This commit is contained in:
Evgeny 2019-06-18 15:29:46 +03:00
commit c14d201300
4 changed files with 36 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# TRAINS Server
## Automagical Version Control & Experiment Manager for AI
## Auto-Magical Experiment Manager & Version Control for AI
[![GitHub license](](
[![GitHub version](](
@ -8,16 +8,18 @@
## Introduction
The **trains-server** is the infrastructure for [TRAINS](
The **trains-server** is the backend service infrastructure for [TRAINS](
It allows multiple users to collaborate and manage their experiments.
By default, TRAINS is set up to work with the TRAINS demo server, which is open to anyone and resets periodically.
In order to host your own server, you will need to install **trains-server** and point TRAINS to it.
The **trains-server** contains the following components:
**trains-server** contains the following components:
* the Web-App which is a single-page UI for experiment management and browsing
* a REST interface for:
* documenting and logging experiment information, statistics and results
* querying experiments history, logs and results
* a locally-hosted file server for storing images and models making them easily accessible using the Web-App
* The TRAINS Web-App, a single-page UI for experiment management and browsing
* RESTful API for:
* Documenting and logging experiment information, statistics and results
* Querying experiments history, logs and results
* Locally-hosted file server for storing images and models making them easily accessible using the Web-App
You can quickly setup your **trains-server** using a pre-built Docker image (see [Installation](#installation)).
@ -27,46 +29,15 @@ The **trains-server's** code is freely available [here](
## System diagram
| |
| Server Docker Elastic Docker Mongo Docker |
| +-------------------------+ +---------------+ +------------+ |
| | Pythonic Server | | | | | |
| | +-----------------+ | | ElasticSearch | | MongoDB | |
| | | WEB server | | | | | | |
| | | Port 8080 | | | | | | |
| | +--------+--------+ | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | +--------+--------+ | | | | | |
| | | API server +----------------------------+ | |
| | | Port 8008 +---------+ | | | |
| | +-----------------+ | +-------+-------+ +-----+------+ |
| | | | | |
| | +-----------------+ | +---+----------------+------+ |
| | | File Server +-------+ | Host Storage | |
| | | Port 8081 | | +-----+ | |
| | +-----------------+ | +---------------------------+ |
| +------------+------------+ |
GPU Machine |
| +------------------|--------------+ |
| | Training | | +---------------------+ |
| | Code +---+------------+ | | TRAINS configuration| |
| | | TRAINS | | | ~/trains.conf | |
| | | +------+ | |
| | +----------------+ | +---------------------+ |
| +---------------------------------+ |
![Alt Text](
## Installation
This section contains the instructions to setup and launch a pre-built Docker image for the **trains-server**.
This is the quickest way to get started with your own server.
Alternatively, you can build the entire trains-server architecture using the code available in our repositories.
**Please Note**:
* This Docker image was tested with Linux, only. For Windows users, we recommend running the server
@ -168,7 +139,7 @@ Elastic requires that `vm.max_map_count` is at least 262144 (see [Production mod
#### Step 5: Choose a Data Directory
You must choose a directory on your system in which all data maintained by the **trains-server** is stored,
create that directory, and set its permissions. The data stored in that directory includes the database, uploaded files and logs.
Create a directory, and set its permissions. The data stored in this directory will include the database, uploaded files and logs.
For example, if your data directory is `/opt/trains`, then use the following command:
@ -209,9 +180,9 @@ After the **trains-server** Dockers are up, the following are available:
### Configuring **trains**
Once you've installed the **trains-server**, please make sure to configure **trains** to use your locally installed server (and not the demo server).
Once you have installed the **trains-server**, make sure to configure **trains** to use your locally installed server (and not the demo server).
If you've already installed **trains**, run the `trains-init` command for an interactive setup or edit your `trains.conf` file and make sure the `` value is configured as follows:
If you have already installed **trains**, run the `trains-init` command for an interactive setup or edit your `trains.conf` file and make sure the `` value is configured as follows:
api {
@ -221,6 +192,12 @@ api {
See [Installing and Configuring TRAINS]( for more details.
## What next?
Now that the **trains-server** is installed, and TRAINS is configured to use it,
you can [use]( TRAINS in your experiments and view them in the web server,
for example http://localhost:8080
## Upgrade
We are constantly updating, improving and adding to the **trains-server**.
@ -259,8 +236,10 @@ When we release a new version and include a new pre-built Docker image for it, u
[Server Side Public License v1.0](
**trains-server** relies *heavily* on both [MongoDB]( and [ElasticSearch](
With the recent changes in both MongoDB's and ElasticSearch's OSS license, we feel it is our job as a community to support the projects we love and cherish.
We feel the cause for the license change in both cases is more than just, and chose [SSPL]( because it is the more general and flexible of the two.
**trains-server** relies on both [MongoDB]( and [ElasticSearch](
With the recent changes in both MongoDB's and ElasticSearch's OSS license, we feel it is our responsibility as a
member of the community to support the projects we love and cherish.
We believe the cause for the license change in both cases is more than just,
and chose [SSPL]( because it is the more general and flexible of the two licenses.
This is our way to say - we support you guys!

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@ -355,7 +355,6 @@ def get_task_plots_v1_7(call, company_id, req_model):
# last_iter_count=iters,
# scroll_id=scroll_id)
# the following is a hack for Bosch, requested by Moshik
# get last 10K events by iteration and group them by unique metric+variant, returning top events for combination
result = event_bll.get_task_events(
company_id, task_id,
@ -414,7 +413,6 @@ def get_debug_images_v1_7(call, company_id, req_model):
# last_iter_count=iters,
# scroll_id=scroll_id)
# the following is a hack for Bosch, requested by Moshik
# get last 10K events by iteration and group them by unique metric+variant, returning top events for combination
result = event_bll.get_task_events(
company_id, task_id,

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ body {
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<strong>Notice!</strong> The Web-App is not yet optimized for mobile devices.
<form role="form" class='form-horizontal' name="login_form" action="/create_user" method="post">