# -- ClearMl generic configurations clearml: apiAccessKey: "ClearML API Access Key" apiSecretKey: "ClearML API Secret Key" apiHost: http://clearml-server-apiserver:8008 filesHost: http://clearml-server-fileserver:8081 webHost: http://clearml-server-webserver:80 defaultBaseServeUrl: servingTaskId: "ClearML Serving Task ID" # -- ClearML serving statistics configurations clearml_serving_statistics: # -- Container Image image: repository: "allegroai/clearml-serving-statistics" tag: "1.2.0" # -- Node Selector configuration nodeSelector: {} # -- Tolerations configuration tolerations: [] # -- Affinity configuration affinity: {} # -- Pod resources definition resources: {} # -- Extra Python Packages to be installed in running pods extraPythonPackages: [] # - numpy==1.22.4 # - pandas==1.4.2 # -- ClearML serving inference configurations clearml_serving_inference: # -- Container Image image: repository: "allegroai/clearml-serving-inference" tag: "1.2.0" # -- Node Selector configuration nodeSelector: {} # -- Tolerations configuration tolerations: [] # -- Affinity configuration affinity: {} # -- Pod resources definition resources: {} # -- Extra Python Packages to be installed in running pods extraPythonPackages: [] # - numpy==1.22.4 # - pandas==1.4.2 # -- Autoscaling configuration autoscaling: enabled: false minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 11 targetCPU: 50 targetMemory: 50 # -- Ingress exposing configurations ingress: # -- Enable/Disable ingress enabled: false # -- ClassName (must be defined if no default ingressClassName is available) ingressClassName: "" # -- Ingress hostname domain hostName: "serving.clearml.127-0-0-1.nip.io" # -- Reference to secret containing TLS certificate. If set, it enables HTTPS on ingress rule. tlsSecretName: "" # -- Ingress annotations annotations: {} # -- Ingress root path url path: "/" # -- ClearML serving Triton configurations clearml_serving_triton: # -- Triton pod creation enable/disable enabled: true # -- Container Image image: repository: "allegroai/clearml-serving-triton" tag: "1.2.0-22.07" # -- Node Selector configuration nodeSelector: {} # -- Tolerations configuration tolerations: [] # -- Affinity configuration affinity: {} # -- Pod resources definition resources: {} # -- Extra Python Packages to be installed in running pods extraPythonPackages: [] # - numpy==1.22.4 # - pandas==1.4.2 # -- Autoscaling configuration autoscaling: enabled: false minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 11 targetCPU: 50 targetMemory: 50 # -- Ingress exposing configurations ingress: # -- Enable/Disable ingress enabled: false # -- ClassName (must be defined if no default ingressClassName is available) ingressClassName: "" # -- Ingress hostname domain hostName: "serving-grpc.clearml.127-0-0-1.nip.io" # -- Reference to secret containing TLS certificate. If set, it enables HTTPS on ingress rule. tlsSecretName: "" # -- Ingress annotations annotations: {} # -- Ingress root path url path: "/" # -- Configuration from https://github.com/bitnami/charts/blob/main/bitnami/kafka/values.yaml kafka: enabled: true # -- Configuration from https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/prometheus/values.yaml prometheus: enabled: true kube-state-metrics: enabled: false prometheus-node-exporter: enabled: false prometheus-pushgateway: enabled: false serverFiles: prometheus.yml: scrape_configs: - job_name: prometheus static_configs: - targets: - localhost:9090 extraScrapeConfigs: | - job_name: "{{ .Release.Name }}-stats" static_configs: - targets: - "{{ .Release.Name }}-statistics:9999" # -- Configuration from https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/grafana/values.yaml grafana: enabled: true adminUser: admin adminPassword: clearml datasources: datasources.yaml: apiVersion: 1 datasources: - name: Prometheus type: prometheus url: "http://{{ .Release.Name }}-prometheus-server" access: proxy isDefault: true