You can also configure the **clearml-server** for:
* fixed users (users with credentials)
* non-responsive experiment watchdog settings
For detailed instructions, see the [Optional Configuration]( section in the **clearml-server** repository README file.
| apiserver.extraEnvs | list | `[]` | Api Server extra envrinoment variables |
| apiserver.image | object | `{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"allegroai/clearml","tag":"1.9.1-312"}` | Api Server image configuration |
| apiserver.indexReplicas | int | `0` | Number of additional replicas in Elasticsearch indexes |
| apiserver.indexShards | int | `1` | Number of shards in Elasticsearch indexes |
| apiserver.ingress | object | `{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"hostName":"","path":"/","tlsSecretName":""}` | Ingress configuration for Api Server component |
| apiserver.ingress.tlsSecretName | string | `""` | Reference to secret containing TLS certificate. If set, it enables HTTPS on ingress rule. |
| apiserver.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | Api Server nodeselector |
| apiserver.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | specific annotation for Api Server pods |
| apiserver.prepopulateEnabled | bool | `true` | Enable/Disable example data load |
| apiserver.processes | object | `{"count":8,"maxRequests":1000,"maxRequestsJitter":300,"timeout":24000}` | Api Server internal processes configuration |
| apiserver.processes.count | int | `8` | Api Server internal listing processes |
| apiserver.processes.maxRequests | int | `1000` | Api Server maximum number of concurrent requests |
| apiserver.processes.maxRequestsJitter | int | `300` | Api Server max jitter on api request |
| apiserver.processes.timeout | int | `24000` | Api timeout (ms) |
| apiserver.replicaCount | int | `1` | Api Server number of pods |
| apiserver.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"256Mi"}}` | Api Server resources per pod; these are minimal requirements, it's suggested to increase these values in production environments |
| apiserver.service | object | `{"nodePort":30008,"port":8008,"type":"NodePort"}` | Api Server internal service configuration |
| apiserver.service.nodePort | int | `30008` | If service.type set to NodePort, this will be set to service's nodePort field. If service.type is set to others, this field will be ignored |
| clearml.apiserverKey | string | `"GGS9F4M6XB2DXJ5AFT9F"` | Api Server basic auth key |
| clearml.apiserverSecret | string | `"2oGujVFhPfaozhpuz2GzQfA5OyxmMsR3WVJpsCR5hrgHFs20PO"` | Api Server basic auth secret |
| clearml.clientConfigurationApiUrl | string | `""` | Override the API Urls displayed when showing an example of the SDK's clearml.conf configuration |
| clearml.clientConfigurationFilesUrl | string | `""` | Override the Files Urls displayed when showing an example of the SDK's clearml.conf configuration |
| clearml.cookieDomain | string | `""` | Cookie domain to be left empty if not exposed with an ingress |
| clearml.cookieName | string | `"clearml-token-k8s"` | Name fo the UI cookie |
| clearml.defaultCompany | string | `"d1bd92a3b039400cbafc60a7a5b1e52b"` | Company name |
| enterpriseFeatures | object | `{"airGappedDocumentation":{"enabled":false,"image":{"repository":"","tag":"4"}},"apiserverImageTagOverride":"3.15.2-902","clearmlApplications":{"affinity":{},"agentKey":"GK4PRTVT3706T25K6BA1","agentSecret":"ymLh1ok5k5xNUQfS944Xdx9xjf0wueokqKM2dMZfHuH9ayItG2","basePodImage":{"repository":"","tag":"app-1.1.1-47"},"enabled":true,"extraEnvs":[],"gitAgentPass":"git_password","gitAgentUser":"git_user","image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"1.24-57"},"nodeSelector":{},"podAnnotations":{},"replicaCount":1,"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"256Mi"}},"tolerations":[]},"defaultCompanyGuid":"d1bd92a3b039400cbafc60a7a5b1e52b","enabled":false,"extraIndexUrl":"","fileserverImageTagOverride":"3.15.2-902","overrideReferenceApiUrl":"","overrideReferenceFileUrl":"","webserverImageTagOverride":"3.15.2-787"}` | Enterprise features (work only with an Enterprise license) |
| enterpriseFeatures.clearmlApplications.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | specific annotation for APPS pods |
| enterpriseFeatures.clearmlApplications.replicaCount | int | `1` | APPS number of pods |
| enterpriseFeatures.clearmlApplications.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"256Mi"}}` | APPS resources per pod; these are minimal requirements, it's suggested to increase these values in production environments |
| enterpriseFeatures.overrideReferenceApiUrl | string | `""` | set this value AND overrideReferenceFileUrl if external endpoint exposure is in place (like a LoadBalancer) example: "https://api.clearml.local" |
| enterpriseFeatures.overrideReferenceFileUrl | string | `""` | set this value AND overrideReferenceAPIUrl if external endpoint exposure is in place (like a LoadBalancer) example: "https://files.clearml.local" |
| externalServices | object | `{"elasticsearchHost":"","elasticsearchPort":9200,"mongodbConnectionString":"","redisHost":"","redisPort":6379}` | Definition of external services to use if not enabled as dependency charts here |
| fileserver.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | specific annotation for File Server pods |
| fileserver.replicaCount | int | `1` | File Server number of pods |
| fileserver.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"256Mi"}}` | File Server resources per pod; these are minimal requirements, it's suggested to increase these values in production environments |
| fileserver.service | object | `{"nodePort":30081,"port":8081,"type":"NodePort"}` | File Server internal service configuration |
| fileserver.service.nodePort | int | `30081` | If service.type set to NodePort, this will be set to service's nodePort field. If service.type is set to others, this field will be ignored |
| webserver.extraEnvs | list | `[]` | Web Server extra envrinoment variables |
| webserver.image | object | `{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"allegroai/clearml","tag":"1.9.1-312"}` | Web Server image configuration |
| webserver.ingress | object | `{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"hostName":"","path":"/","tlsSecretName":""}` | Ingress configuration for Web Server component |
| webserver.ingress.tlsSecretName | string | `""` | Reference to secret containing TLS certificate. If set, it enables HTTPS on ingress rule. |
| webserver.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | Web Server nodeselector |
| webserver.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | specific annotation for Web Server pods |
| webserver.replicaCount | int | `1` | Web Server number of pods |
| webserver.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"256Mi"}}` | Web Server resources per pod; these are minimal requirements, it's suggested to increase these values in production environments |
| webserver.service | object | `{"nodePort":30080,"port":8080,"type":"NodePort"}` | Web Server internal service configuration |
| webserver.service.nodePort | int | `30080` | If service.type set to NodePort, this will be set to service's nodePort field. If service.type is set to others, this field will be ignored |