title: SingleFrames

A `SingleFrame` contains metadata pointing to raw data, and other metadata and data, which supports experimentation and 
ClearML Enterprise's Git-like Hyper-Dataset versioning.

## Frame Components

A `SingleFrame` contains the following components:
* [Sources](#sources)
* [Annotations](#annotation)
* [Masks](#masks)
* [Previews](#previews)
* [Metadata](#metadata)

### Sources
Every `SingleFrame` includes a [`sources`](sources.md) dictionary, which contains attributes of the raw data, including:
* URI pointing to the source data (image or video)
* Sources for masks used in semantic segmentation
* Image previews, which are thumbnails used in the WebApp (UI).

For more information, see [Sources](sources.md).

### Annotation
Each `SingleFrame` contains a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary includes information about a specific annotation. 

Two types of annotations are supported: 
* **FrameGroup objects** - label for Regions of Interest (ROIs) 
* **FrameGroup labels** - labels for the entire frame 

For more information, see [Annotations](annotations.md).

### Masks
A `SingleFrame` includes a URI link to a mask file if applicable. Masks correspond to raw data where the objects to be 
detected in raw data are marked with colors in the masks.

For more information, see [Masks](masks.md).

### Previews 
`previews` is a dictionary containing metadata for optional thumbnail images that can be used in the ClearML Enterprise WebApp (UI) 
to view selected images in a Hyper-Dataset. `previews` includes the `uri` of the thumbnail image.

For more information, see [Previews](previews.md).

### Metadata
`metadata` is a dictionary with general information about the `SingleFrame`.

For more information, see [Custom Metadata](custom_metadata.md).

## Frame Structure

The panel below describes the details contained within a `frame`:

<details className="cml-expansion-panel info">
<summary className="cml-expansion-panel-summary">Frame Structure</summary>
<div className="cml-expansion-panel-content">

* `id` (*string*) - The unique ID of this frame. 
* `blob` (*string*) - Raw data.
* `context_id` (*string*) - Source URL.
* `dataset` (*dict*) - The Hyper-Dataset and version containing the frame.

    * `id` - ID of the Hyper-Dataset.
    * `version` - ID of the version.

* `meta` (*dict*) - Frame custom metadata. Any custom key-value pairs (`sources` and `rois` can also contain a meta 
  dictionary for custom key-value pairs associated with individual sources and rois). See [Custom Metadata](custom_metadata.md).

* `num_frames`

* `rois` (*[dict]*) - Metadata for annotations, which can be Regions of Interest (ROIs) related to this frame's source data, 
  or frame labels applied to the entire frame (not a region). ROIs are labeled areas bounded by polygons or labeled RGB 
  values used for object detection and segmentation. See [Annotations](annotations.md).

    * `id` - ID of the ROI.
    * `confidence` (*float*) - Confidence level of the ROI label (between 0 and 1.0). 
    * `labels` (*[string]*)
        * For [FrameGroup objects](annotations.md#frame-objects) (Regions of Interest), these are the labels applied to the ROI. 
        * For [FrameGroup labels](annotations.md#frame-labels), this is the label applied to the entire frame. 
    * `mask` (*dict*) - RGB value of the mask applied to the ROI, if a mask is used (for example, for semantic segmentation). 
      The ID points to the source of the mask.
        * `id` - ID of the mask dictionary in `sources`.
        * `value` - RGB value of the mask.
    * `poly` (*[int]*) - Bounding area vertices.
    * `sources` (*[string]*) - The `id` in the `sources` dictionary which relates an annotation to its raw data source.

* `sources` (*[dict]*) - Sources of the raw data in this frame. For a SingleFrame this is one source. For a FrameGroup, 
  this is multiple sources. See [Sources](sources.md). 

    * `id` - ID of the source.
    * `uri` - URI of the raw data.
    * `width` - Width of the image or video.
    * `height` - Height of the image or video.
    * `mask` - Sources of masks used in the `rois`.
        * `id` - ID of the mask source. This relates a mask source to an ROI.
        * `content_type` - The type of mask source. For example, `image/jpeg`.
        * `uri` - URI of the mask source.
        * `timestamp`
    * `preview` - URI of the thumbnail preview image used in the ClearML Enterprise WebApp (UI)
    * `timestamp` - For images from video, a timestamp that indicates the absolute position of this frame from the source (video). 
      For example, if video from a camera on a car is taken at 30 frames per second, it would have a timestamp of 0 for 
      the first frame, and 33 for the second frame. For still images, set this to 0.
* `saved_in_version` - The version in which the frame is saved.
* `saved` - The epoch time that the frame was saved.
* `timestamp` - For images from video, a timestamp that indicates the absolute position of this frame from the source (video).


