title: Explicit Reporting Tutorial

In this tutorial, learn how to extend ClearML automagical capturing of inputs and outputs with explicit reporting. 

In this example, we will add the following to the [pytorch_mnist.py](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/frameworks/pytorch/pytorch_mnist.py) 
example script from ClearML's GitHub repo:

* Setting an output destination for model checkpoints (snapshots).
* Explicitly logging a scalar, other (non-scalar) data, and logging text.
* Registering an artifact, which is uploaded to **ClearML Server**, and ClearML logs changes to it.
* Uploading an artifact, which is uploaded, but changes to it are not logged.

## Prerequisites

* The [clearml](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml) repository is cloned.
* The `clearml` package is installed.
## Before Starting

Make a copy of [`pytorch_mnist.py`](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/frameworks/pytorch/pytorch_mnist.py) 
in order to add explicit reporting to it.

cp pytorch_mnist.py pytorch_mnist_tutorial.py

## Step 1: Setting an Output Destination for Model Checkpoints

Specify a default output location, which is where model checkpoints (snapshots) and artifacts will be stored when the 
experiment runs. Some possible destinations include: 
* Local destination 
* Shared folder 
* Cloud storage: 
  * S3 EC2
  * Google Cloud Storage
  * Azure Storage. 
Specify the output location in the `output_uri` parameter of the [Task.init](../../references/sdk/task.md#taskinit) method. 
In this tutorial, we specify a local folder destination.

In `pytorch_mnist_tutorial.py`, change the code from:

task = Task.init(project_name='examples', task_name='pytorch mnist train')


model_snapshots_path = '/mnt/clearml'
if not os.path.exists(model_snapshots_path):

task = Task.init(project_name='examples', 
    task_name='extending automagical ClearML example', 

When the script runs, ClearML creates the following directory structure:

    + - <output destination name>
    |   +-- <project name>
    |       +-- <task name>.<Task Id>
    |           +-- models
    |           +-- artifacts

and puts the model checkpoints (snapshots) and artifacts in that folder.

For example, if the Task ID is `9ed78536b91a44fbb3cc7a006128c1b0`, then the directory structure will be:

    + - model_snapshots
    |   +-- examples
    |       +-- extending automagical ClearML example.9ed78536b91a44fbb3cc7a006128c1b0
    |           +-- models
    |           +-- artifacts

## Step 2: Logger Class Reporting Methods

In addition to ClearML automagical logging, the `clearml` Python
package contains methods for explicit reporting of plots, log text, media, and tables. These methods include:

* [Logger.report_histogram](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_histogram)
* [Logger.report_confusion_matrix](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_confusion_matrix)
* [Logger.report_line_plot](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_line_plot)
* [Logger.report_scatter2d](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_scatter2d)
* [Logger.report_scatter3d](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_scatter3d)
* [Logger.report_surface](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_surface) 
  (surface diagrams)
* [Logger.report_image](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_image) - Report an image and upload its contents.
* [Logger.report_table](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_table) - Report a table as a Pandas DataFrame, CSV file, 
  or URL for a CSV file.
* [Logger.report_media](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_media) - Report media including images, audio, and video.
* [Logger.get_default_upload_destination](../../references/sdk/logger.md#get_default_upload_destination) - Retrieve the destination that is set for uploaded media.

### Get a Logger

First, create a logger for the Task using the [Task.get_logger](../../references/sdk/task.md#get_logger) 

logger = task.get_logger

### Plot Scalar Metrics

Add scalar metrics using the [Logger.report_scalar](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_scalar) 
method to report loss metrics.

def train(args, model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch):
    save_loss = []
    for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
        data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
        output = model(data)
        loss = F.nll_loss(output, target)
        if batch_idx % args.log_interval == 0:
            print('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format(
                epoch, batch_idx * len(data), len(train_loader.dataset),
                        100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader), loss.item()))
            # Add manual scalar reporting for loss metrics
            logger.report_scalar(title='Scalar example {} - epoch'.format(epoch), 
                series='Loss', value=loss.item(), iteration=batch_idx)

### Plot Other (Not Scalar) Data

The script contains a function named `test`, which determines loss and correct for the trained model. We add a histogram 
and confusion matrix to log them.

