title: Version 0.10

**Trains** is now **ClearML**.

### Trains 0.10.7

**Features and Bug Fixes**

* Artifacts support.
* Removed apache-libcloud from requirements.
* `trains-init` now verifies credentials against the trains-server installation.

### Trains 0.10.6

**Features and Bug Fixes**

* Fix broken (v0.10.5) Keras Binding support.

### Trains 0.10.5

**Features and Bug Fixes**

* Add GPU monitoring support (add gpustat package to extras_require).
* Install with GPU monitoring support: 
  pip install trains[gpu]
* Move all cloud storage package requirements to extras_require. Install with specific cloud provider support:

    * Microsoft Azure support: 
      pip install trains[azure]
    * Google Storage support: 
      pip install trains[gs]
    * Amazon S3 support: 
      pip install trains[s3]
    * Combine Cloud support with GPU monitoring. For example, install S3 and GPU using the following command:
      pip install trains[s3,gpu]
* Improve stability with intermittent network connection.
* Support upgrading trains-server while running training jobs without losing log data.

### Trains 0.10.4

**Features and Bug Fixes**

* Replace opencv-python with the more standard Pillow package.
* Improve matplotlib support (custom axis ticks).
* Improve Python package detection.

### Trains 0.10.3

**Features and Bug Fixes**

* Add scikit-learn support (load/store using joblib) ([GitHub Issue #20](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/20)).
* Add xgboost support ([GitHub Issue #10](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/10)).
* Add loguru support ([GitHub Issue #29](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/29)).
* Add sub-domain support [trains.conf](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/blob/master/docs/trains.conf#L3) ([GitHub Issue #27](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/27)).
* Fix sub-process support.
* Fix multiple TensorBoard writers ([GitHub Issue #26](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/26)).

### Trains 0.10.2

**Features and Bug Fixes**

* Add Matplotlib SVG support.
* Add Seaborn support.
* Add `TRAINS_LOG_ENVIRONMENT` environment logging ([GitHub trains Issue 17](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/17#issuecomment-507398767)).
* Add Microsoft Azure notebook support.
* Add Google Colab support.
* Fix TensorBoard RGB channel order.

### Trains 0.10.1

**Features and Bug Fixes**

* Fix Jenkins CI/CD support.

### Trains 0.10.0

* Experiment code execution detection
* Automatically create package requirements section (including used versions).
* Automatically detect and store source code uncommitted changes.
* Improve Jupyter Notebook support
  * Automatically convert notebook to Python script (stored under uncommitted changes).
  * Automatically update used packages in Jupyter Notebook (including used versions).
* Add resource monitoring to experiment metrics
* Sample every 500ms, averaged over 30 seconds.
* CPU, network, I/O, memory, and other resources.
* For GPU support please install gpustat.
(currently not part of the requirements due to gpustat compatibility issues with Windows).
  pip install gpustat
* Automatically stop inactive tasks (default: 2 hours)
* Improve visibility 
* Finer status definitions: Identify successful completion vs. user aborted.
* Experiment plot comparison: Ensure different colors for different experiments.
* Parse newline character in experiment description.
* Show experiment start time in table display.
* Add vertical guide in scalar plots.
* Move hyperparameters to the designated tab.
* "Admin" section now named "Profile".