## WebApp 

A frame that has been connected to the ClearML Enterprise platform is available to view and analyze on the 
WebApp (UI). 

When viewing a frame on the WebApp, all the information associated with it can be viewed, including its frame labels and
object annotations, its metadata, and other details.

<details className="cml-expansion-panel screenshot">
<summary className="cml-expansion-panel-summary">SingleFrame in the WebApp frame viewer</summary>
<div className="cml-expansion-panel-content">

This image shows a SingleFrame in the ClearML Enterprise WebApp (UI) [frame viewer](webapp/webapp_datasets_frames.md#frame-viewer). 


<details className="cml-expansion-panel info">
<summary className="cml-expansion-panel-summary">SingleFrame details represented in the WebApp</summary>
<div className="cml-expansion-panel-content">

    id : "287024"
    timestamp : 0
    rois : Array[2] [
            "label":["tennis racket"],
    sources : Array[1] [
    dataset : Object 
    context_id : https://s3.amazonaws.com/allegro-datasets/coco/train2017/000000287024.jpg
    saved : 1598982880693
    saved_in_version : "6ad8b10c668e419f9dd40422f667592c"
    num_frames : 1


For more information about using Frames in the WebApp, see [Working with Frames](webapp/webapp_datasets_frames.md). 

## Usage

### Creating a SingleFrame

To create a [`SingleFrame`](../references/hyperdataset/singleframe.md), instantiate a `SingleFrame` class and populate it with:
* The URI link to the source file of the data frame
* A preview URI that is accessible by browser, so you will be able to visualize the data frame in the web UI

from allegroai import SingleFrame

frame = SingleFrame(

There are also options to populate the instance with:
* Dimensions - `width` and `height`
* General information about the frame - `metadata`
* A dictionary of annotation objects - `annotations`
* A URI link to a mask file for the frame - `mask_source`

For more information, see the `SingleFrame` class description.

### Adding SingleFrames to a Dataset Version

Use the [`DatasetVersion.add_frames`](../references/hyperdataset/hyperdatasetversion.md#add_frames) method to add 
SingleFrames to a [Dataset version](dataset.md#dataset-versioning) (see [Creating snapshots](dataset.md#creating-snapshots) 
or [Creating child versions](dataset.md#creating-child-versions)). Frames that are already a part of the dataset version 
will only be updated. 

Use the `upload_retries` parameter to set the number of times the upload of a frame should be retried in case of failure, 
before marking the frame as failed and continuing to upload the next frames. The method returns a list of frames that 
were not successfully registered or uploaded. 

from allegroai import DatasetVersion, SingleFrame

# a frames list is required for adding frames
frames = []

# create a frame
frame = SingleFrame(


# add frame to the Dataset version

### Accessing SingleFrames
To access a SingleFrame, use the [`DatasetVersion.get_single_frame`](../references/hyperdataset/hyperdatasetversion.md#datasetversionget_single_frame) 

from allegroai import DatasetVersion
frame = DatasetVersion.get_single_frame(
    dataset_name='MyDataset', # OR dataset_id='80ccb3ae11a74b91b1c6f25f98539039' 
    version_name='SingleFrame' # OR version_id='b07b626e3b6f4be7be170a2f39e14bfb'

To access a SingleFrame, the following must be specified:
* `frame_id`, which can be found in the WebApp, in the frame's **FRAMEGROUP DETAILS** 
* The frame's dataset - either with `dataset_name` or `dataset_id`
* The dataset version - either with `version_id` or  `version_name`

### Updating SingleFrames

To update a SingleFrame: 
* Access the SingleFrame by calling the [`DatasetVersion.get_single_frame`](../references/hyperdataset/hyperdatasetversion.md#datasetversionget_single_frame) 
* Make changes to the frame
* Update the frame in a DatasetVersion using the [`DatasetVersion.update_frames`](../references/hyperdataset/hyperdatasetversion.md#update_frames) 

frames = []                

# get the SingleFrame
frame = DatasetVersion.get_single_frame(
# make changes to the frame
## add a new annotation
    poly2d_xy=[154, 343, 209, 343, 209, 423, 154, 423],
    metadata={'alive': 'no'}, 
## add metadata
frame.meta['road_hazard'] = 'yes'
# update the SingeFrame


### Deleting Frames

To delete a SingleFrame, use the [`DatasetVersion.delete_frames`](../references/hyperdataset/hyperdatasetversion.md#delete_frames) 

frames = []                

# get the SingleFrame
frame = DatasetVersion.get_single_frame(

# delete the SingleFrame