def test(args, model, device, test_loader):
    save_test_loss = []
    save_correct = []
    test_loss = 0
    correct = 0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for data, target in test_loader:
            data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
            output = model(data)
            # sum up batch loss
            test_loss += F.nll_loss(output, target, reduction='sum').item()
            # get the index of the max log-probability
            pred = output.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            correct += pred.eq(target.view_as(pred)).sum().item()
    test_loss /= len(test_loader.dataset)
    print('\nTest set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.0f}%)\n'.format(
        test_loss, correct, len(test_loader.dataset),
        100. * correct / len(test_loader.dataset)))
      title='Histogram example', 
    # Manually report test loss and correct as a confusion matrix
    matrix = np.array([save_test_loss, save_correct])
      title='Confusion matrix example', 
      series='Test loss / correct', 

### Log Text

Extend ClearML by explicitly logging text, including errors, warnings, and debugging statements. We use the [Logger.report_text](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_text) 
method and its argument `level` to report a debugging message.

  'The default output destination for model snapshots and artifacts is: {}'.format(

## Step 3: Registering Artifacts

Registering an artifact uploads it to **ClearML Server**, and if it changes, the change is logged in **ClearML Server**. 
Currently, ClearML supports Pandas DataFrames as registered artifacts.

### Register the Artifact

In the tutorial script, `test` function, we can assign the test loss and correct data to a Pandas DataFrame object and register 
that Pandas DataFrame using the [Task.register_artifact](../../references/sdk/task.md#register_artifact) method.

# Create the Pandas DataFrame
test_loss_correct = {
        'test lost': save_test_loss,
        'correct': save_correct
df = pd.DataFrame(test_loss_correct, columns=['test lost','correct'])
# Register the test loss and correct as a Pandas DataFrame artifact
    'metadata string': 'apple', 
    'metadata int': 100, 
    'metadata dict': {'dict string': 'pear', 'dict int': 200}
### Reference the Registered Artifact

Once an artifact is registered, it can be referenced and utilized in the Python experiment script.

In the tutorial script, we add [Task.current_task](../../references/sdk/task.md#taskcurrent_task) and 
methods to take a sample.

# Once the artifact is registered, we can get it and work with it. Here, we sample it.
sample = Task.current_task().get_registered_artifacts()['Test_Loss_Correct'].sample(
## Step 4: Uploading Artifacts

Artifact can be uploaded to the **ClearML Server**, but changes are not logged.

Supported artifacts include: 
* Pandas DataFrames
* Files of any type, including image files
* Folders - stored as ZIP files 
* Images - stored as PNG files
* Dictionaries - stored as JSONs
* Numpy arrays - stored as NPZ files

In the tutorial script, we upload the loss data as an artifact using the [Task.upload_artifact](../../references/sdk/task.md#upload_artifact) 
method with metadata specified in the `metadata` parameter.

# Upload test loss as an artifact. Here, the artifact is numpy array
    'metadata string': 'banana', 
    'metadata integer': 300,
    'metadata dictionary': {'dict string': 'orange', 'dict int': 400}

## Additional Information

After extending the Python experiment script, run it and view the results in the **ClearML Web UI**.

python pytorch_mnist_tutorial.py

**To view the experiment results, do the following:**

1. In the **ClearML Web UI**, on the Projects page, click the examples project.
1. In the experiments table, click the **Extending automagical ClearML example** experiment.
1. In the **ARTIFACTS** tab, **DATA AUDIT** section, click **Test_Loss_Correct**. The registered Pandas DataFrame appears, 
   including the file path, size, hash, metadata, and a preview.
1. In the **OTHER** section, click **Loss**. The uploaded numpy array appears, including its related information.
1. Click the **RESULTS** tab.
1. Click the **CONSOLE** sub-tab, and see the debugging message showing the Pandas DataFrame sample.
1. Click the **SCALARS** sub-tab, and see the scalar plots for epoch logging loss.
1. Click the **PLOTS** sub-tab, and see the confusion matrix and histogram.

## Next Steps

* See the [User Interface](../../webapp/webapp_overview.md) section to learn about its features.
* See the [ClearML Python Package Reference](../../clearml_sdk.md) to learn about 
  all the available classes and methods.