title: Custom Metadata

Metadata can be customized as needed using: **meta** dictionaries: 
* As a top-level key for metadata applying to entire frame
* In `rois` dictionaries, for metadata applying to individual ROIs.

## Usage 

### Adding Frame Metadata

When instantiating a Frame, metadata that applies for the entire frame can be
added as an argument.

from allegroai import SingleFrame

# create a frame with metadata
frame = SingleFrame(
    # insert metadata dictionary

# add metadata to the frame
frame.metadata['dangerous'] = 'no'

### Adding ROI Metadata

Metadata can be added to individual ROIs when adding an annotation to a `frame`, using the [`SingleFrame.add_annotation`](../references/hyperdataset/singleframe.md#add_annotation)

frame.add_annotation(box2d_xywh=(10, 10, 30, 20), labels=['tiger'],
                     # insert metadata dictionary