# ClearML Kubernetes Agent {{ template "chart.deprecationWarning" . }} {{ template "chart.badgesSection" . }} {{ template "chart.description" . }} {{ template "chart.homepageLine" . }} {{ template "chart.maintainersSection" . }} ## Introduction The **clearml-agent** is the Kubernetes agent for for [ClearML](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml). It allows you to schedule distributed experiments on a Kubernetes cluster. {{ template "chart.sourcesSection" . }} {{ template "chart.requirementsSection" . }} {{ template "chart.valuesSection" . }} # Upgrading Chart ### From v1.x to v2.x Chart 1.x was under the assumption that all mounted volumes would be PVC's. Version > 2.x allows for more flexibility and will inject the yaml from podTemplate.volumes and podtemplate.volumeMounts directly. v1.x ``` volumes: - name: "yourvolume" path: "/yourpath" ``` v2.x ``` volumes: - name: "yourvolume" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "yourvolume" volumeMounts: - name: "yourvolume" mountPath: "/yourpath" ```