# Deploying **trains-server** on Google Cloud Platform To easily deploy **trains-server** on GCP, use one of our pre-built GCP Custom Images. We provide Custom Images for each released version of **trains-server**, see [Released versions](#released-versions) below. Once your GCP instance is up and running using our Custom Image, [configure the Trains client](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/README.md#configuration) to use your **trains-server**. The service port numbers on our **trains-server** GCP Custom Image are: - Web application: `8080` - API Server: `8008` - File Server: `8081` The persistent storage configuration: - MongoDB: `/opt/trains/data/mongo/` - ElasticSearch: `/opt/trains/data/elastic/` - File Server: `/mnt/fileserver/` For examples and use cases, check the [Trains usage examples](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/docs/trains_examples.md). For instructions on launching an instance using a GCP Custom Image, see the [Manually importing virtual disks](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/import/import-existing-image#overview) in the [Compute Engine Documentation](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs). For more information on Custom Images, see [Custom Images](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/images#custom_images) in the Compute Engine Documentation. The minimum recommended amount of RAM for a **trains-server** instance is 8GB. ## Upgrading To upgrade **trains-server** on an existing GCP instance based on one of these Custom Images, SSH into the instance and follow the [upgrade instructions](../README.md#upgrade) for **trains-server**. ## Released versions The following sections contain lists of Custom Image URLs (exported in different formats) for each released **trains-server** version. ### Latest version Custom Images - v0.14.1 - https://storage.googleapis.com/allegro-files/trains-server/trains-server.qcow2 - https://storage.googleapis.com/allegro-files/trains-server/trains-server.vhd - https://storage.googleapis.com/allegro-files/trains-server/trains-server.vhdx - https://storage.googleapis.com/allegro-files/trains-server/trains-server.vmdk