Remove collecting task output models from Models collection during migration

This commit is contained in:
allegroai 2021-05-03 17:57:27 +03:00
parent 179661a0d4
commit 8ea8ad34e6

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@ -11,35 +11,13 @@ from .utils import _drop_all_indices_from_collections
def _migrate_task_models(db: Database):
Collect the task output models from the models collections
Move the execution and output models to new models.input and output lists
tasks: Collection = db["task"]
models: Collection = db["model"]
models_field = "models"
now = datetime.utcnow()
pipeline = [
{"$match": {"task": {"$exists": True}}},
{"$project": {"name": 1, "task": 1}},
{"$group": {"_id": "$task", "models": {"$push": "$$ROOT"}}},
output_models = f"{models_field}.{TaskModelTypes.output}"
for group in models.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True):
task_id = group.get("_id")
task_models = group.get("models")
if task_id and models:
task_models = [
{"model": m["_id"], "name": m.get("name", m["_id"]), "updated": now}
for m in task_models
{"_id": task_id, output_models: {"$in": [None, []]}},
{"$set": {output_models: task_models}},
fields = {
TaskModelTypes.input: "execution.model",
TaskModelTypes.output: "output.model",