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# -- Global parameters section
# -- Images registry
imageRegistry: "docker.io"
# -- Private image registry configuration
# -- Use private authentication mode
enabled: false
# -- If this is set, chart will not generate a secret but will use what is defined here
existingSecret: ""
# -- Registry name
registry: docker.io
# -- Registry username
username: someone
# -- Registry password
password: pwd
# -- Email
email: someone@host.com
# -- ClearMl generic configurations
# -- If this is set, chart will not generate a secret but will use what is defined here
existingAgentk8sglueSecret: ""
# -- Agent k8s Glue basic auth key
agentk8sglueKey: "ACCESSKEY"
# -- Agent k8s Glue basic auth secret
agentk8sglueSecret: "SECRETKEY"
# -- If this is set, chart will not generate a secret but will use what is defined here
existingClearmlConfigSecret: ""
# The secret should be defined as the following example
# apiVersion: v1
# kind: Secret
# metadata:
# name: secret-name
# stringData:
# clearml.conf: |-
# sdk {
# }
# -- ClearML configuration file
clearmlConfig: |-
sdk {
# -- This agent will spawn queued experiments in new pods, a good use case is to combine this with
# GPU autoscaling nodes.
# https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/tree/master/docker/k8s-glue
# -- Glue Agent image configuration
registry: ""
repository: "allegroai/clearml-agent-k8s-base"
tag: "1.24-21"
# -- Glue Agent number of pods
replicaCount: 1
# -- Glue Agent pod resources
resources: {}
# -- Glue Agent pod initContainers configs
# -- Glue Agent initcontainers pod resources
resources: {}
# -- if set, don't create a serviceAccountName but use defined existing one
serviceExistingAccountName: ""
# -- Check certificates validity for evefry UrlReference below.
clearmlcheckCertificate: true
# -- Reference to Api server url
apiServerUrlReference: "https://api.clear.ml"
# -- Reference to File server url
fileServerUrlReference: "https://files.clear.ml"
# -- Reference to Web server url
webServerUrlReference: "https://app.clear.ml"
# -- default container image for ClearML Task pod
defaultContainerImage: ubuntu:18.04
# -- ClearML queue this agent will consume. Multiple queues can be specified with the following format: queue1,queue2,queue3
queue: default
# -- if ClearML queue does not exist, it will be create it if the value is set to true
createQueueIfNotExists: false
# -- labels setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
labels: {}
# schedulerName: scheduler
# -- annotations setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
annotations: {}
# key1: value1
# -- Extra Environment variables for Glue Agent
extraEnvs: []
# - name: PYTHONPATH
# value: "somepath"
# -- container securityContext setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
podSecurityContext: {}
# runAsUser: 1001
# fsGroup: 1001
# -- container securityContext setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
containerSecurityContext: {}
# runAsUser: 1001
# fsGroup: 1001
# -- additional existing ClusterRoleBindings
additionalClusterRoleBindings: []
# - privileged
# -- additional existing RoleBindings
additionalRoleBindings: []
# - privileged
# -- nodeSelector setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
nodeSelector: {}
# fleet: agent-nodes
# -- tolerations setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
tolerations: []
# -- affinity setup for Agent pod (example in values.yaml comments)
affinity: {}
# -- volumes definition for Glue Agent (example in values.yaml comments)
volumes: []
# - name: "yourvolume"
# nfs:
# server:
# path: /var/nfs/mount
# -- volume mounts definition for Glue Agent (example in values.yaml comments)
volumeMounts: []
# - name: yourvolume
# mountPath: /yourpath
# subPath: userfolder
# -- file definition for Glue Agent (example in values.yaml comments)
fileMounts: []
# - name: "integration.py"
# folderPath: "/mnt/python"
# fileContent: |-
# def get_template(*args, **kwargs):
# print("args: {}".format(args))
# print("kwargs: {}".format(kwargs))
# return {
# "template": {
# }
# }
# -- base template for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
# -- labels setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
labels: {}
# schedulerName: scheduler
# -- annotations setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
annotations: {}
# key1: value1
# -- initContainers definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
initContainers: []
# - name: volume-dirs-init-cntr
# image: busybox:1.35
# command:
# - /bin/bash
# - -c
# - >
# /bin/echo "this is an init";
# -- schedulerName setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
schedulerName: ""
# -- volumes definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
volumes: []
# - name: "yourvolume"
# nfs:
# server:
# path: /var/nfs/mount
# -- volume mounts definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
volumeMounts: []
# - name: yourvolume
# mountPath: /yourpath
# subPath: userfolder
# -- file definition for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
fileMounts: []
# - name: "mounted-file.txt"
# folderPath: "/mnt/"
# fileContent: |-
# this is a test file
# with test content
# -- environment variables for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
env: []
# # to setup access to private repo, setup secret with git credentials:
# value: mygitusername
# valueFrom:
# secretKeyRef:
# name: git-password
# key: git-password
# - name: CURL_CA_BUNDLE
# value: ""
# value: "ignore:Unverified HTTPS request"
# -- resources declaration for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
resources: {}
# limits:
# nvidia.com/gpu: 1
# -- priorityClassName setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
priorityClassName: ""
# -- nodeSelector setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
nodeSelector: {}
# fleet: gpu-nodes
# -- tolerations setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
tolerations: []
# - key: "nvidia.com/gpu"
# operator: Exists
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# -- affinity setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task
affinity: {}
# -- securityContext setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
podSecurityContext: {}
# runAsUser: 1001
# fsGroup: 1001
# -- securityContext setup for containers spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
containerSecurityContext: {}
# runAsUser: 1001
# fsGroup: 1001
# -- hostAliases setup for pods spawned to consume ClearML Task (example in values.yaml comments)
hostAliases: []
# - ip: ""
# hostnames:
# - "foo.local"
# - "bar.local"
# -- Sessions internal service configuration
# -- Enable/Disable sessions portmode WARNING: only one Agent deployment can have this set to true
portModeEnabled: false
# -- specific annotations for session services
svcAnnotations: {}
# -- service type ("NodePort" or "ClusterIP" or "LoadBalancer")
svcType: "NodePort"
# -- External IP sessions clients can connect to
# -- starting range of exposed NodePorts
startingPort: 30000
# -- maximum number of NodePorts exposed
maxServices: 20