title: Remote IDE

Machine Learning and Deep Learning development is sometimes more challenging than traditional software development. If 
you are working on an average laptop or computer, and you have a sizeable dataset that requires significant computation, 
your local machine may not be able to provide you with the resources for an effective workflow.

If you can run and debug your code on your own machine, congrats you are lucky! Continue doing that, then clone your code 
in the UI and send it for long-term training on a remote machine.

**If you are not that lucky**, this section is for you :)

ClearML provides tools that allow you to launch remote sessions and to execute code on a remote machine that better 
meets resource needs:
* [Clearml Session CLI](apps/clearml_session.md) - Launch an interactive JupyterLab, VS Code, and SSH session on a remote machine:
  * Automatically store and sync your [interactive session workspace](apps/clearml_session.md#storing-and-synchronizing-workspace)
  * Replicate a previously executed task's execution environment and [interactively execute and debug](apps/clearml_session.md#starting-a-debugging-session) it on a remote session
  * Develop directly inside your Kubernetes pods ([see ClearML Agent](clearml_agent/clearml_agent_deployment_k8s.md))
  * And more! 
* GUI Applications (available under ClearML Enterprise Plan) - These apps provide access to remote machines over a 
  secure and encrypted SSH connection, allowing you to work in a remote environment using your preferred development 
  * [SSH Session](webapp/applications/apps_ssh_session.md) - Launch a full development environment with a detached interactive SSH session on a remote machine
  * [JupyterLab](webapp/applications/apps_jupyter_lab.md) - Launch a JupyterLab session on a remote machine 
  * [VS Code](webapp/applications/apps_vscode.md) - Launch a VS Code session on a remote machine 

:::info Remote PyCharm
You can also work with PyCharm in a remote session over SSH. Use the [PyCharm Plugin](guides/ide/integration_pycharm.md) 
to automatically sync local configurations with a remote session.