Valeriano Manassero 9be7ad40c0
Enterprise backofflimit (#198)
* Fixed: typo

* Fixed: backoff limit

* Changed: bump up version

* Changed: helm docs update
2023-03-30 11:56:57 +02:00
ci ClearML standalone agent chart (#79) 2022-06-08 10:01:33 +02:00
templates Enterprise backofflimit (#198) 2023-03-30 11:56:57 +02:00
.helmignore ClearML standalone agent chart (#79) 2022-06-08 10:01:33 +02:00
Chart.yaml Enterprise backofflimit (#198) 2023-03-30 11:56:57 +02:00
LICENSE Apache2 License (#93) 2022-07-21 11:12:10 +02:00 Enterprise backofflimit (#198) 2023-03-30 11:56:57 +02:00 Enterprise backofflimit (#198) 2023-03-30 11:56:57 +02:00
values-enterprise-non-root-privileged.yaml Fix full name and nonroot pod template (#188) 2023-03-20 09:19:43 +01:00
values.yaml Update dependency charts (#184) 2023-03-16 08:42:27 +01:00

ClearML Kubernetes Agent

Version: 4.0.5 Type: application AppVersion: 1.24

MLOps platform Task running agent



Name Email Url


The clearml-agent is the Kubernetes agent for for ClearML. It allows you to schedule distributed experiments on a Kubernetes cluster.

Upgrading Chart

Upgrades/ Values upgrades

Updating to latest version of this chart can be done in two steps:

helm repo update
helm upgrade clearml-agent allegroai/clearml-agent

Changing values on existing installation can be done with:

helm upgrade clearml-agent allegroai/clearml-agent --version <CURRENT CHART VERSION> -f custom_values.yaml

Major upgrade from 3.* to 4.*

Before issuing helm upgrade:

  • if using securityContexts check for new value form in values.yaml (podSecurityContext and containerSecurityContext)


There are some specific Enterprise version features that can be enabled only with specific Enterprise licensed images. Enabling this features on OSS version can cause the entire installation to break.

Non root/privileged environments

This feature is available for Enterprise version only

In environments like Openshift or Tanzu it can be required to run non-root/non-privileged pods/containers. In this case it's recommended to use values-enterprise-non-root-privileged.yaml as base for override file.

Keep in mind it's not possible to install packages on non-root containers so images used for Tasks must already have python, pip and git installed.

