--- title: Tracking Leaderboards --- In this tutorial, we will set up a tracking leaderboard. A tracking leaderboard allows easy monitoring of experiments using a customized [experiments table](../../webapp/webapp_exp_table.md) with auto refresh for continual updates. The tracking leaderboard can be customized to include columns with information about: * Experiment status * Elapsed time since the experiment started and last updated * Most recent iteration * Metrics * Hyperparameters * And more. Bookmark the leaderboard in the browser to reuse and share the leaderboard URL with other users. For this tutorial, use one of the following as a project: * Recommended: One of your projects with more than one experiment. * A project on the demo **ClearML Server** ([https://demoapp.demo.clear.ml/profile](https://demoapp.demo.clear.ml/profile)). * Clone the [clearml](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml) repository and execute some of the example scripts. ## Step 1: Select a project The leaderboard will track experiments in one or all projects. Begin by opening the **ClearML Web UI** and selecting a project, by doing one of the following: * On the Home page, click a project card or **VIEW ALL**. * On the Projects page, click a project card or the **All projects** card. ## Step 2: Filter the experiments The experiments table allows filtering experiments by experiment name, type, and status. **Apply any combination of the following filters:** * Name - Use the search bar to find experiments containing any search term. * Type - Click the **TYPE** column's filter and then on the list select any of the following: * **Training** * **Testing** * **Controller** * **Data Processing** * And others, depending on the types of tasks in the project * Status - Click the **STATUS** column's filter and then on the list select any of the following: * **Draft** - The experiment is not running. * **Pending** - The experiment is in a queue waiting to be run by a worker. * **Running** - The experiment is currently running by a worker. * **Completed** - The experiment ran and terminated successfully. * **Failed** - The experiment ran and terminated with an error. * **Aborted** - The experiment ran and was manually or programmatically terminated. * **Published** - The experiment is not running, it is preserved as read-only. ## Step 3: Hide the defaults column Customize the columns on the tracking leaderboard by hiding any of the default columns shown below. **To select the defaults, do the following:** 1. Click settings. 1. Select / clear any combination of the default columns from the following: * **TYPE** - The type of experiment: training, testing, or other, depending on the types of experiments in the project. * **NAME** - The name of the experiment. * **STATUS** - The status of the experiment. * **PROJECT** - The project name. * **USER** - The user creating or running the experiment. * **STARTED** - The elapsed time since the experiment started running. * **UPDATED** - The elapsed time since the experiment update. * **ITERATION** - The last iteration of the experiment. For experiments with a status of Running, this is the most recent iteration. For Completed, Aborted, and Failed experiments, this is the final iteration. ## Step 4: Show metrics or hyperparameters The leaderboard can contain any combination of metrics and hyperparameters. For each metric, choose whether to view the last (most recent), minimum, and / or maximum values. **To select metrics or hyperparameters:** 1. Click settings. 1. For metrics, click **+ METRIC**, expand a metric category, and then select the metric checkboxes of those to show in the leaderboard, and select the metric values (min / max / last). 1. For hyperparameters, click **+ HYPER PARAMETERS**, and then select the hyperparameter checkboxes of those to show in the leaderboard. ## Step 5: Enable auto refresh Auto refresh allows monitoring the progress of experiments in real time. It is enabled by default. **To enable / disable auto refresh:** * Hover over refresh and then check / uncheck the **Auto Refresh** checkbox. ## Step 6: Save the tracking leaderboard The URL for **ClearML Web UI** now contains parameters and values for the customized leaderboard. Bookmark it to be able to return to the leaderboard and monitor the experiments. :::important Share the leaderboard with another user by copying and sharing the URL. :::