from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import reduce from itertools import groupby, chain from operator import itemgetter from typing import ( Sequence, Optional, Type, Tuple, Dict, Set, TypeVar, Callable, Mapping, Any, Union, ) from mongoengine import Q, Document from apiserver import database from apiserver.apierrors import errors from apiserver.apimodels.projects import ProjectChildrenType from apiserver.config_repo import config from apiserver.database.model import EntityVisibility, AttributedDocument, User from apiserver.database.model.base import GetMixin from apiserver.database.model.model import Model from apiserver.database.model.project import Project from apiserver.database.model.task.task import Task, TaskStatus, external_task_types from apiserver.database.utils import get_options, get_company_or_none_constraint from apiserver.utilities.dicts import nested_get from .sub_projects import ( _reposition_project_with_children, _ensure_project, _validate_project_name, _update_subproject_names, _save_under_parent, _get_sub_projects, _ids_with_children, _ids_with_parents, _get_project_depth, ProjectsChildren, _get_writable_project_from_name, ) log = config.logger(__file__) max_depth = config.get("services.projects.sub_projects.max_depth", 10) reports_project_name = ".reports" datasets_project_name = ".datasets" pipelines_project_name = ".pipelines" reports_tag = "reports" dataset_tag = "dataset" pipeline_tag = "pipeline" class ProjectBLL: child_classes = (Task, Model) @classmethod def merge_project( cls, company: str, source_id: str, destination_id: str ) -> Tuple[int, int, Set[str]]: """ Move all the tasks and sub projects from the source project to the destination Remove the source project Return the amounts of moved entities and subprojects + set of all the affected project ids """ if source_id == destination_id: raise errors.bad_request.ProjectSourceAndDestinationAreTheSame( source=source_id ) source = Project.get(company, source_id) if destination_id: destination = Project.get(company, destination_id) if source_id in destination.path: raise errors.bad_request.ProjectCannotBeMergedIntoItsChild( source=source_id, destination=destination_id ) else: destination = None children = _get_sub_projects( [], _only=("id", "name", "parent", "path") )[] if destination: cls.validate_projects_depth( projects=children, old_parent_depth=len(source.path) + 1, new_parent_depth=len(destination.path) + 1, ) moved_entities = 0 for entity_type in cls.child_classes: moved_entities += entity_type.objects( company=company, project=source_id, system_tags__nin=[EntityVisibility.archived.value], ).update(upsert=False, project=destination_id) moved_sub_projects = 0 for child in Project.objects(company=company, parent=source_id): _reposition_project_with_children( project=child, children=[c for c in children if c.parent ==], parent=destination, ) moved_sub_projects += 1 affected = {, *(source.path or [])} source.delete() if destination: destination.update(last_update=datetime.utcnow()) affected.update({, *(destination.path or [])}) return moved_entities, moved_sub_projects, affected @staticmethod def validate_projects_depth( projects: Sequence[Project], old_parent_depth: int, new_parent_depth: int ): for current in projects: current_depth = len(current.path) + 1 if current_depth - old_parent_depth + new_parent_depth > max_depth: raise errors.bad_request.ProjectPathExceedsMax(max_depth=max_depth) @classmethod def move_project( cls, company: str, user: str, project_id: str, new_location: str ) -> Tuple[int, Set[str]]: """ Move project with its sub projects from its current location to the target one. If the target location does not exist then it will be created. If it exists then it should be writable. The source location should be writable too. Return the number of moved projects + set of all the affected project ids """ project = Project.get(company, project_id) old_parent_id = project.parent old_parent = ( Project.get_for_writing(, id=old_parent_id) if old_parent_id else None ) children = _get_sub_projects([], _only=("id", "name", "path"))[ ] cls.validate_projects_depth( projects=[project, *children], old_parent_depth=len(project.path), new_parent_depth=_get_project_depth(new_location), ) new_parent = _ensure_project(company=company, user=user, name=new_location) new_parent_id = if new_parent else None if old_parent_id == new_parent_id: raise errors.bad_request.ProjectSourceAndDestinationAreTheSame( if