"]]: { "min": nested_get(m, ("min", "value")), "max": nested_get(m, ("max", "value")), "avg": nested_get(m, ("avg", "value")), } for m in metrics if m["key"] in names } buckets = nested_get(res, ("aggregations", "workers", "buckets"), default=[]) return { b["key"]: { key: { "interval_sec": agent_resource_threshold_sec, **_get_cardinality_fields(nested_get(b, ("categories", "buckets"), [])), **_get_metric_fields(nested_get(b, ("metrics", "buckets"), [])), } } for b in buckets } @classmethod def _get_experiments_stats_per_agent(cls, company_id: str, key: str) -> dict: agent_relevant_threshold = timedelta( days=config.get("apiserver.statistics.agent_relevant_threshold_days", 30) ) to_timestamp = int(time.time()) from_timestamp = to_timestamp - int(agent_relevant_threshold.total_seconds()) workers = cls._get_active_workers(company_id, from_timestamp, to_timestamp) if not workers: return {} stats = cls._get_experiments_stats(company_id, list(workers.keys())) return { worker_id: {key: {**workers[worker_id], **stat}} for worker_id, stat in stats.items() } @classmethod def _get_active_workers( cls, company_id, from_timestamp: int, to_timestamp: int ) -> dict: es_req = { "size": 0, "query": QueryBuilder.dates_range(from_timestamp, to_timestamp), "aggs": { "workers": { "terms": {"field": "worker"}, "aggs": {"last_activity_time": {"max": {"field": "timestamp"}}}, } }, } res = cls._run_worker_stats_query(company_id, es_req) buckets = nested_get(res, ("aggregations", "workers", "buckets"), default=[]) return { b["key"]: {"last_activity_time": b["last_activity_time"]["value"]} for b in buckets } @classmethod def _run_worker_stats_query(cls, company_id, es_req) -> dict: return index=f"{WorkerStats.worker_stats_prefix_for_company(company_id)}*", body=es_req, ) @classmethod def _get_experiments_stats( cls, company_id, workers: Optional[Sequence] = None ) -> dict: pipeline = [ { "$match": { "company": company_id, "started": {"$exists": True, "$ne": None}, "last_update": {"$exists": True, "$ne": None}, "status": {"$nin": ["created", "queued"]}, **({"last_worker": {"$in": workers}} if workers else {}), } }, { "$project": { "last_worker": 1, "last_update": 1, "started": 1, "last_iteration": 1, } }, { "$group": { "_id": "$last_worker" if workers else None, "count": {"$sum": 1}, "avg_run_time_sec": { "$avg": { "$divide": [ {"$subtract": ["$last_update", "$started"]}, 1000, ] } }, "avg_iterations": {"$avg": "$last_iteration"}, } }, { "$project": { "count": 1, "avg_run_time_sec": {"$trunc": "$avg_run_time_sec"}, "avg_iterations": {"$trunc": "$avg_iterations"}, } }, ] return { group["_id"]: {k: v for k, v in group.items() if k != "_id"} for group in Task.aggregate(pipeline) } class WarningFilter(logging.Filter): @classmethod def attach(cls): from urllib3.connectionpool import ( ConnectionPool, ) # required to make sure the logger is created assert ConnectionPool # make sure import is not optimized out logging.getLogger("urllib3.connectionpool").addFilter(cls()) def filter(self, record): if ( record.levelno == logging.WARNING and len(record.args) > 2 and record.args[2] == "/stats" ): return False return True