import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from time import sleep

from apiserver.redis_manager import redman

_redis = redman.connection("apiserver")

def distributed_lock(name: str, timeout: int, max_wait: int = 0):
    Context manager that acquires a distributed lock on enter
    and releases it on exit. The has a ttl equal to timeout seconds
    If the lock can not be acquired for wait seconds (defaults to timeout * 2)
    then the exception is thrown
    lock_name = f"dist_lock_{name}"
    start = time.time()
    max_wait = max_wait or timeout * 2
    while not _redis.set(lock_name, value="", ex=timeout, nx=True):
        if time.time() - start > max_wait:
            raise Exception(f"Could not acquire {name} lock for {max_wait} seconds")