new_parent else "" ) if new_parent and ( project_id == or project_id in new_parent.path ): raise errors.bad_request.ProjectCannotBeMovedUnderItself( project=project_id, ) moved = _reposition_project_with_children( project, children=children, parent=new_parent ) now = datetime.utcnow() affected = set() for p in filter(None, (old_parent, new_parent)): p.update(last_update=now) affected.update({, *(p.path or [])}) return moved, affected @classmethod def update(cls, company: str, project_id: str, **fields): project = Project.get_for_writing(company=company, id=project_id) if not project: raise errors.bad_request.InvalidProjectId(id=project_id) new_name = fields.pop("name", None) if new_name: new_name, new_location = _validate_project_name(new_name) old_name, old_location = _validate_project_name( if new_location != old_location: raise errors.bad_request.CannotUpdateProjectLocation(name=new_name) fields["name"] = new_name fields["basename"] = new_name.split("/")[-1] fields["last_update"] = datetime.utcnow() updated = project.update(upsert=False, **fields) if new_name: old_name = = new_name children = _get_sub_projects([], _only=("id", "name", "path"))[ ] _update_subproject_names( project=project, children=children, old_name=old_name ) return updated @classmethod def create( cls, user: str, company: str, name: str, description: str = "", tags: Sequence[str] = None, system_tags: Sequence[str] = None, default_output_destination: str = None, parent_creation_params: dict = None, ) -> str: """ Create a new project. Returns project ID """ if _get_project_depth(name) > max_depth: raise errors.bad_request.ProjectPathExceedsMax(max_depth=max_depth) name, location = _validate_project_name(name) existing = _get_writable_project_from_name( company=company, name=name, ) if existing: raise errors.bad_request.ExpectedUniqueData( replacement_msg="Project with the same name already exists", name=name, company=company, ) now = datetime.utcnow() project = Project(, user=user, company=company, name=name, basename=name.split("/")[-1], description=description, tags=tags, system_tags=system_tags, default_output_destination=default_output_destination, created=now, last_update=now, ) parent = _ensure_project( company=company, user=user, name=location, creation_params=parent_creation_params, ) _save_under_parent(project=project, parent=parent) if parent: parent.update(last_update=now) return @classmethod def find_or_create( cls, user: str, company: str, project_name: str, description: str, project_id: str = None, tags: Sequence[str] = None, system_tags: Sequence[str] = None, default_output_destination: str = None, parent_creation_params: dict = None, ) -> str: """ Find a project named `project_name` or create a new one. Returns project ID """ if not project_id and not project_name: raise errors.bad_request.ValidationError("project id or name required") if project_id: project = Project.objects(company=company, id=project_id).only("id").first() if not project: raise errors.bad_request.InvalidProjectId(id=project_id) return project_id project_name, _ = _validate_project_name(project_name) project = Project.objects(company=company, name=project_name).only("id").first() if project: return return cls.create( user=user, company=company, name=project_name, description=description, tags=tags, system_tags=system_tags, default_output_destination=default_output_destination, parent_creation_params=parent_creation_params, ) @classmethod def move_under_project( cls, entity_cls: Type[Document], user: str, company: str, ids: Sequence[str], project: str = None, project_name: str = None, ): """ Move a batch of entities to `project` or a project named `project_name` (create if does not exist) """ if project_name or project: project = cls.find_or_create( user=user, company=company, project_id=project, project_name=project_name, description="", ) extra = {} if hasattr(entity_cls, "last_change"): extra["set__last_change"] = datetime.utcnow() if hasattr(entity_cls, "last_changed_by"): extra["set__last_changed_by"] = user entity_cls.objects(company=company, id__in=ids).update( set__project=project, **extra ) return project archived_tasks_cond = {"$in": [EntityVisibility.archived.value, "$system_tags"]} visibility_states = [EntityVisibility.archived,] @classmethod def make_projects_get_all_pipelines( cls, company_id: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], specific_state: Optional[EntityVisibility] = None, filter_: