--- title: Cleanup Service --- The [cleanup service](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/blob/master/examples/services/cleanup/cleanup_service.py) demonstrates how to use the `clearml.backend_api.session.client.APIClient` class to implement a service that deletes old archived tasks and their associated files: model checkpoints, other artifacts, and debug samples. Modify the cleanup service's parameters to specify which archived tasks to delete and when to delete them. ### Running the Cleanup Service :::info Self deployed ClearML server A template `Cleanup Service` task is available in the `DevOps Services` project. You can clone it, adapt its [configuration](#configuration) to your needs, and enqueue it for execution directly from the ClearML UI. ::: Configure the task execution by modifying the `args` dictionary: * `delete_threshold_days` - Tasks older than this number of days will be deleted. The default value is 30 days. * `cleanup_period_in_days` - Repeat the cleanup service at this interval, in days. The default value is 1.0 (run once a day). * `force_delete` - If `False` (default), delete only Draft tasks. If `True`, allows deletion of tasks in any status. * `run_as_service` - If `True` (default), the task will be enqueued for remote execution (default queue: "services"). Otherwise, the script will execute locally. :::note Remote Execution If `run_as_service` is set to `True`, make sure a `clearml-agent` is assigned to the `services` queue. ::: Now that the script is configured, execute it: ```bash python cleanup_service.py ``` A new task called `Cleanup Service` is created in the `DevOps` project on your ClearML server. The script output should look similar to: ```console ClearML Task: created new task id=8126c0af800f4903be07421aa344d7b3 ClearML results page: https://app.clear.ml/projects/608e9039/experiments/81261aa34d7b3/output/log Cleanup service started Starting cleanup Deleting 100 tasks ``` This is followed by details from the cleanup. ## The Cleanup Service Code [cleanup_service.py](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/blob/master/examples/services/cleanup/cleanup_service.py) creates an `APIClient` object that establishes a session with the ClearML Server, and accomplishes the cleanup by calling: * [`Tasks.get_all`](../../references/api/tasks.md#post-tasksget_all) to get a list of Tasks to delete, providing the following parameters: * `system_tags` - Get only Tasks tagged as `archived`. * `status_changed` - Get Tasks whose last status change is older than the delete threshold (in seconds). * [`Task.delete`](../../references/sdk/task.md#delete) - Delete a Task. ## Configuration The task's hyperparameters are explicitly logged to ClearML using the [`Task.connect()`](../../references/sdk/task.md#connect) method. View them in the WebApp, in the task's **CONFIGURATION** tab under **HYPERPARAMETERS > General**. The task can be reused. Clone the task, edit its parameters, and enqueue the task to run in ClearML Agent [services mode](../../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_services_mode.md).  ## Console All console output appears in the task's **CONSOLE** tab.