Source Code


Kubernetes: >= 1.21.0-0 < 1.27.0-0


Key Type Default Description
agentk8sglue object {"additionalClusterRoleBindings":[],"additionalRoleBindings":[],"affinity":{},"annotations":{},"apiServerUrlReference":"","basePodTemplate":{"affinity":{},"annotations":{},"containerSecurityContext":{},"env":[],"fileMounts":[],"hostAliases":[],"initContainers":[],"labels":{},"nodeSelector":{},"podSecurityContext":{},"priorityClassName":"","resources":{},"schedulerName":"","tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]},"clearmlcheckCertificate":true,"containerCustomBashScript":"","containerSecurityContext":{},"customBashScript":"","debugMode":false,"defaultContainerImage":"ubuntu:18.04","extraEnvs":[],"fileMounts":[],"fileServerUrlReference":"","image":{"registry":"","repository":"allegroai/clearml-agent-k8s-base","tag":"1.24-21"},"labels":{},"nodeSelector":{},"podSecurityContext":{},"queue":"default","replicaCount":1,"serviceExistingAccountName":"","taskAsJob":false,"tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[],"webServerUrlReference":""} This agent will spawn queued experiments in new pods, a good use case is to combine this with GPU autoscaling nodes.
agentk8sglue.additionalClusterRoleBindings list [] additional existing ClusterRoleBindings
agentk8sglue.additionalRoleBindings list [] additional existing RoleBindings
agentk8sglue.affinity object {} affinity setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.annotations object {} annotations setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.apiServerUrlReference string "" Reference to Api server url
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate object {"affinity":{},"annotations":{},"containerSecurityContext":{},"env":[],"fileMounts":[],"hostAliases":[],"initContainers":[],"labels":{},"nodeSelector":{},"podSecurityContext":{},"priorityClassName":"","resources":{},"schedulerName":"","tolerations":[],"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]} base template for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.affinity object {} affinity setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.annotations object {} annotations setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.containerSecurityContext object {} securityContext setup for containers spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.env list [] environment variables for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.fileMounts list [] file definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.hostAliases list [] hostAliases setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.initContainers list [] initContainers definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.labels object {} labels setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.nodeSelector object {} nodeSelector setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.podSecurityContext object {} securityContext setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.priorityClassName string "" priorityClassName setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.resources object {} resources declaration for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.schedulerName string "" schedulerName setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.tolerations list [] tolerations setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.volumeMounts list [] volume mounts definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.basePodTemplate.volumes list [] volumes definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.clearmlcheckCertificate bool true Check certificates validity for evefry UrlReference below.
agentk8sglue.containerCustomBashScript string "" Custom Bash script for the Task Pods ran by Glue Agent
agentk8sglue.containerSecurityContext object {} container securityContext setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.customBashScript string "" Custom Bash script for the Agent pod ran by Glue Agent
agentk8sglue.debugMode bool false Enable Debugging logs for Agent pod
agentk8sglue.defaultContainerImage string "ubuntu:18.04" default container image for ClearML Task pod
agentk8sglue.extraEnvs list [] Extra Environment variables for Glue Agent
agentk8sglue.fileMounts list [] file definition for Glue Agent (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.fileServerUrlReference string "" Reference to File server url
agentk8sglue.image object {"registry":"","repository":"allegroai/clearml-agent-k8s-base","tag":"1.24-21"} Glue Agent image configuration
agentk8sglue.labels object {} labels setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.nodeSelector object {} nodeSelector setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.podSecurityContext object {} container securityContext setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.queue string "default" ClearML queue this agent will consume
agentk8sglue.replicaCount int 1 Glue Agent number of pods
agentk8sglue.serviceExistingAccountName string "" if set, don't create a serviceAccountName but use defined existing one
agentk8sglue.taskAsJob bool false ClearML spawn tasks as jobs instead of pods
agentk8sglue.tolerations list [] tolerations setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.volumeMounts list [] volume mounts definition for Glue Agent (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.volumes list [] volumes definition for Glue Agent (example in values.yaml comments)
agentk8sglue.webServerUrlReference string "" Reference to Web server url
clearml object {"agentk8sglueKey":"ACCESSKEY","agentk8sglueSecret":"SECRETKEY","clearmlConfig":"sdk {\n}","existingAgentk8sglueSecret":"","existingClearmlConfigSecret":""} ClearMl generic configurations
clearml.agentk8sglueKey string "ACCESSKEY" Agent k8s Glue basic auth key
clearml.agentk8sglueSecret string "SECRETKEY" Agent k8s Glue basic auth secret
clearml.clearmlConfig string "sdk {\n}" ClearML configuration file
clearml.existingAgentk8sglueSecret string "" If this is set, chart will not generate a secret but will use what is defined here
clearml.existingClearmlConfigSecret string "" If this is set, chart will not generate a secret but will use what is defined here
enterpriseFeatures object `{"agentImageTagOverride":"1.24-58","applyVaultEnvVars":true,"createQueues":false,"enabled":false,"maxPods":10,"monitoredResources":{"maxResources":0,"maxResourcesFieldName":"resources limits
enterpriseFeatures.agentImageTagOverride string "1.24-58" Image tag override for enterprise version
enterpriseFeatures.applyVaultEnvVars bool true push env vars from Clear.ML Vault to task pods
enterpriseFeatures.createQueues bool false Create queues if they don't exist
enterpriseFeatures.enabled bool false Enable/Disable Enterprise features
enterpriseFeatures.maxPods int 10 maximum concurrent consume ClearML Task pod
enterpriseFeatures.monitoredResources object `{"maxResources":0,"maxResourcesFieldName":"resources limits
enterpriseFeatures.monitoredResources.maxResources int 0 Maximum resources counter
enterpriseFeatures.monitoredResources.maxResourcesFieldName string `"resources limits
enterpriseFeatures.monitoredResources.minResourcesFieldName string `"resources limits
enterpriseFeatures.queues string nil ClearML queues and related template OVERRIDES used this agent will consume
enterpriseFeatures.serviceAccountClusterAccess bool false service account access every namespace flag
enterpriseFeatures.useOwnerToken bool true Agent must use owner Token
global object {"imageRegistry":""} Global parameters section
global.imageRegistry string "" Images registry
imageCredentials object {"email":"","enabled":false,"existingSecret":"","password":"pwd","registry":"","username":"someone"} Private image registry configuration string "" Email
imageCredentials.enabled bool false Use private authentication mode
imageCredentials.existingSecret string "" If this is set, chart will not generate a secret but will use what is defined here
imageCredentials.password string "pwd" Registry password
imageCredentials.registry string "" Registry name
imageCredentials.username string "someone" Registry username
sessions object {"dynamicSvcs":false,"externalIP":"","maxServices":20,"portModeEnabled":false,"setInteractiveQueuesTag":true,"startingPort":30000,"svcAnnotations":{},"svcType":"NodePort"} Sessions internal service configuration
sessions.dynamicSvcs bool false Enable/Disable dynamic svc for sessions pods
sessions.externalIP string "" External IP sessions clients can connect to
sessions.maxServices int 20 maximum number of NodePorts exposed
sessions.portModeEnabled bool false Enable/Disable sessions portmode WARNING: only one Agent deployment can have this set to true
sessions.setInteractiveQueuesTag bool true set interactive queue tags
sessions.startingPort int 30000 starting range of exposed NodePorts
sessions.svcAnnotations object {} specific annotations for session services
sessions.svcType string "NodePort" service type ("NodePort" or "ClusterIP" or "LoadBalancer")