Mapping[str, Any] = None, users: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[Sequence, Sequence]: archived = EntityVisibility.archived.value def project_task_fields(): return { "$project": { "project": 1, "status": 1, "system_tags": 1, "started": 1, "completed": 1, } } def ensure_valid_fields(): """ Make sure system tags is always an array (required by subsequent $in in archived_tasks_cond """ return { "$addFields": { "system_tags": { "$cond": { "if": {"$ne": [{"$type": "$system_tags"}, "array"]}, "then": [], "else": "$system_tags", } }, "status": {"$ifNull": ["$status", "unknown"]}, } } status_count_pipeline = [ # count tasks per project per status { "$match": cls.get_match_conditions( company=company_id, project_ids=project_ids, filter_=filter_, users=users, ) }, project_task_fields(), ensure_valid_fields(), { "$group": { "_id": { "project": "$project", "status": "$status", archived: cls.archived_tasks_cond, }, "count": {"$sum": 1}, } }, # for each project, create a list of (status, count, archived) { "$group": { "_id": "$_id.project", "counts": { "$push": { "status": "$_id.status", "count": "$count", archived: "$_id.%s" % archived, } }, } }, ] def completed_after_subquery(additional_cond, time_thresh: datetime): return { # the sum of "$sum": { # for each task "$cond": { # if completed after the time_thresh "if": { "$and": [ "$completed", {"$gt": ["$completed", time_thresh]}, additional_cond, { "$not": { "$in": [ "$status", [ TaskStatus.queued, TaskStatus.in_progress, TaskStatus.failed, ], ] } }, ] }, "then": 1, "else": 0, } } } def max_started_subquery(condition): return { "$max": { "$cond": { "if": condition, "then": "$started", "else": datetime.min, } } } def runtime_subquery(additional_cond): return { # the sum of "$sum": { # for each task "$cond": { # if completed and started and completed > started "if": { "$and": [ "$started", "$completed", {"$gt": ["$completed", "$started"]}, additional_cond, ] }, # then: floor((completed - started) / 1000) "then": { "$floor": { "$divide": [ {"$subtract": ["$completed", "$started"]}, 1000.0, ] } }, "else": 0, } } } group_step = {"_id": "$project"} time_thresh = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24) for state in cls.visibility_states: if specific_state and state != specific_state: continue cond = ( cls.archived_tasks_cond if state == EntityVisibility.archived else {"$not": cls.archived_tasks_cond} ) group_step[state.value] = runtime_subquery(cond) group_step[f"{state.value}_recently_completed"] = completed_after_subquery( cond, time_thresh=time_thresh ) group_step[f"{state.value}_max_task_started"] = max_started_subquery(cond) def add_state_to_filter(f: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]: if not specific_state: return f f = f or {} new_f = {k: v for k, v in f.items() if k != "system_tags"} system_tags = [ tag for tag in f.get("system_tags", []) if tag not in ( EntityVisibility.archived.value, f"-{EntityVisibility.archived.value}", ) ] if specific_state == EntityVisibility.archived: system_tags.append(EntityVisibility.archived.value) else: system_tags.append(f"-{EntityVisibility.archived.value}") new_f["system_tags"] = system_tags return new_f runtime_pipeline = [ # only count run time for these types of tasks { "$match": cls.get_match_conditions( company=company_id, project_ids=project_ids, filter_=add_state_to_filter(filter_), users=users, ) }, project_task_fields(), ensure_valid_fields(), { # for each project "$group": group_step }, ] return status_count_pipeline, runtime_pipeline T = TypeVar("T") @staticmethod def aggregate_project_data( func: Callable[[T, T], T], project_ids: Sequence[str], child_projects: ProjectsChildren, data: Mapping[str, T], ) -> Dict[str, T]: """ Given a list of project ids and data collected over these projects and their subprojects For each project aggregates the data from all of its subprojects """ aggregated = {} if not data: return aggregated for pid in project_ids: relevant_projects = { for p in child_projects.get(pid, [])} | {pid} relevant_data = [data for p, data in data.items() if p in relevant_projects] if not relevant_data: continue aggregated[pid] = reduce(func, relevant_data) return aggregated @classmethod def get_dataset_stats( cls, company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], users: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, dict]: if not project_ids: return {} task_runtime_pipeline = [ { "$match": { **cls.get_match_conditions( company=company, project_ids=project_ids, users=users, filter_={ "system_tags": [f"-{EntityVisibility.archived.value}"] }, ), "runtime": {"$exists": True, "$gt": {}}, } }, {"$project": {"project": 1, "runtime": 1, "last_update": 1}}, {"$sort": {"project": 1, "last_update": 1}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$project", "runtime": {"$last": "$runtime"}}}, ] return { r["_id"]: { "file_count": r["runtime"].get("ds_file_count", 0), "total_size": r["runtime"].get("ds_total_size", 0), } for r in Task.aggregate(task_runtime_pipeline) } @staticmethod def _get_projects_children( project_ids: Sequence[str], search_hidden: bool, allowed_ids: Sequence[str], ) -> Tuple[ProjectsChildren, Set[str]]: child_projects = _get_sub_projects( project_ids, _only=("id", "name"), search_hidden=search_hidden, allowed_ids=allowed_ids, ) return ( child_projects, { for c in chain.from_iterable(child_projects.values())}, ) @staticmethod def _get_children_info( project_ids: Sequence[str], child_projects: ProjectsChildren ) -> dict: return { project: sorted( [{"id":, "name":} for c in child_projects.get(project, [])], key=itemgetter("name"), ) for project in project_ids } @classmethod def _get_project_dataset_stats_core( cls, company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], project_field: str, entity_class: Type[AttributedDocument], include_children: bool = True, filter_: Mapping[str, Any] = None, users: Sequence[str] = None, selected_project_ids: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, dict]]: if not project_ids: return {}, {} child_projects = {} project_ids_with_children = set(project_ids) if include_children: child_projects, children_ids = cls._get_projects_children( project_ids, search_hidden=True, allowed_ids=selected_project_ids, ) project_ids_with_children |= children_ids pipeline = [ { "$match": cls.get_match_conditions( company=company, project_ids=list(project_ids_with_children), filter_=filter_, users=users, project_field=project_field, ) }, {"$project": {project_field: 1, "tags": 1}}, { "$group": { "_id": f"${project_field}", "count": {"$sum": 1}, "tags": {"$push": "$tags"}, } }, ] res = entity_class.aggregate(pipeline) project_stats = { result["_id"]: { "count": result.get("count", 0), "tags": set(chain.from_iterable(result.get("tags", []))), } for result in res } def concat_dataset_stats(a: dict, b: dict) -> dict: return { "count": a.get("count", 0) + b.get("count", 0), "tags": a.get("tags", {}) | b.get("tags", {}), } top_project_stats = cls.aggregate_project_data( func=concat_dataset_stats, project_ids=project_ids, child_projects=child_projects, data=project_stats, ) for _, stat in top_project_stats.items(): stat["tags"] = sorted(list(stat.get("tags", {}))) empty_stats = {"count": 0, "tags": []} stats = { project: {"datasets": top_project_stats.get(project, empty_stats)} for project in project_ids } return stats, cls._get_children_info(project_ids, child_projects) @classmethod def get_project_dataset_stats( cls, company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], include_children: bool = True, filter_: Mapping[str, Any] = None, users: Sequence[str] = None, selected_project_ids: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, dict]]: filter_ = filter_ or {} filter_system_tags = filter_.get("system_tags") if not isinstance(filter_system_tags, list): filter_system_tags = [] if dataset_tag not in filter_system_tags: filter_system_tags.append(dataset_tag) filter_["system_tags"] = filter_system_tags return cls._get_project_dataset_stats_core( company=company, project_ids=project_ids, project_field="parent", entity_class=Project, include_children=include_children, filter_=filter_, users=users, selected_project_ids=selected_project_ids, ) @classmethod def get_project_stats( cls, company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], specific_state: Optional[EntityVisibility] = None, include_children: bool = True, search_hidden: bool = False, filter_: Mapping[str, Any] = None, users: Sequence[str] = None, selected_project_ids: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, dict]]: if not project_ids: return {}, {} child_projects = {} project_ids_with_children = set(project_ids) if include_children: child_projects, children_ids = cls._get_projects_children( project_ids, search_hidden=search_hidden, allowed_ids=selected_project_ids, ) project_ids_with_children |= children_ids status_count_pipeline, runtime_pipeline = cls.make_projects_get_all_pipelines( company, project_ids=list(project_ids_with_children), specific_state=specific_state, filter_=filter_, users=users, ) default_counts = dict.fromkeys(get_options(TaskStatus), 0) def set_default_count(entry): return dict(default_counts, **entry) status_count = defaultdict(lambda: {}) key = itemgetter(EntityVisibility.archived.value) for result in Task.aggregate(status_count_pipeline): for k, group in groupby(sorted(result["counts"], key=key), key): section = ( EntityVisibility.archived if k else ).value status_count[result["_id"]][section] = set_default_count( { count_entry["status"]: count_entry["count"] for count_entry in group } ) def sum_status_count( a: Mapping[str, Mapping], b: Mapping[str, Mapping] ) -> Dict[str, dict]: return { section: { status: nested_get(a, (section, status), default=0) + nested_get(b, (section, status), default=0) for status in set(a.get(section, {})) | set(b.get(section, {})) } for section in set(a) | set(b) } status_count = cls.aggregate_project_data( func=sum_status_count, project_ids=project_ids, child_projects=child_projects, data=status_count, ) runtime = { result["_id"]: {k: v for k, v in result.items() if k != "_id"} for result in Task.aggregate(runtime_pipeline) } def sum_runtime( a: Mapping[str, Mapping], b: Mapping[str, Mapping] ) -> Dict[str, dict]: return { section: a.get(section, 0) + b.get(section, 0) if not section.endswith("max_task_started") else max(a.get(section) or datetime.min, b.get(section) or datetime.min) for section in set(a) | set(b) } runtime = cls.aggregate_project_data( func=sum_runtime, project_ids=project_ids, child_projects=child_projects, data=runtime, ) def get_status_counts(project_id, section): project_runtime = runtime.get(project_id, {}) project_section_statuses = nested_get( status_count, (project_id, section), default=default_counts ) def get_time_or_none(value): return value if value != datetime.min else None return { "status_count": project_section_statuses, "total_tasks": sum(project_section_statuses.values()), "total_runtime": project_runtime.get(section, 0), "completed_tasks_24h": project_runtime.get( f"{section}_recently_completed", 0 ), "last_task_run": get_time_or_none( project_runtime.get(f"{section}_max_task_started", datetime.min) ), } report_for_states = [ s for s in cls.visibility_states if not specific_state or specific_state == s ] stats = { project: { task_state.value: get_status_counts(project, task_state.value) for task_state in report_for_states } for project in project_ids } return stats, cls._get_children_info(project_ids, child_projects) @classmethod def get_active_users( cls, company, project_ids: Sequence[str], user_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Set[Union[str, type(None)]]: """ Get the set of user ids that created tasks/models in the given projects If project_ids is empty then all projects are examined If user_ids are passed then only subset of these users is returned """ query = Q(company=company) if user_ids: query &= Q(user__in=user_ids) projects_query = query if project_ids: project_ids = _ids_with_children(project_ids) query &= Q(project__in=project_ids) projects_query &= Q(id__in=project_ids) res = set(Project.objects(projects_query).distinct(field="user")) for cls_ in cls.child_classes: res |= set(cls_.objects(query).distinct(field="user")) return res @classmethod def get_project_tags( cls, company_id: str, include_system: bool, projects: Sequence[str] = None, filter_: Dict[str, Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[str]]: query = Q(company=company_id) if filter_: for name, vals in filter_.items(): if vals: query &= GetMixin.get_list_field_query(name, vals) if projects: query &= Q(id__in=_ids_with_children(projects)) tags = Project.objects(query).distinct("tags") system_tags = ( Project.objects(query).distinct("system_tags") if include_system else [] ) return tags, system_tags @classmethod def get_projects_with_selected_children( cls, company: str, users: Sequence[str] = None, project_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allow_public: bool = True, children_type: ProjectChildrenType = None, children_tags: Sequence[str] = None, children_tags_filter: dict = None, ) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[str]]: """ Get the projects ids matching children_condition (if passed) or where the passed user created any tasks including all the parents of these projects If project ids are specified then filter the results by these project ids """ if not (users or children_type): raise errors.bad_request.ValidationError( "Either active users or children_condition should be specified" ) query = ( get_company_or_none_constraint(company) if allow_public else Q(company=company) ) if users: query &= Q(user__in=users) project_query = None if children_tags_filter: child_query = query & GetMixin.get_list_filter_query( "tags", children_tags_filter ) elif children_tags: child_query = query & GetMixin.get_list_field_query("tags", children_tags) else: child_query = query if children_type == ProjectChildrenType.dataset: child_queries = { Project: child_query & Q(system_tags__in=[dataset_tag], basename__ne=datasets_project_name) } elif children_type == ProjectChildrenType.pipeline: child_queries = { Project: child_query & Q(system_tags__in=[pipeline_tag], basename__ne=pipelines_project_name) } elif children_type == child_queries = {Task: child_query & Q(system_tags__in=[reports_tag])} else: project_query = query child_queries = {entity_cls: query for entity_cls in cls.child_classes} if project_ids: ids_with_children = _ids_with_children(project_ids) if project_query: project_query &= Q(id__in=ids_with_children) for child_cls in child_queries: child_queries[child_cls] &= ( Q(parent__in=ids_with_children) if child_cls is Project else Q(project__in=ids_with_children) ) res = ( set(Project.objects(project_query).scalar("id")) if project_query else set() ) for cls_, query_ in child_queries.items(): res |= set( cls_.objects(query_).distinct( field="id" if cls_ is Project else "project" ) ) res = list(res) if not res: return res, res selected_project_ids = _ids_with_parents(res) filtered_ids = ( list(set(selected_project_ids) & set(project_ids)) if project_ids else list(selected_project_ids) ) return filtered_ids, selected_project_ids @staticmethod def _get_project_query( company: str, projects: Sequence, include_subprojects: bool = True, state: Optional[EntityVisibility] = None, ) -> Q: query = get_company_or_none_constraint(company) if projects: if include_subprojects: projects = _ids_with_children(projects) query &= Q(project__in=projects) # else: # query &= Q(system_tags__nin=[EntityVisibility.hidden.value]) if state == EntityVisibility.archived: query &= Q(system_tags__in=[EntityVisibility.archived.value]) elif state == query &= Q(system_tags__nin=[EntityVisibility.archived.value]) return query @classmethod def get_task_parents( cls, company_id: str, projects: Sequence[str], include_subprojects: bool, state: Optional[EntityVisibility] = None, name: str = None, ) -> Sequence[dict]: """ Get list of unique parent tasks sorted by task name for the passed company projects If projects is None or empty then get parents for all the company tasks """ query = cls._get_project_query( company_id, projects, include_subprojects=include_subprojects, state=state ) parent_ids = set(Task.objects(query).distinct("parent")) if not parent_ids: return [] parents = Task.get_many_with_join( company_id, query=Q(id__in=parent_ids), query_dict={"name": name} if name else None, allow_public=True, override_projection=("id", "name", ""), ) return sorted(parents, key=itemgetter("name")) @classmethod def get_entity_users( cls, company: str, entity_cls: Type[Union[Task, Model]], projects: Sequence[str], include_subprojects: bool, ) -> Sequence[dict]: query = cls._get_project_query( company, projects, include_subprojects=include_subprojects ) user_ids = entity_cls.objects(query).distinct(field="user") if not user_ids: return [] users = User.objects(id__in=user_ids).only("id", "name") return [{"id":, "name":} for u in users] @classmethod def get_task_types(cls, company, project_ids: Optional[Sequence]) -> set: """ Return the list of unique task types used by company and public tasks If project ids passed then only tasks from these projects are considered """ query = cls._get_project_query(company, project_ids) res = Task.objects(query).distinct(field="type") return set(res).intersection(external_task_types) @classmethod def get_model_frameworks(cls, company, project_ids: Optional[Sequence]) -> Sequence: """ Return the list of unique frameworks used by company and public models If project ids passed then only models from these projects are considered """ query = cls._get_project_query(company, project_ids) return Model.objects(query).distinct(field="framework") @staticmethod def get_match_conditions( company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], filter_: Mapping[str, Any], users: