--- title: Settings Page --- Use the **Settings** page to manage your ClearML account and configure your workspace settings. To navigate to the Settings page, click the button in the top right corner of the web UI screen, then click **Settings**. The Settings page consists of the following sections: * [Profile](#profile) - You basic user information * [Configuration](#configuration) - Control general system behavior settings and input storage access credentials * [Workspace](#workspace) * [ClearML credentials](#clearml-credentials) - Create client credentials for ClearML and ClearML Agent to use * [Configuration vault](#configuration-vault) (ClearML Enterprise Server) - Define global ClearML client settings that are applied to all ClearML and ClearML Agent instances (which use the workspace's access credentials) * [Users & Groups](#users--groups) - Manage the users that have access to a workspace * [Access Rules](#access-rules) (ClearML Enterprise Server) - Manage per-resource access privileges * [Usage & Billing](#usage--billing) (ClearML Hosted Service) - View current usage information and billing details ## Profile The profile tab presents user information. **To edit the username:** 1. Hover over the username 1. Click 1. Change the name 1. Click button ## Configuration ### Customizing UI Behavior Under **USER PREFERENCES**, users can set a few web UI options: * **Show Hidden Projects** - Show ClearML infrastructure projects alongside your own projects. Disabled by default. * **HiDPI browser scale override** - Adjust scaling on High-DPI monitors to improve the web UI experience. Enabled by default. * **Don't show pro tips periodically** - Stop showing ClearML usage tips on login. Disabled by default. :::note Self-hosted ClearML Server The self-hosted ClearML Server has an additional option to enable sharing anonymous telemetry data with the ClearML engineering team. ::: ### Browser Cloud Storage Access Provide cloud storage access, so the browser will be able to display your cloud stored data, such as debug samples. In the **Web App Cloud Access** section, enter the following credentials: * **Bucket** - The name of a Cloud bucket. * **Key** - The access key. * **Secret / SAS** - The secret key or shared access signature if required. * **Region** - The region for AWS S3. * **Host (Endpoint)** - The host for non-AWS S3 servers. ## Workspace ### Multiple Workspaces :::note ClearML Hosted Service Feature Multiple workspaces is only available on the ClearML Hosted Service ::: ClearML Hosted Service users can be members of multiple workspaces, which are listed under **WORKSPACE**. To switch to another workspace, click on the **SWITCH TO WORKSPACE** button next to the name of the workspace you want to switch to. ![Workspace configuration page](../img/settings_workspace_configuration.png) ### ClearML Credentials Generate ClearML credentials, made up of an access and secret key pair, and insert them into your [configuration file](../configs/clearml_conf.md) to grant the ClearML SDK and the ClearML Agent API access to the server. You can create credentials for any workspace that you are a member of. **To create ClearML credentials:** 1. In **WORKSPACE**, expand the desired workspace's panel (self-deployed ClearML Server users have one workspace) 1. In **App Credentials**, click **+ Create new credentials** 1. In the dialog that pops up, you can input a label for the new credentials The dialog displays new credentials, formatted as a ready-to-copy configuration file section (including server configuration information). ![ClearML credentials](../img/settings_configuration_creation.png) ### Changing Your Workspace Name To change the name of your own workspace, click **Edit workspace name** (under App credentials) **>** modify the name **>** click . ### Adding Users to Your Workspace To invite a user to your workspace, in the **MEMBERS** section: 1. Press the **INVITE USERS** button 1. Input the email in the dialog that pops up 1. Click **ADD** A dialog box will appear with an invitation link to send to the invited users. Existing members will receive an in-app notification informing them that they can join your workspace. After inviting users, the page will redirect to the [Users & Groups](#users--groups) section, where the pending invitations are displayed. ### Leaving a Workspace You can leave any workspace you’ve previously joined (except your personal workspace). When leaving a workspace, you lose access to its resources (tasks, models, etc.) and your previously created access credentials to that workspace are revoked. Tasks and associated artifacts that you logged to that workspace will remain in that workspace. You can rejoin the workspace only if you are re-invited. **To leave a workspace:** 1. In **WORKSPACE**, expand the desired workspace's panel 1. In **Members** **>** Click **LEAVE WORKSPACE**. ### Configuration Vault :::note Enterprise Feature This feature is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan ::: Use the configuration vault to store global ClearML configuration entries that can extend the ClearML [configuration file](../configs/clearml_conf.md) of any ClearML Agents or the ClearML SDK running with your credentials. Productivity tip: Keep the vault disabled while you edit your configuration, and enable it when the configuration is ready. New entries will extend the configuration in the ClearML [configuration file](../configs/clearml_conf.md), and existing file entries will be overridden by the vault values. Fill in values using any of ClearML supported configuration formats: HOCON / JSON / YAML. **To edit vault contents:** 1. Click **EDIT** or double click the vault box 1. Insert / edit the configurations in the vault 1. Press **OK** **To apply vault contents:** * Click the toggle atop the vault to enable / disable the configurations * Once enabled, the configurations will be merged to the configuration file during ClearML and ClearML Agent usage ## Users & Groups ClearML Hosted Service users can add users to their workspace. :::note Hosted Service Feature Inviting new teammates is only available on the ClearML Hosted Service ::: ### Users The **USERS** table lists workspace members and shows whether the maximum number of members has been reached. Each row of the table includes: * Username * User status (`Active` or `Pending`) * If the user's invitation is pending, the date the user was added * [User groups](#user-groups) (ClearML Enterprise feature) #### Inviting New Teammates To invite a user to your workspace, press the **+ INVITE USER** button, and input the email in the dialog that pops up. #### Removing Teammates To remove a user from a workspace: 1. Hover over the user's row on the table 1. Click the button Removed users lose access to your workspace’s resources (tasks, models, etc.) and their existing access credentials are revoked. Tasks and associated artifacts logged to your workspace by a removed user will remain in your workspace. The user can only rejoin your workspace when you re-invite them. ### User Groups :::important Enterprise Feature This feature is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan, as part of the [Access Rules](#access-rules) feature. ::: Administrators can define user groups, which can be used for access privilege management. Users can be assigned to multiple user groups. The system includes three pre-configured groups that can't be removed: * `Users` - All users. Can't be modified * `Admins` - Have RW access to all resources (except queue modification), and can grant users / user groups access permissions to workspace resources * `Queue admins` - Can create / delete / rename queues The user group table lists all the active user groups. Each row includes a group's name, description, and member list.