Sequence[str], project_field: str = "project", ): conditions = { "company": {"$in": ["", company]}, project_field: {"$in": project_ids}, } if users: conditions["user"] = {"$in": users} if not filter_: return conditions or_conditions = [] for field, field_filter in filter_.items(): if not (field_filter and isinstance(field_filter, (list, dict))): raise errors.bad_request.ValidationError( f"Non empty list or dictionary expected for the field: {field}" ) if isinstance(field_filter, list): if not all(isinstance(t, str) for t in field_filter): raise errors.bad_request.ValidationError( f"Only string values are allowed in the list filter: {field}" ) helper = GetMixin.NewListFieldBucketHelper( field, data=field_filter, legacy=True ) op = helper.global_operator db_query = {op: helper.actions} else: helper = GetMixin.ListQueryFilter.from_data(field, field_filter) db_query = helper.db_query for op, actions in db_query.items(): field_conditions = {} for action, values in actions.items(): value = list(set(values)) if isinstance(values, list) else values for key in reversed(action.split("__")): value = {f"${key}": value} field_conditions.update(value) if op == Q.OR and len(field_conditions) > 1: or_conditions.append( { "$or": [ {field: {db_modifier: cond}} for db_modifier, cond in field_conditions.items() ] } ) else: conditions[field] = field_conditions if or_conditions: if len(or_conditions) == 1: conditions = next(iter(or_conditions)) else: conditions["$and"] = [c for c in or_conditions] return conditions @classmethod def _calc_own_datasets_core( cls, company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], project_field: str, entity_class: Type[AttributedDocument], filter_: Mapping[str, Any] = None, users: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Returns the amount of hyper datasets per requested project """ if not project_ids: return {} pipeline = [ { "$match": cls.get_match_conditions( company=company, project_ids=project_ids, filter_=filter_, users=users, project_field=project_field, ) }, {"$project": {project_field: 1}}, {"$group": {"_id": f"${project_field}", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, ] datasets = { data["_id"]: data["count"] for data in entity_class.aggregate(pipeline) } return {pid: {"own_datasets": datasets.get(pid, 0)} for pid in project_ids} @classmethod def calc_own_datasets( cls, company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], filter_: Mapping[str, Any] = None, users: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Returns the amount of datasets per requested project """ filter_ = filter_ or {} filter_system_tags = filter_.get("system_tags") if not isinstance(filter_system_tags, list): filter_system_tags = [] if dataset_tag not in filter_system_tags: filter_system_tags.append(dataset_tag) filter_["system_tags"] = filter_system_tags return cls._calc_own_datasets_core( company=company, project_ids=project_ids, project_field="parent", entity_class=Project, filter_=filter_, users=users, ) @classmethod def calc_own_contents( cls, company: str, project_ids: Sequence[str], filter_: Mapping[str, Any] = None, specific_state: Optional[EntityVisibility] = None, users: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Returns the amount of task/models per requested project Use separate aggregation calls on Task/Model instead of lookup aggregation on projects in order not to hit memory limits on large tasks """ if not project_ids: return {} if specific_state: filter_ = filter_ or {} system_tags_filter = filter_.get("system_tags", []) archived = EntityVisibility.archived.value non_archived = f"-{EntityVisibility.archived.value}" if not any(t in system_tags_filter for t in (archived, non_archived)): filter_ = {k: v for k, v in filter_.items()} filter_["system_tags"] = [ archived if specific_state == EntityVisibility.archived else non_archived, *system_tags_filter, ] pipeline = [ { "$match": cls.get_match_conditions( company=company, project_ids=project_ids, filter_=filter_, users=users, ) }, {"$project": {"project": 1}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$project", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, ] def get_agrregate_res(cls_: Type[AttributedDocument]) -> dict: return {data["_id"]: data["count"] for data in cls_.aggregate(pipeline)} tasks = get_agrregate_res(Task) models = get_agrregate_res(Model) return { pid: {"own_tasks": tasks.get(pid, 0), "own_models": models.get(pid, 0)} for pid in project_ids }